
Just as the mechanism was switched to its highest setting, the ship began to pick up speed and put some distance between them and the Sea King.

The Sea King did not give up its pursuit of the ship and increased its speed while slowly gaining closer with every passing moment.

In the sea it could be seen on the top of the water making a serpent like movement as it swam with half of its body floating above the sea and its face facing towards its target with its large mouth wide open revealing its large sharp teeth.

Carrot jumped down looking a little fearful and shouted. "It is getting closer!"

Alyssia looked towards the distance and then back at the approaching Sea King then decided the next course of action. "Man the cannons! Me and Nica will take aim and the rest will help with firing and reloading them while one stays to control the steering."

The minks began to move swiftly as the dog and rabbit mink helped with the back cannons of the ship and the bear mink was at the helm of the ship keeping it going towards the West Blue.

Alyssia aimed the cannons along with a Nica and spoke. "Use ordinary cannonballs for now! First warning shot ready to fire in three, two, one!"

Alyssia made full use of her sniper skill, high spirit base stat, beast sense and newly awakened beginner grade observation haki to sense the changes and movements of the large serpent and aimed the cannon. "Fire!"

"Bang!" A cannonball was release and flew towards the serpent-like face of the Sea King but it landed just a little in front of it and splashed it with water.

The Sea King instead of feeling intimidated or warned to back off became more irritated and ignored that it was almost hit by a cannonball.

Alyssia sighed as she spoke. "As intelligent creatures I figured that they would realise that we wish for no trouble and back off after the warning but instead it has been provoked further. It must be of a lower intelligence than the much older or larger Sea Kings out in the world. Nica! Adjust your cannon slightly to the left and be ready to fire in five seconds! Help me reload my cannon and set it up for another shot."

Although her control over her observation haki was non existent and she had yet to be able to use it upon command she still tried to train and hone it during certain times of combat or danger.

Now was also a chance to better get a chance to combine her stats and various skills and physics knowledge together so that she could make a more accurate shot from afar and hit the target after her warning shot even if her observation did not always work.

The time had passed and suddenly there was another "Bang!" as the cannon fired another shot.

This one was not a warning shot but instead hit the target directly.

The force from the shot and the heavy cannonball made the Sea King stop for a moment until it shrugged off the pain and the small injury caused to its body then began its pursuit once more.

Instead of a warning shot this time they were aimed to slow down its movements or make it give up.

It raised its head and let out an intimidating howl to the sky and just as it did so, Alyssia had taken aim with her cannon while guessing its next move.

The ship was still moving at a high speed and getting closer and closer but around ten minutes were still required to get to safety within the West Blue.

Another shot was fired upon the Sea King as it had not given up chasing them, this time hitting it in the side of the face before bouncing past its head and falling into the sea.

A determined look appeared in Alyssia's eyes and she pushed herself to the limit of concentration. "Up a little more and fire in 10 seconds! Reload my cannon and be ready to fire as soon as possible."

This pattern continued for another seven to eight minutes as they got closer, sometimes the cannonballs hit dead on the target and other times it barely hit but only left a small scrape on its body as it hit its side and then passed by.

The serpents eyes were now red with rage as it was going berserk chasing them down.

Luckily they were able to create some distance each time they hit it dead on with a cannonball so it was not close enough to cause damage but it once again let out a howl but this time it sounded a little strange.

Almost like guessing it's intentions Alyssia grit her teeth and yelled towards the Helm. "Set the power beyond its limits for the last couple of minutes and go into overdrive! I don't care if it is damaged! We can fix it later!"

She fired off another cannon and then said. "I think it is calling for help. These final minutes will show whether we are able to survive or we will be destroyed so I want your full support!"

With each passing moment the serpent was getting closer and it continued to ignore the injuries that it was taking but it's cries began to attract several larger Sea Kings that were emerging from under the sea.

Feeling a sense of crisis her mind turned quickly and then shouted. "Do not aim for the big ones! We cannot afford to provoke them further even if they chase us. Just aim for the serpent and keep it away!"

Nica took aim once again and got more adjusted to how the cannons were working and no longer needed Alyssia telling her how to adjust her shot.

As her cannonball hit the target and made the serpent falter a little again she gave a cheeky monkey grin and spoke. "I estimate that this is our victory."

Alyssia shook her head. "Never use your calculations to determine things we have yet to understand. Do not lose focus until the end."

She took aim once again and fired another cannonball. "The cannonball supplies are depleting what do we have left?"

Tristan checked and came back to report with slight worry in her voice. "We are running low and almost out even after just this short journey. What do we do if we run out?"

Alyssia retorted. "It's worth it if we can hold them off and get across the Calm Belt in one piece. We may have to ready the harpoons if it gets any closer."

Carrot grinned as she watched the large sea creatures chasing them down with a look of excitement in her eyes instead of fear. "I wonder if they are tough…"

Nica turned to look at her for a moment as if looking at an idiot and replied. "They can stand up to a cannon with their thick skin or scales and shrug it off.. and that is just the small to medium sized serpent that has been chasing us. I would not dare to imagine the power and endurance the bigger ones would be capable of. I have to test to see if my bullets would pierce them later though… if they can't then I need to improve them."

The crew all were surprised by the Sea King that had continued to chase and endure so many cannonballs, even Alyssia who had knowledge of this beforehand from the manga or anime couldn't help but watch these creatures in wonder and fascination.

The larger Sea Kings continued to chase behind but they seemed to keep a certain distance so that they could try to assist the serpent to avoid the cannonballs a little better and help him catch his prey without taking its kill or chance at revenge.

Alyssia who saw this couldn't help but think. 'So there is honour among Sea Kings? Or is it just them teaching the weak how to hunt?"

Not that she cared about any of that so long as it gave her the chance to escape without their interference.

As the ship went past its maximum capacity it sped up and continued towards the location of the seas where she could see more frequent changes in weather and a more chaotic sea that was not as still as the Calm Belt.

Another order was given. "It's the final challenge. All we need to do is pass this final moment. Bring up the sails once again and get ready to enter the West Blue."

As if sensing their impending victory the big Sea Kings had a look of boredom in their eyes and they gradually lost interest in the chase so they slowed down a little.

The serpent continued to move forward in pursuit of them even after losing his support and howled again.

However the Sea Kings seemed to ignore its cries for help and looked on as it began to leave the Calm Belt along with the ship.