
After discarding the staff, she jumped up to catch a simple pole like staff and as she was coming down again she struck it downwards towards someone who wished to attack before she landed but after wielding it a couple of times she felt that it was too thin, light and it also had less of a firm grip.

She swung it again up and down towards her enemies and sometimes to the side or behind eliminating one or many pirates at once who were on the weaker side and poorly armed but she still felt uncomfortable and yelled. "Continue!"

This time the staff landed after she blocked a sword slash from the side with her staff and kicked another enemy to her other side.

Just as her kick landed the staff fell by her and she pushed the staff in her hands towards the opponents sword and pushed him back.

During this break she discarded that staff and picked up the new one to begin blocking oncoming attacks, sweeping and thrusting away her opponents or using her staff to balance her body while in combat.

Sometimes she would add a kick to her combinations while she was slowly gaining a little more familiarity the more that she would switch between a new staff and continued to fight and integrate her previous experiences and skills into her body and the staff to enhance her combat prowess.

A look of excitement appeared in her eyes as she had found the one that best suited her among the many of them.

The style and shape of it was designed mostly for acrobatics, spinning and vaulting using high jumps, leaps and long jumps but also in various other ways during combat to attack and defend but there are also techniques that require the staff to be spun around.

The basis of staff spinning is to use your hands and body to move a staff around. However this staff design seemed to flip that all on its head, literally.

The design seemed to use the staff to flip, twist and roll her through the air and even up/along walls so it quite suited her current skills that she had learned but also the new Acrobat skill that was being stored in the system.

It felt super light but was proven to be extremely durable and flexible.

The staff has an extra steel weight and a rubber ending on each side for better grip on the ground and to protect the staff from abrasion but there were always going to be other options to use besides rubber so that it could conduct Electro freely.

There is also a step point on the staff to help some parkour movement. [1]

The more she used it the more familiarity she gained with it and she was able to put more ideas into practice that she had came up with in the past or remembered from several more famous staff or pole arm users that also use kicking as a focus like Sai of the Happo Navy who also has high acrobatic skills and also Vergo who has a similar style of combat but uses a bamboo type of staff and is more focussed on the marines style of combat which is more polished and specialised towards the six styles.

After combining her lower body skills with her staff, parkour or climbing and acrobat skills she may be able to figure out her own path but for now she could only copy various moves that she had seen from the manga.

Copying the basic concept behind the move used against Lao G she vaulted herself up into the air towards the captain of the pirates suddenly and got some air for a little while.

The sudden approach caught the captain off guard as her heel descended down onto the top of his head suddenly.

Previously after his failure to shoot her, he was targeted by Nica from afar and was wounded.

As he tried to enter the fight he was fired at many times until he dropped his axe and lost a lot of blood.

Just as he regained his fighting spirit after quickly wrapping his wounds he was caught off guard as a heel descended from above and came down upon the top of his head.

The strike was powerful enough to knock him out but even kill him if she hadn't held back a little.

Right away many ideas came to Alyssia's mind on how to modify her staff and what kind of attachments to make to it along with the shape, length, width and what kind of materials should be used.

However instead of dealing with her many ideas and things that were swirling around in her mind she had to focus on the present situation as her crew were grabbing some ropes to tie up the badly injured pirates.

Alyssia sighed at their naive thinking and ordered them all. "Check their clothes, mouths and even their shoes for any hidden knives or objects and take away anything of value they have on their bodies. Get the location of their ship and be ready to hand them over to the locals for a reward. One or two of them must have a bounty on their head even if it is little."

Although she knew that they were small time pirates with an overused name they still may be worth something if handed over to a place that collects bounties whether it is a marine post or a broker that handles it for others.

Alyssia had an eye for an eye mentality when it came to these pirates, if they wished to rob her then she felt that it was fine to do the same.

Their treasures may be found or stolen from others but once they lost to her and her crew they became her property.

It would also serve as a warning to others that she is no pushover.

[1]roughly like this kind of design or shape