Alyssia vs Boo

Just as she had bowed and collected the skills that she wanted, Alyssia opened her eyes once again and spoke. "Alyssia Lucine greets the Chinjao family."

Chinjao did not display any sign of emotion on his face as he observed the young lady in front of him while his two grandsons watched from the side quietly. "So.. you wish for me to take you under me and provide you with some training?"

Alyssia responded calmly. "Yes, I am in need of training to perfect my martial arts and grow stronger."

Chinjao closed his eyes and then sighed. "Fine. I will do it but do not expect me to go soft on you. First you will fight my grandsons to find out what stage you are at and then after assessing you, I will decide on your training. This time you have no need to hold back your strength."

Alyssia was very excited to experience the techniques and clash against them.

After studying and training in it for a short time, she still requires some experience to observe and feel out the technique first hand to gain further insights.

As excited as she was, she maintained her composure and calmly followed them towards the training grounds.

Upon reaching the destination, Boo stepped forward and said. "You will have to fight me first."

Alyssia calmly watched her opponent and took a fighting stance. "I accept and am ready to fight."

Chinjao waved his hand to signal the start of the fight while Sai stood back to watch.

Just as the battle began, Boo threw a large axe right towards her to make the first move in the fight.

After starting with a lethal move right from the start, he moved closer towards Alyssia who quickly moved out of the way of the axe.

Although he seemed to have gained the advantage in the fight from his first move, Alyssia moved quickly to the side and then towards him as she lowered her body to dodge to next axe swing.

It narrowly missed her and what followed was a kick towards his stomach as she turned her body to knock him off balance with a pushing side kick.

Boo took the hit and was pushed back a little but seemed not to be suffering too much as he moved forward in close range to begin attacking and putting Alyssia under a lot of pressure once again.

The next axe swing was towards her waist but she jumped up high and spun her body as she travelled over the axe, her body spun around and her heel came into contact with the side of his face.

Now that she was able to use her full strength against others, she was able to use her instincts and speed to grasp many advantages that were given to her.

Her opponents wide axe swings were easy to predict so she was able to avoid it and counter attack very quickly.

However when she was up against Boo, she had to be careful to not get too close to his elbow when she is unable to build up enough strength at a close range to counter his main attack.

His tactic was to hit her with the axe and if she attempts to break past it his arm that had completed the swing of the axe would come back and his elbow would go towards his opponent.

However Alyssia had decided to take up an approach where she would land quick kicks with not a lot of power and spin behind it but also much smaller movements.

After completing the kick, she quickly moved out of range as Boo began to stabilise himself.

Through many years of tough training, even if he slacked on his training he had developed a tough body capable of enduring strong attacks.

Ignoring the sharp pain on the side of his face, he pushed forward towards Alyssia who was regaining her footing on the ground and swung the axe around in the opposite direction but this time he released the axe from his hand.

Alyssia leapt out of the direction of it and rolled across the ground and back onto her feet when suddenly she ran directly towards him before he could grab his final axe from his back.

This time as he went to reach towards his back, he noticed that she was getting close so gave up on his decision and struck towards her with his elbow creating a shockwave.

His elbow came down from above as Alyssia countered with a high heel kick.

The speed that she had built up during the short distance and the slight spin of her body let her gain enough power behind her kick.

After reading through the advantages and disadvantages of the Eight Impact Fist, she found one way to directly counter the technique.

The Eight Impact Fist creates a shockwave that can be used to defeat strong enemies and break through shields and armour but there is a way to beat it and that is with brute strength during a direct confrontation or simply avoiding or redirecting the attacks direction away from herself.

Garp was able to do this with a fist to be able to break through the completed version using his drill shaped head but during this battle Alyssia knew that his technique was still incomplete and not up to the level of his brother or grandfather so she did not need to fear a direct confrontation.

The shockwave began to become more chaotic the longer that they had stayed in contact as their confrontation continued.

Meanwhile Chinjao and Sai looked on observing the power confrontation carefully.

What surprised them the most was that someone who was at the age of sixteen was directly clashing with Boo who had trained with their families martial arts from a young age and gained a lot of experiences in combat but despite their age gap, she was not losing out on this confrontation so far.

In fact she seemed to be testing things out and correcting any bad habits or failures that she had previously found herself to have during the battle against him and adapting to Boo's style of fighting that traps his opponents at a close range after they have broken past his axe, lessening the power that can be built up before his opponents can either try to escape or face the direct confrontation against his elbow strike.

Most would fall victim to this trap and be unable to gain enough power behind their kicks or punches to counter the Eight Impact Fist for their current position but Alyssia's approach was to enter within his range and disrupt his rhythm before retreating again then repeating this cycle.

Their first clash ended with both of them being pushed back from the centre of the clash between them however Chinjao caught the glow of excitement in Alyssia's eyes as if she had gained something big from that clash.

Boo took some steps back and looked flustered as he removed the final axe from his back and charged at her again swinging from above but Alyssia had been quick to avoid it as it slammed into the ground creating a huge cut on the training grounds flooring.

As if sensing something wrong, he immediately stepped back and let go of his grip on it as a slim figure stepped onto the axes handle that was secured in place and used it as something to get a higher ground and something to jump from.

This time as she was coming down she performed a downward crescent kick that clashed against Boo's elbow.

However something seemed a little strange…

As if two forces that were of the same nature clashed against one another but one of them was only so miniature that normally nobody would have noticed.

However Chinjao's eyes did not miss it as he thought. 'This is a special talent that must be cultivated at all costs but it is dangerous to pass on our families martial arts to her… or would it instead be beneficial to us? Would she be able to take our martial arts to a higher place and really beat Garp one day like she promised?'

A look of conflict was on his face for a moment but he discussed it very quickly as he watched the conclusion of the fight.

Several clashes happened just like this with various changes of tactics and use of the environment to create more chances to gain an advantage.

Sometimes Boo would be able to get into a position where he could retrieve one of his axes after the direct confrontation and then the hit and run tactics would begin again from Alyssia to wear him down until he threw it away or had to discard it after missing his axe swing.

With each clash between his Eight Impact Fist using his elbow and Alyssia's foot, they always seemed to hold out until they were forced to separate but every time they did, Alyssia seemed to have shown less and less use of the strength that she had used on their first clash but strangely enough she was still not losing out.

It was like a predator playing with its food and getting its amusement from it until it devoured the fish when it only had one use left.

Alyssia was clashing against the Eight Impact Fist of Boo and gaining more understanding of it and was grasping the feeling behind it.

With every clash, she was improving little by little and being able to lessen the amount of her strength so that she could continue the fight to gain a greater mastery of it.

The battle went on like this for a while until she finally became serious and overpowered him, breaking past his elbow strike and towards his chin.

Alyssia had finished experimenting and getting a feel for the technique first hand and now decided to harvest the points that she would gain from defeating him.