Boin Archipelago #2

The leader quickly ripped his clothes and wrapped them around his wound. "Do not worry, it was a surprise attack and we know of his abilities so it is easy to defeat him. Just do not let him see what you have and subdue him with your bodies."

Many behind him became a little hesitant since it had come to a battle but once they had sided with him, they felt that they had to stick to their decision.

They quickly approached and tried to find a way to dodge the incoming weapons flying at them but something unusual took place.

Jester kept his large smile on his face but his eyes held a slight bit of amusement. "Fools… "

He keenly used his Observation Haki to track those coming forward to attack him and attempting to avoid the oncoming throwing weapons of different types whether it be kunai, throwing knives, throwing needles or throwing stars and stretched out his hands. "Snatch! Snatch!"

He followed up by throwing the newly appeared weapons and continued to move around the ship with his acrobatic skills while continuing to practice his ability.

Any throwing weapon that was on the path to being blocked, deflected or was about to miss the enemy was snatched back mid flight and brought back into his hands before being thrown out again.

Many enemies were tricked by this after attempting to block, parry or avoid the incoming weapons so their movements had become predictable and landed in the path of the new weapons that had been thrown.

Unable to handle the changes of the battle, they were impaled by throwing weapons in their shoulder, arms and legs rendering them unable to battle anymore.

Only two among the group seemed to display enough experience and agility to been able to avoid any fatal or disabling wounds.

Just as thee two got closer, a newcomer joined the battle from the group belonging to the group from Kano. "Ahahaha you have really impressed me kid! Allow me to fight alongside you!"

The man looked to be in his late twenties, had a very tall and muscular build like that of a puree bodybuilder a little taller than Sai and Boo, he had black hair that had been tied and braided back and was left hanging down his back and a pair of black eyes and slightly tanned skin.

His black eyes had a slight hint of red lines within the white parts showing that he had either just woken up or he suffered from a lack of sleep.

However his eyes also showed a look of excitement. "Allow me to assist you."

Both of his hands each held a double-sided war glaive in front of him which looked to be very heavy. "What are you waiting for? Hurry and capture the prisoners!"

He cut off the other man and allowed the other to pass by showing a small smirk towards Jester. "I will take this guy, he seems strong!"

His large glaives began to slash towards the opposite party who also had a strong physique and speed.

The other person had quicker movements after strictly undergoing Alyssia's strict training for a long time but just as he was about to break past the glaives and attack the large man with the hidden weapon attached to his arm underneath his sleeve, the large man adapted to the battle and spun in a circle, lowered his body and attacked with the other glaive as he rotated catching them off guard. "Oops.. I got a little too excited, the captain may get mad at me.."

The legs of the person was almost completely severed and he fell onto the ground helplessly, just as he looked to give up he raised his arm towards the large man and shot out a poisoned dart from his other sleeve.

One arm had a retractable blade while the other had a hidden dart mechanism attached, upon losing his chance to get the upper hand in the fight and losing so terribly, he had to use his trump card when the enemy let their guard down.

However as it was released, the dart disappeared from its place upon being released.

It reappeared in Jesters hand far away before tossing it away towards the final opponent that was relentlessly attacking him. "You owe me."

The fight continued as the final person who was the previous leader of the group of traitors tried to strike a death blow upon Jester but his speed and evasion skills were far above the other party.

He finally spoke again after some silence. "It is time to wrap up the show! Sorry but just because I use throwing weapons…"

He casually sidestepped a punch and then cut the side of the leader as he passed him with a dagger that he had snatched.

Then he continued to dodge again followed by a series of slashing and stabbing attacks to counter each time into the arms and legs of the leader of the group.

He collapsed on the deck in a pool of his own blood looking like he was losing blood fast.

Jester looked down at him with the same smile on his face but to the leader it was even more frightening in his eyes. "Does not mean that I do not know how to fight hand to hand. Someone stop the bleeding and do not let them die, we need to make sure that they are alive for the captains decision."

The ships rules did not allow killing and inflicting heavy or crippling injuries upon each other but upon discovering the truth of the matter, he was certain that the captan would forgive himself and the large man for their carelessness while trying to subdue the traitors who were aiming for their lives. 'Still… I wonder what decision the captain will make upon learning the truth.'