Creation #9

At the door was the group of friends and the handsome man who had been using Ein.

They had raised their voices as if in great distress, the handsome man raised his voice but made himself sound affectionate towards her. "Ein! How could you doubt our words? I even saw for myself last night that the people you brought in had stolen some of your documents. Don't you care? They are outsiders and cannot be trusted."

A slightly more glamorous looking lady stepped forward, she crossed her arms concealing her hatred towards Ein and spoke softly. "Ein, please listen. We just care about you and do not wish for you to suffer any injustice."

Ein lay back in her chair and massaged between her eyebrows. 'The more I listen, the more I want to vomit.'

She lay back and continued to restrained the anger and disgust in her heart. "You are too noisy. I did not sleep well last night, you are bothering me and creating problems so early already… sigh.."

After finding out the truth, she could not yet look them in the eyes and now that they had come as a group, she could pick up on the way they were trying to make it seem like they were protecting her.

However now she knew that the two leading people who she trusted the most were nothing but scum and continued to be together while one openly flirted with her and made her believe that they had some sort of connection.

It took most of her self control to stop herself from yelling at them so publicly and ruining Alyssia's plan.

She lay back with her eyes closed as if bored. "Fine then, convince me what you have said is true."

The man stepped forward. "Of course! Ein, when have we ever let you down before? I definitely saw it, last night Alyssia entered into your room and was searching through your desk. She took out some of your work and then left."

Since they had been shouting, they had attracted the attention of everyone else and even the leader and his people stepped out to see what was causing such a disturbance.

The leader stepped forward acting as if he had not known anything beforehand and acted as if he was annoyed. "What is going on here?"

He was a man in his forties and had slightly messy brown hair, an unshaved beard but many parts of his body seemed to have been modified with cyborg technology.

Even if his body was not as large as Kuma or Franky, he seemed to have built himself mostly for combat rather than anything else.

In fact, if the mechanical parts were not on him then he would look like an average weak man.

The only reason why others feared him was because of his modified body and the weapons that he had no hesitation using against those that were disobedient against him.

The man turned around looking shocked. "Union leader! I discovered a thief but when bringing the news to Ein, she does not seem to believe me. I ask for justice Union leader."

The glamorous woman turned around to face him, now that she was not in Ein's sight, she began to smirk as if victory was in sight.

The Union leader would make an example of the people around Ein and then Ein would have to apologise for bringing in such people into their underground laboratory.

From then on, she would be indebted to them because they had saved her from making a huge mistake.

If she feels so guilty then she may even not bother her man anymore and would not need coaxing to stay to contribute to the group.

Ein sighed and spoke up. "It really isn't what you think. There must be some sort of explanation for this."

The leader looked at her with eyes filled with disappointment. "You are one of my best people but I am sorry. You have let me down this time."

He turned to the others by his side. "Go and check it out."

A moment later, they pushed the door open heavily and entered the room Alyssia had been using since she had joined and began to search.

Crashing noises followed as drawers were pulled out and other pieces of furniture and shelves were thoroughly searched.

Ein heard the mess that was being made from within her own room and revealed some displeasure on her face towards those that left the room with confusion on their faces. "Are you done?"

One of them walked to the leader with a look of worry and whispered in his ear. "Boss, we could not find anything. What should we do now?"

Ein tapped her desk impatiently and coldly spoke. "Well? Did you find what you were looking for or not?"

The leader showed a looked of anger on his face for a moment but hid his emotions away. "It must be some sort of misunderstanding. Let's forget about it."

Ein opened her desk calmly attracting everyone's attention. "So when I say it is not what you think, you act right away and do not give any form of apology but instead try to pass it off as a misunderstanding. I am sorry to say this everyone but this is most definitely not a misunderstanding. There was a thief but it was not Alyssia but instead it was you two."

She pointed to the handsome man and the glamorous woman.

The woman put on a pitiful look. "Ein, how could you? I thought we were best friends."

Ein nodded calmly. "Me too."

In response to this the woman looked shocked by her calm and cold response that was unlike the Ein that she knew.

Meanwhile, Alyssia stepped out of the room and stood against the doorframe watching the show.

The handsome man looked angered. "Ein, you know that we have always been there for you and wish to protect you so how could you try to shift the blame onto us? I think you should apologise, if we search the other room then we may find what we are looking for and then you will know why we have acted like this."

The leaders eyes lit up and just as he was about to give the order to push Alyssia aside and enter the room, Ein yawned and spoke. "There is no need to because it is here."

There was no way that she was going to let them mess up the work Alyssia had been doing during this time.

She took out some documents and placed them on the desk and then looked towards the man and woman then towards the several friends in the crowd. 'It is more obvious who knows about this beforehand and who does not… although I am sad about the betrayal, I guess that some could still be saved. However.. first this needs to be solved.'

She spoke coldly to the man and woman. "I am sure you recognise these right? After all, you were the ones that removed them from my desk in the first place."

The leader raised his voice in anger. "You should know not to accuse someone without evidence!"

Ein coldly look towards the crowd and replied. "Did you have evidence when you so casually overturned my peoples workplace? You did not have evidence, you listened to them and then took action right away while not even listening to me. To me it seems as if you are a group and this has already been pre arranged. So in response to this attack, I will respond."

The leader grit his teeth and then yelled in a warning tone. "Ein!"

Ein took out the Tone Dial and made it play the conversation from the previous day.

As it continued, many of those involved went visibly paler and began to show signs of panicking.

Ein let out a lazy chuckle and spoke. "How is this evidence?"

The leader looked like he was about to explode. "Then how did you get your stuff back if they took it and did so?"

Alyssia calmly replied from the side. "Of course, I found it and gave it back to her."

The leader grit his teeth and glared at her. "Fine then, I guess someone was acting without my knowledge and set up such a horrible scheme. I will punish them severely."

The men by his side paled and looked fearful. "Boss? (Leader?)"

He turned to them and quietly spoke. "So useless, can't you do anything discreetly and not get caught. Not even I can save you, an example needs to be set to appease those involved."

He needed to keep Ein happy and punish those involved so that she could help him complete the important parts of his final designs and push his plans forward ahead of schedule.

Without Ein, the rest of the team would struggle to meet the deadline and he would have to delay his plans.

He had no choice but to put away his anger for now and put on an apologetic face. "I am sorry that you had to suffer this injustice at this time. Let me know how you want me to deal with those involved."

Ein looked as if she could not care about any of it and lay back in her seat. "Now that the first issue is resolved and I no longer have to put up with this, you may as well stick around to listen to my and Alyssia's response to this."

Alyssia wheeled out a large board full of blueprints that had been connected together by pins and string. "Does anyone recognise these by any chance?"

One twenty year old lady stepped forward to examine them. "The union's blueprints?"

Everyone could tell from the way the leader marked all of his works with his logo that looked like a combination of cogs and a spanner.

Alyssia nodded and praised. "Good eyes! Now why do you think that they are arranged this way? Have any of you by any chance heard of the rumours surrounding Creation and Destruction lately? I believe that this will have some importance later."

The leader had already been walking back to his room since the situation was resolved but upon hearing Alyssia, he turned back around with a look of anger in his eyes as he sensed something wrong. "You! Stop! Shut up!"

Alyssia ignored him and explained not giving others a chance to answer since she would be interrupted soon. "After analysing the blueprints thoroughly and putting some together, I was able to come up with the completed designs for what would be made. I have to say that your leader is definitely on the path to destruction."

As he got closer and was revealing deep hostility, Alyssia calmly took out several completed sketches showing the final products of what they had been making. "Ein is the most skilled or one of the best among you so she has been tasked with many important parts so they were easier to complete. I can see explosive weapons, weapons that produce fire and also some others that would be used only in acts of terrorism and destruction. Do you really believe that he will not use the, once they are completed? Your leader has turned you all into willing participants and you will all be murderers unless you know how to wake up and say no to destruction!"

A revving sound followed as she said 'destruction' and the arm of the leader began to produce a weird chainsaw attachment that came out from his mechanical arm. "I said shut up!"