Ann & Aizah #1

As Tristan and Alyssia trained with each other and the Kungfu Dugongs, Alfred finished up delivering all of the supplies to Dr Tsukimi's home, her ship and the new laboratory.

He began to leave and the Kungfu Dugong had followed along with him after receiving Tristan's approval.

The island was much too cold and not too suitable for the Kungfu Dugong so they could not remain for long.

Medea was spending some time at Dr Tsukimi's home and prepared herself to undergo her operation and modifications over a long period of time so she needed to be in her best health and state of mind before it begun.

A long time would pass like this as the underground lab would be rebuilt, various projects begun to be worked on by those within the Creation Union and as Tristan and Alyssia trained within the icy cold and snowy lands of Baldimore and the cold seas surrounding it.


In a small bar, a young woman's cheerful and lively voice spread across the room infecting the emotions of those that listened to it.

Many began to be turn their heads to watch the young teenage girl with green hair who was on the stage singing, dancing and putting on a performance with her illusions.

The people enjoying a meeting, drinking with friends or eating began to be infected by the atmosphere of the young girl and followed her movements as she pumped her fist into the air again and again.

The performer was Ann who had been contracted by Alfred and had recieved a gift package from Alyssia that had lots of ideas for simple dance styles, catchy songs, dress styles and other things that would help her to build her image as a diva or an idol.

Even a diet and training schedule was prepared to allow her to increase her bodies flexibility and stamina to allow her to put on longer performances on stage.

Many of the things included were from her skills that she had collected but there were also some songs, dances and images from various popular pop singers and idols from her previous life which she thought might suit her however there were not many demands on how she should decide or choose so it all was left to Ann.

After taking the information into consideration, she began to work on her image and her own songs and dances after being inspired by what she had read.

The biggest issue that Alyssia had was that many popular songs had contained hidden meanings and stories within but also some things that may not be understood by this world's people so she left it to someone more experienced to make their own adjustments to them so they would be more accepted by the general public.

Although her hair was still kept the same and her clothing mostly featured the colour green, she wore many different styles of frilly tops with a tie matched with large skirts, long socks, high heels and a bow in her hair to make her look very eye catching to others.

Each of her dance moves were simple but very eye catching making the audience keep their eyes on her and unable to stop themselves from joining in.

As she finished several songs for the evening, she bowed excitedly and spoke. "Thank you everyone! If you enjoyed the show and wish to share it with family or friends, we have some products coming on sale in a local store near you very soon so that you can listen whenever you wish to. They will come in the form of a device that can be placed on your ears and only you can hear it while walking or sitting within a crows or there is the option to get one that can play it openly in a small or large room. Please keep an eye out for any related 'White Storm' products that will be appearing in your local stores soon and support them! Many of their products have been designed by the people of Baldimore and others working with them so expect them to be very useful. It is the 'Future Country' after all! Teehee! Bye everyone! Mwah!"

She began to leave the stage as people were beginning to get up to crowd her and ask for an autograph but before they could do so, an angel winged red headed young lady helped Ann down from the stage and handed her the schedule. "You have a short time to greet your fans and leave them an autograph. I will give you fifteen minutes so make each one quick, then we will have to leave. We have to prepare for travel to the next city and prepare for your next performance."

Ann nodded happily. "Aizah, you are so good! Do not worry, I will be quick about it."

Aizah stepped forward and calmly spoke. "If you wish to ask her a question, give her a gift or receive an autograph then queue up. The rules are that no contact is allowed but a simple handshake, keep it short so you can allow others behind you to get a chance with her and please be respectful to her."

Aizah was wearing a smart and simple woman's work suit, skirt, tie, black shades and high heels that made her look very professional but her white wings, pretty appearance and red hair were the things that drew the most attention to her when she stepped forward.


"Is this another performer?"

"Wow mommy! Look it is an angel! So cool!"

Aizah rolled her eyes as if she had experienced this numerous times upon coming down from Sky Island, she then stepped back and positioned herself behind Ann to let her gain the spotlight once more.

Liushi's large and bulky figure was also dressed in a black professional bodyguard suit and a pair of black shades as he stood by the desk that had been set up for the fan meeting, allowing him enough room to stop others from approaching the targets and stop any bad behaviour.

Everything was proceeding as it would as the fans lines up at a fan meeting booth and the line was quickly growing smaller as the fifteen minutes were about to come to an end.

A skinny, sickly and pale man who had a snot hanging from his nose was next to greet Ann. "Hi Ann! I am your biggest fan! Do you remember me? I have seen all of your performances."

His overall aura seemed to be unstable and his eyes slightly bloodshot as they obsessively gazed towards her expectantly.

Despite her discomfort, Ann maintained her professionalism and smiled politely. "Thank you for your support all this time my loyal fan."

However the man did not seem so happy as if he had been forgotten or ignored by her. "How dare you! How could you do this to me! You are my light! My hope! My love! How could you treat me this way!"

Ann looked a little troubled and softly said. "Sir, I do not know what you could mean by your words but I am grateful for your support so please calm down."

He was raising his voice and acting hysterical in a closed space where many others were and causing a disturbance so she tried to calm him down but also warn him at the same time.

However he seemed to take more offense to this. "Why should I? Ever since you joined up with this group, you have forgot the fans that supported you when you had nothing. You should not be with these people and do as you had been! You are changing too much! Even that fake angel by your side is trouble! Look at her stealing the limelight from you! Aaah I hate them!"

Ann was becoming visibly paler the more aggressive the man became so Aizah stepped forward calmly. "Sir your time is up, if you have a problem with our performer then you do not need to support her anymore or come to her shows. All you have succeeded in doing today was show yourself up and create a disturbance. All people change and evolve over time and when they meet others, nothing is fixed or eternal so please do not push your own fantasies onto Ann. This is your second warning since you have already ignored Ann's kind warning. A third time will result in you being removed."

The man became more angered. "Do you think I will listen to you? You winged freak! Ann please see who you have surrounded yourself with, they are bad for you."

Aizah let out a 'tsk' as she turned to give a look to Liushi who had been ignored despite his large and intimidating appearance. "So delusional."