The Rising White Storm

Just as the two singers were gaining popularity fast, they were constantly promoting products from the White Storm merchant group who sponsored them both and allowed them the opportunity to grow as big as they had so quickly.

As they started gaining more popularity, the sales for different types of products were increasing resulting in a higher demand for them to be produced.

More jobs were provided to more people to handle the increased workload and the White Storm merchant group continued its rapid growth.

Competitors began to take action against Alfred using various tactics but he was well protected so they attempted to target others.

Many accidents followed as parts of the stage would fall down upon the two singers but as they fell upon them, Liushi was fast enough to get onto the stage and save them each time.

Assassination, kidnapping and other attempts followed which were stopped by Liushi who had slowly built a name for himself as a reliable bodyguard.

The culprits involved were discovered after investigation and it was found that some merchant groups had been trying to attack the weak link of the White Storm merchant group and the source of their promotion and growth.

Many groups were further investigated and many bad deeds that they had done in the past and covered up with bribes and threats were brought to light, resulting in a complete collapse of their businesses along with the imprisonment of the leaders of the groups and their closest people.

However it did not stop there as Liushi was continuing to gain more public recognition along with the two teenage girls after every action he took as the role of their bodyguard.

Alfred seized this chance that had been given and began to use him to show off the finished products to be used for subjugation.

Instead of using his abilities to being down his opponents, he would poke them with a pole shaped weapon and other stunning tools resulting in them falling over and some even passing out.

More success stories followed as he gained more limelight during his duties along with the tools that he had been using.

When people would ask where he had gotten such a tool, he responded calmly with. "White Storm merchant group."

Other bodyguards, law enforcement, noble and royal guards along with their owners had found out about the tools and their effectiveness along with how easy to use they were so began to approach Alfred who was working as the broker between them and Alyssia.

It wasn't just the tools that were becoming popular but also the clothing line and the ladies self defence attachments which had become growing popular trends after being promoted by Ann and Aizah.

Even the baby and children toys along with the puzzles, books and board games were selling steadily without any issues.

It was mostly the Tone Dial products that were selling the most and brought in the most berries.

If there was any problem then it was that the speed of growth was far too quick and they were unable to keep up with the demand from the many wishing to own one if White Storm's products.

However when asked how to solve the problem, Alyssia replied. "Invest more berries and hire some more people and open more places to produce them in poorer places that need some opportunities."

Following her wishes, he continued to expand and offer opportunities to places that had had been less developed or poor but wished to work hard for a brighter future for their community or families.

Since there was money to spend, it was put partly towards White Storms expansion, the Creation Union's activities and Alyssia's own private experiments as she continued to work on each of her skills slowly combining and mastering them.

However it was not just that side that were experiencing growth on their own, the White Storm Mercenaries were gaining popularity once it was confirmed that Liushi had connections to them.

They began to receive many protection jobs protecting cargo, people or locations and some talents began to flourish under the high pressure of their jobs.

The most promising people among the mercenary group were those that continued to keep up with their training but there was even the occasional dropout who could not handle that kind of life or had grown homesick.

While there was growth, there were some losses from time to time for various reasons since Alyssia was not there to hold them together and some wished to continue with the group exploration not knowing their captain's true goal for halting where they were.

When Alyssia heard the news, she merely nodded and expressed her best wishes to those people who chose to leave to go home or continue their journey on their own without her.

Those that did not have enough patience and doubted her were no longer needed by her but she would not fault them for it.

If they were prepared to take the risks to venture out and take on the dangers ahead without her then  she could not stop them, she had already warned them of the dangers ahead anyways.

If it was their confidence or overconfidence that lead them to that decision then time would tell.


The Kungfu Dugong were the ones that experienced the biggest expansion during their journeys protecting the growing number of merchant ships of the White Storm merchant group from under the water.

Their strength was increasing with their increased training and mastery over their Sea Impact Fist and so was their numbers as they continued to fight against many sea creatures and recruit them into their ranks.

As if tied by fate, a group of many different types of martial arts fanatical sea creatures had begun to form their own following and only kept growing.

The Sea Animal Pirates were beginning to form under the name of White Storm, just in a slightly different image and forming after being influenced by Tristan instead of Luffy.

Many creatures joined one after another like Black Belt Penguins, Sumo Capybaras, Octopus Boxers and Sea Lapahns.

In fact, the group had been improving and expanding at a scary rate compared to the original pirate crew because of all of the ships they had to protect and travel with resulting in many encounters with other sea creatures.

Sea Monkeys that had powerful flippers on their feet that could cause tidal waves to sink ships were defeated and recruited just as those before them.

Slowly other larger sea beasts became the targets of the crazy martial art fanatics who occasionally made trips back to Baldimore to receive additional guidance from Tristan and Alyssia who continued to hone their own underwater fighting against each of them.