Calm Belt again #3

Most of her moves seemed even more inhuman since they last met and the gap they had between them was growing even more.

Among the most fervent supporters of Alyssia, Liushi was at the top because he greatly admired her martial prowess and how easily she had removed his deceased families enemies.

Without a goal like revenge to push him forward anymore, he had decided to repay that person who achieved his wish for him and assist them if he was allowed to.

Alyssia's strength was something which was far ahead of him so he set his new goal to try to catch up the best that he could and assist her in some way.

However looking at the scene in front of him and watching the children taking part in the battles leaving him out of it and completely helpless, he decided to ask for stricter personal training.

He could only handle close combat and would struggle while at Sea against beasts or in other situations where he was unable to get close to an enemy so he wished to find a way to overcome this weakness.

Although Alyssia did not know his thoughts, she patted his shoulder as she passed him. "Continue to train hard and improve your families martial arts to perfection, do not dwell on other things for now and just focus on your strengths. If you wish to gain assistance then use some of your berries to purchase some support gear or look into finding a suitable Devil Fruit to make up for your weaknesses. However these options have their faults too, relying on equipment will make you reliant on such things and be helpless without them. Meanwhile Devil Fruits give you power but at the cost of being weak to Sea Prism and being unable to swim. Well... it is upto you in the end."

The amount of pure martial artists or swordsmen at the top of the world or from the past may be low but those at the very top are proud figures like Garp, Hawkeye, Shanks, Z, Kozuki Oden and possibly even Gol D Roger who have had to battle Devil Fruit users and faced many types of environments during their travels.

Judging from Z's back story, he suffered losses and damaged his arm from a battle with some Devil Fruit user and lost many of his students in the battle too so while it was a good idea to improve ones martial arts, having a few tricks up ones sleeve was the best way to survive on the seas.

Even a Haki user can suffer losses if they are not careful enough or happen to be facing a difficult opponent.

Certain techniques could help make up for some weaknesses or mobility issues but they are not perfect in every way.

Moon Walk is an example of this as it allowed air movement but if not mastered to a high level, the movements may be slow and make the user become an easy target for gunfire.

In fact, Alyssia had a couple of Devil Fruits in mind for Liushi to use to increase his abilities but acquiring them was very difficult as some may respawn anywhere in the world and Zoans are often difficult to acquire.

If he had to get a devil fruit then he would have to settle for a Paramecia type that may suit his style of combat and only one seemed to be suitable from the ones she knew that would have their user die in the future.

However the chances of acquiring it was low since it could be reborn anywhere within the world and even if he did get it, although it would boost his power the effects would be limited once he had begun to master other abilities, leaving him with the weakness to water and Sea Prism.

In the end, the final choice was upto Liushi so she did not push him towards making a specific decision.

The calm sea ahead continued to remain still as the ship continued unobstructed, some more time began to pass as the Kungfu Dugong continued to guard underneath the ship as it pulled along three dead Sea Kings until the ship began to become more lively.

Carrot stood up on the lookout and shouted. "Sis! We are here!"

Tristan poked her head out of the room where she was checking up on Medea's development and then sighed. "Another crisis averted."

Crossing the Calm Belt was always filled with dangers but each time they had survived against the odds against them.