South Blue #1

Among the many people that had been signed from the many islands visited, a beautiful blue haired dancer named Pascia was recruited which would perhaps have some slight effect on the future but Alyssia was most interested in the berries she could bring in from her talents and beauty while saving her from being enslaved and sent to the human auction houses.

Since they had intruded into Torino and wished to make a good impression on the inhabitants, Alyssia prepared many gifts from many places and even cooked a large stew for everyone but first impressions did not always go as planned.

She sat around the large group of people who each ate a bowl of the stew and thought back to several hours ago.

As they approached the men and women of the island, they mistook her and several of the Mink tribe as wild beasts.

This resulted in them becoming hostile instantly and not even questioning why they were escorted by humans so they were on edge preparing to open fire upon Alyssia and the others.

That was until she spoke and calmly explained that they were explorers who were seeking adventure and to improve their knowledge and abilities.

This short explanation allowed a chance to achieve a peaceful resolution of the tense atmosphere and what followed was the following scene.

Many men, women, children and elders of their island ate together with Alyssia and her crew while partying in the nighttime, dancing and singing around a fire with a large amount of food within several large cauldrons.

After a week, they were able to integrate with the people and gain their trust allowing them to access the many books within the library they possess.

However they were warned strictly over and over again to not take or damage any of the books, if they did then they would be denied further access and be asked to leave the island.

They may look primitive in appearance but they greatly valued the wealth of knowledge that they had in their possession and were very protective over it.

Tristan and many other aspiring doctors or nurses under her began to carefully read the medical books while others began to read some other books on history, battle tactics, navigation, science, engineering and many other topics.

While everyone was keeping themselves busy, Alyssia sat with a large pile of books around herself and was speed reading through many of them at a fast speed but lifted her head. "We have a week until we should leave, those that wish to remain can do so but you must be on your best behaviour and follow the rules of the island."

She did not wish for their relationship with the people of the Torino Kingdom to deteriorate because of someones mistake while she was away.

The library possessed a large amount of advanced knowledge that could not be found so easily within the world after the destruction of Ohara so she wished to spend some time learning there for sometime.

It also helped that she had been able to gain the skills and knowledge from those around her so those that had read many books over their long years and built a strong foundation with that knowledge were prime targets for her to use her points on.

Her scholar skill had been purchased and upgraded to expert mastery during her time on Baldimore along with several other skills being upgraded so she was able to gain much from everyone on the Torino Kingdom upon her arrival but there was still many books that may have been missed so she spent her long nights going over the newly gained knowledge and reading any books that contained different perspectives and subjects not contained within what she had learned from the others.

After her intelligence and spirit stats had grown so farm with the addition of her talent bonus stats, she was able to spend a lot less time memorising and understanding everything but for others, they would need more time to learn everything they needed and a week was not enough.

If Tristan wanted to achieve anything big with her knowledge then she would need spent more time studying in a place like this without interruptions.