South Blue #4

The first day was the boxing competition which was a long series of confrontations between contestants that are picked to fight at random until two remain.

Many fights take place on each of the many fighting platforms in the centre while the audience can choose to watch their favourite fighters.

Just as the lights began to hit the fighting arena, there were several posts set up in the corners of each ring along with some ropes between them to create a boxing ring.

Additional lights shone upon an elevated platform where several people sat with several documents before them and a Sea Snail which seemed to be used to spread their voice to the audience watching and those watching the broadcast.

Ann was sat in one of those seats and was dressed in her diva costume, she turned and nodded towards the people by her side.

She then began to speak as her voice spread out across the room. "Hello everyone! Welcome to this years Karate island championship, this year is no different from previous years and hopefully we will see some old faces and some of the previous champions but please remember to support the newcomers too okay? I am the guest announcer Ann and I will be with you all throughout this so sit back, relax and enjoy the show!!"

Her voice sounded very joyful and pleasant which caused the crowd to instantly take a liking to her but many among the crowd began to recognise her voice or appearance.

"Oh my..."

"It really is.."


"Such a lovely voice!"

"Does this mean that Aiz and her bodyguard are with them too?"

"Who is that?"

"Pfft you do not know them? Then you must not be a true fan."


"Ann we love you!"

Ann cheerfully laughed and waved towards those watching and continued. "Like every year, we will be having many battles taking place on each stage. After one is over, another will begin after until everyone has fought once. Those people who won their match will be put to the next round and battle again with another person, this will continue until there are two participants left. Today is the boxing competition and following that will be others until we reach the final day where the final matches of each competition will take place. You can place bets on your favourite participants and bet on how far they will be able to last or if they can win and earn yourself some extra berries while you are watching."

She struck a cute pose while sticking her tongue out. "Now for the rules! All must wear boxing gloves  and only attack with a closed fist. No attacking below the belt and no kicking, elbowing, kneeing, headbutting, grappling, pushing, biting or foul play. When your opponent falls down, step back and wait for the countdown. No hitting while they are down!"

The man by her side smiled. "Thank you for coming Ann, do you have any favourites from the contestants that have signed up?"

Ann put on a dumb look and tilted her head. "I do not know but I believe that this year will be very exciting!"

The man shrugged helplessly. "I guess so. Alright, bring out the fighters!"

Many people ranging from different ages began to enter the ring but there was a severe lack of female participants among them.

Alyssia stood in the lower stands close to the rings where many other people who would take part in the following days waited for their turn and watched the other competitions.

She balanced a small rubber ball on her feet and kicked it up in the air, as it fell down it was hit back up by one of her feet, knee, heel or tail depending on where it landed.

This continued within the small space where she watched the competition from as she kept doing kick ups with the rubber ball.

Even on a time when she should be relaxing, she was doing some form of training.

Many battles began to take place and as they continued without any breaks, the fighters began to tire at a quicker pace as they exchanged punches without rest or water breaks.

Ann's voice sounded more high pitched as she excitedly commented. "Look! There is a good one! Such a long reach and quick punches!"