Karate Island #3

While the rest of the crew members that came but did not participate in the competition were watching from the audience, most of those participating were in the lower and front part of the audience closest to the action as they awaited their turn.

As Alyssia was heading back to her room to train her energy manipulation, meditation and other abilities further, quick footsteps got closer and closer to her as a figure slightly shorter than herself appeared before herself.

A mature looking woman with slightly orange skin with several yellow star markings on her body underneath her white martial uniform and her wrapped hands and feet which looked like a similar dress sense to Hack of the Revolutionary Army.

She had webbed hands and feet, three gill markings on her neck and shoulder areas on each side of her body, sharp looking teeth, a pair of menacing shaped black eyes and her grey hair slightly covering one side of her face as the rest of it had been pulled back and braided into two long twin braids that went down to her lower back.

Alyssia's eyes revealed slight surprise for a moment before turning to normal as she looked at the woman before her. "Is there something that you need?"

The woman looked at Alyssia with excitement in her eyes. "Are you a friend of Tristan? Do you think I can meet her? Are you a participant too?"

Alyssia waved her hands helplessly. "One question at a time.. sigh. But yes I am. You can meet if you wish to and I am. I am taking part in the no rules competition, I am Alyssia Lucine and am sixteen years old. How about you?"

However in her mind she was silently cheering upon finally encountering a Fishmen with decent abilities and training.

Although she had spent many of her points, she was able to gain some back while sitting around and doing nothing during the day.

Without delaying, she purchased the Fishmen Karate and Fishmen Jujitsu to the basic level for now, judging from the excitement of the woman, this would not be their last encounter.

The woman paused and looked a little embarrassed. "Sorry I got a little excited after seeing Tristan's fighting, it is good to see a fellow female showing that we are not so weak and cannot be looked down upon."

She patted her chest to calm herself. "I am Monera, thirty one years old and I am half Fishmen and half Merfolk. I am participating in the karate competition."

Alyssia nodded and began inspecting her from head to toe and noticed the back of the woman which had a sharp thin on it.

She then placed her hand on her chin while recalling various sea creatures of this world then an image came to her mind. "Hmm... ah! Perhaps are you of Star Shark bloodline? Your appearance reminds me of them."

Monera excitedly replied. "Of course, I may have inherited it from my mother's side of the family while the rest I had inherited from my father."

From her explanation it seemed as if she was born from the pairing of a Star Shark Mermaid or the descendant of one and a Fishmen, inheriting the mother's families race but she had mostly inherited her Fishmen body from her father's side allowing her to come on land and practice the Fishmen martial arts.

To be able to gain such a high mastery, she must have had a teacher from young and that person may be a royal guard or someone in the military if Fishmen Island whether it be her father or a relative or family friend.

Rather than the devious and sneaky personality of the Star Shark in the Foxy Pirates, she seemed to have picked up her personality more from the Merfolk as she was much more approachable and friendly.

However these were just the thoughts from their first meeting and could not be most accurate analysis of her complete personality.

Alyssia put out her hand towards her. "It is nice to meet you."

Monera grabbed her hand with her own to shake it but found herself in a contest of strength.

Her eyes turned slightly devious as she began to increase the strength in her hands as she squeezed harder and smiled revealing her sharp teeth. "So it is like that... interesting!"