Karate Island #7

The next day came as the sumo competition ended and two finalists had to wait until the final day to do battle with each other.

When the time came, everyone made their way to the stadium and got seated to watch the show.

The announcer spoke to the crowd. "Welcome all to day three of the Karate Island competition! So far we have seen some interesting fights in the boxing and sumo competitions but today we have another one for you all and that is the Karate competition."

He then looked to Ann to let her know that he was done speaking.

Ann began to speak as her voice was spread around the stadium. "In the Karate competition the rules are simple! No weapons are allowed, no eye gouging or targeted attacks to the throat or other fatal areas. We hope that the participants can control their strength and not break any bones during the battle. Removing your opponent from the ring, knocking them down for ten seconds and getting them to submit are the best ways to win."

Due to various regulations, they had to forbid some types of targeted attacks and grappling body locks that if used excessively could cause broken bones and series injury to the participants.

What they wanted was to show the world various talents and produce a champion at the end of it, not birth a ruthless individual that could not follow simple rules and possibly become a criminal.

However their own rules could still be exploited in various ways as they already have been, which means that while some participants may be held back by the rules, others may not be and will exploit this to their advantage.

Each of the fighters made their way towards the square rings where they all began to fight.

The first round was taking place and several of the lower members of Alyssia's crew began to achieve a victory one after another with the exception of one or two of them, who had bad enough luck to meet a strong opponent right away.

It was Liushi's turn to enter the battle and after a couple of short exchanges, he was able to overpower his opponent with his physical strength alone.

Several rapid chops to the opponent overwhelmed them completely and knocked them to the ground unconscious.

Alyssia in the crowd saw his display and nodded in approval. 'His work as a bodyguard has definitely helped him improve to another level and better control himself. It seems that I was right to place him in that role.'

Holding back was not something Liushi was capable of months ago but with him dealing with ordinary and weak people often during his protection duties, he had to learn control and how to subdue others without causing fatal injuries to them while protecting Aizah and Ann from harm.

Ann jumped up from her seat. "Look! That is my bodyguard! Go big guy!"

The announcer turned to her and said. "Is he the famous bodyguard that you have been talking about before?"

Ann nodded excitedly. "Yes! His name is Liushi and he is really tough! I cannot possibly imagine what would have happened without him around, he has prevented many accidents and threats to my life. He is really reliable!"

The announcer looked towards Liushi who was stepping down from the ring and then spoke. "Then maybe he will become a crowd favourite if he shows us some more of his strength and progresses to the later stages."

Within the crowd, Alyssia had just placed her bets and continued to kick a rubber ball up into the air continously but this time there were three which were being kept up at once as she continued to look at the centre of the stadium where everyone was fighting.

She was watching as Monera entered the fighting space and began to display her strength.

Each of her moves were simple and had a good overall control of her strength as she threw out a straight punch which clashed against the opponents fist.

The opponent was sent flying back outside the ring after a short exchange and seemed to display a pained look on their face.

Fishmen karate is able to utilise the water in the surroundings but it can also disturb the water within the human body when used correctly so as the Hundred Brick Fist was thrown out, she won easily in a contest of strength and technique against her opponent.

She smiled and waved to the crowd revealing her sharp teeth before stepping down from the stage.