Karate Island #10

The punch was full of power and aimed towards Liushi's private parts making it an illegal move and could cause great damage to that part of the body leaving Liushi in pain and unable to continue fighting without being hindered.

As the punch was coming closer, Liushi shifted his body slightly and met the punch with a strike of his knee knocking the man off balance slightly.

Liushi did not miss this opportunity and spun around rapidly as his body turned into a blurr almost like a tornado as he rotated faster until he got closer to the man.

As he passed by the man seemed to have been grabbed by a hand within the tornado and was pulled within the rotation.

He was flung around the ring as Liushi moved around until he was released and fell out of the ring with some large scrapes and bruises on his body.

As he landed, his vision blurred as he saw the tornado dissipate revealing Liushi's figure before blacking out.

Meanwhile, Liushi stood on the ring with a look of anger on his face as he stomped his feet. "So glad that I was warned! That would have been very bad! My family line would have been cut off just like that... I may have gone a little overboard with that but it seems I was still able to restrain myself a bit at the end."

Ann's voice passed across the audience. "What is wrong with these people?! Follow the rules or do not bother signing up! The next one to try something, you just wait... hmph!"

The announcer shook his head and voiced his displeasure. "It is not usually this bad, really..."

Ann turned her head away in displeasure. "Good counter Liushi!"

Liushi stepped off the stage with a slightly bashful appearance after recieving a lot of attention.

In Tony's match he was pushing his opponent back with every fierce and aggressive punch without showing any sign of retreating as he pushed his opponent to the edge of the fighting arena.

The opponent had already been taking many hits and blocked a couple while evading a little too but they kept retreating with a look of panic in their eyes.

Just as he reached the edge, another punch came his way which he was lucky enough to sidestep but as he did so, he stomped towards the side of Tony's leg with all of his strength.

He knew that the others had been failing one after another but he had to make this count so he used everything to inflict a wound on his opponent.

It was aimed to snap Tony's leg at the joint and make him unable to advance further at the cost of himself being removed but he had no regrets.

However everything did not go as planned as Tony jumped up and pounced upon his body like a tiger leaping onto its prey followed with a punch which carried all of the strength of his body that leapt forward knocking the man from the ring.

Tony landed on the edge of the ring overlooking him with a cold murderous glint in his eyes before turning around and leaving the fighting arena.


"Aaah! He is so cool!"

"Such a strong and silent man."


"Did you see that at the end? He was totally trying to break his leg!"

"How vicious!"

"What is wrong this year? The participants are just so..."

"Sigh.. you people would not normally not notice these things if they happened.. it is just that these people are being more obvious about it."

Some of the people who got through to those stages were strong and talented fighters but it did not mean they could hide their intentions from the crowd around them and if they did, they would be more subtle about it and do it out of peoples line of sight but these men did not seem to care about being disqualified.

Ann crossed her arms angrily. "Throw them out and break their legs or something so they cannot come back and cause trouble again."

The announcer sighed. "Ann I know this is upsetting but control yourself a little, we do not do that here. It does seem that we need to look at the rules and guidelines a bit to fix some issues before the next championship. Hehe."

If they did do such things and the public found out then their reputation would plummet instantly so he quickly laughed off her words as if they were a joke.