Karate Island #21

As the large club slammed down and was narrowly avoided, it closely passed by where Alyssia had previously been if she had not bent her body inwardly and touched down with her hands.

Each of her movements were very precise, efficient and quick enough to catch her opponents off guard giving her the advantage right away.

As her body continued to move forward slightly into a roll or handstand after kicking from the swordsman and landing on her hands, her arms pushed towards the ground to quickly spring her body into a quick flip from the ground as she landed onto the large club.

A gigantic man who looked like he could be part giant looked down as she landed on his weapon with surprise in his eyes but he did not have time to ponder over his next actions because with a couple of quick steps she swiftly made her way up the club and up his arm past his defences before he could even choose to abandon his weapon or attack her who was coming towards him with his slightly slower body.

He could feel a light touch as she stepped onto his arm and appeared before him like an arrow flying towards its target.

The last thing he heard was the screams from around him as the other contestants were facing difficult opponents because at this moment he truly sensed danger but it was already far too late.

Alyssia was in the air and begin to spin at a fast speed as she shot towards the face of the gigantic man and released a frenzy of quick kicks centred towards his chin.

In a short moment, it was unknown how many kicks had actually landed on his body from the audiences perspective but just as the last kick came, it was more focused towards pushing her body away from him as she landed back on the ground after performing a flip.

The gigantic man took many heavy hits quickly to his chin so no matter what his strength and durability may be, he still fell backwards powerless and created a massive commotion within the arena as his large body crushed those beneath himself and knocked others from the arena.

Another person attempted to slice Alyssia from behind with a sabre as she landed but she sidestepped the attack and kicked towards them.

The opponent seemed experienced and raised their shield to protect themselves but what they did not expect was that the metal shield in their hands was like a brittle toy in Alyssia's eyes.

A crushing impact landed onto the shield and it sent the man flying back out of the ring with a dent in his prized shield.

Meanwhile across the ring there was a battle ongoing between many others as fists and kicks were traded, weapons were clashing, arrows and flying needles were flying and blood was spilled within the ring.

Among the carnage and chaos was Killer who was using his acrobatics and agile movements to get close to his opponents unharmed and then came when he made contact, his blades begun to spin and he was pulled across the bigger opponents bodies as they continued to cut as they moved forward cutting forward a path for him to gain an advantageous position.

Another sword came his way and his blades clashed and begun to rotate which made the opponents weapon escape their grasp and fly away from them.

They were quickly dealt with and one after another the numbers were very quickly lowering as the time was passing.

Within the first twenty to thirty seconds, more than half had already been removed from the competition and it kept lessening.

Alyssia kept close to the edge of the arena and continued to dodge attacks and practice her Observation Haki while using simple tactics to knock her opponents off guard after their attack and knock them out when they were close to the edge or off balance like Rebecca did in the coliseum in Dressrosa.

This continued for another minute or so until she was getting a little more used to it in a battle against many opponents when a man looked at her across the ring and dashed towards her with a fierce gaze.

His body began to transform very quickly as he arrived before her and attacked expecting to knock her from the ring while she had been distracted by the others she had just finished.