Karate Island #23

Alyssia continued to speak in a calm voice. "For my future goals I hope to challenge even stronger opponents and participate in the world championships. Maybe one day I could call myself the strongest and establish my own martial hall somewhere in the world."

She adjusted the belt on her body and then bowed slightly. "However for now I hope to continue to improve myself, White Storm is located in the first half of the Grand Line and is always looking for new recruits in many fields. If you have talent and can work hard, we will not discriminate between your race, age or gender and accept those who wish to join."

With her current strength, participating in this competition was somewhat pointless considering that even Killer was not able to bring out her full capabilities.

However the fame points earned and the spread of the White Storm group were important to her, over time some people would forget her deeds of the past and her growth of points would be halted, there was also the growth of the White Storm's businesses that required more talents, manpower and publicity.

Having several champions emerge who are connected to the group within the Karate Islands competitions would be very beneficial for business and gaining more influence around the world.

Many talented youths would wish to travel to the Grand Line hoping to gain fame and wealth under the employment of the White Storm group and this would create a more positive effect completely opposite of what Gol D Roger had done in the past.

Musicians, artists, martial artists, swordsmen, actors, performers or skilled builders or craftsmen would venture out of their homelands and expand their knowledge, skills and world view while settling within the various places she had provided for them.

Although she had announced that she was a member of the group and revealed her appearance to many, she did not reveal that she was in fact the person who is the main boss behind the scenes of the White Storm group.

This way the group would be known as a group operated by a human that accepted other races, gender and ages but was not a group run by someone of another race who was pushing for equality.

The two circumstances would have very different response from the public depending on who was trying to promote such world views.

Other races are often seen as 'inferior' and even Minks and Fishmen can be seen as mindless and stupid beasts so she had to be careful, which is why she spoke as a member of the group and a mixed martial arts champion and not the boss.

After she finished, she straightened her back and walked down from the arena leaving behind the carnage that remained.

Ann spoke up as Alyssia was leaving. "Once again let's have a round of applause for contestant Alyssia Lucine from the White Storm group! I am also from the same group within the entertainment department and I can say for certain that they are a great place to work for, my success so far and the opportunities I have been given so far are thanks to their support. So I can confirm her words!"

The male announcer looked towards her calmly and nodded. "Mm.. Well that is the end of the mixed martial arts competition, for now we will have a short break to clean up the arena and tend to the wounded. When we get back there will be remaining final matches!"

A little while later backstage, Alyssia was holding a large amount of berries with greed in her eyes. "Heh heh heh... so much from just one bet."

Promoting business, spreading fame and gaining experience within the world was always a good thing but in her eyes, making a large amount of berries from her actions and the bets was also something that she was happy about.

No matter how smoothly the businesses were growing, there would be a limit to how much of the profits she could use on herself to fund her own research and other exploits.

Being the only female and the youngest fighter in the most dangerous competition made the berries that she had placed on herself winning had multiplied many times over making her a very rich lady and that was not the end of it.