Karate Island #30

First place prizes and the runner up prizes had yet to be handed out to those who had participated in each of the competitions so although Alyssia continued to win a large amount of berries from the bets, there still remained the berries that she would earn from becoming the champion of mixed martial arts.

Liushi would win the runner up prize while Tristan would win the first prize from the boxing competition which further added to the overall berries gained from Karate Island by herself and her crew members with Monera included now that she had decided to join the White Storm.

The atmosphere calmed down within the stadium as the arena was changed to suit the next final match, Carrot and a bulky man with a crew cut and hairy chest stood opposite each other.

The male announcer spoke up. "Now is time for the wrestling competition! The finalists are Carrot from White Storm and the previous wrestling champion who goes by the name Slam!"

He looked like a typical wrestler who specialised in grabs and various throwing or body slam techniques with his body type and his name gave away his specialty right away.

Alyssia who was in the crowd looked over to Kid, Killer, Heat and Wire then back at Slam. 'Is it just me or do most people tend to just go by a nickname or a certain name to describe themselves or their style?'

Killer fit his name as he shredded his enemies to death,  Wire probably used wires to attack and cut his enemies, heat uses fire to do the same but Kid was the only one with an ordinary name among them.

The same was true for Slam who went by a name that type of naming sense.

She shook her head. 'Maybe it is just a custom from this island..'

Ann spoke to the crowd while Alyssia was pondering over those trivial matters. "Hmm.. it is another one of White Storm and another female too... could we have another female winner this year?"

The male announcer sighed. "Do not make me say anything.. I have already been wrong many times, let's just get on with the match!"

First a simple contest of strength started as they locked hands and began to try push the other back or gain an advantage by turning their hand lock into some other move.

After a short struggle, Carrot performed a low kick and as she was released her body moved backwards towards the ropes.

She bounced off them and passed by Slam with a 180 flying elbow which knocked him down, Slam got up after a short couple of seconds and then they both began to trade punches with each other.

As the excitement was reaching its peak and as Slam was beginning to tire out, he leaned forward to place Carrot in a bear hug when she was very close to him.

Just as he was tightening his grip, she slipped through it and was released and followed up with another bouncing move by using the ropes.

Slam had grown used to her moves over time so he reached out and caught her leg as it came forwards him but the next moment Carrot raised her other leg over her caught leg and twisted her body around.

Her foot connected to the side of Slam's head which made him fall down and loosen his grip.

Carrot climbed back up but Slam did not as the countdown began.


Alyssia watched as the countdown continued. "Sigh.. I thought that she would be able to have a difficult time here and gain lots of experience but it seems I have underestimated Carrot or overestimated this competition. Well.. the Enzuigiri kick at the end was quite beautiful to look at."


Either Carrot was becoming too strong or the participants in the competition were not suited to fight against her who was far too quick and flexible.

Slam could not catch her and hold on tight enough to perform any of his special moves while Carrot was not only strong but able to adapt during each battle to pull out a win from nowhere.

Even if the matchup may have looked close to everyone in the crowd, Alyssia could tell that Carrot had not shown her full power and withheld some of her abilities to match her opponent.

The male announcer coughed with a face full of shame. "It seems that there is another champion from the White Storm.."