Kuma’s Fate

Not much time had passed as Alyssia was escorted and put under a careful watch by those loyal to the royal family.

The amount of care that people put in showed that they greatly respected their rulers.

Unlike the other nobility and people of the country, Conney and Bonney had slightly normal and untanned skin compared to others which showed they rarely left the palace grounds and were under strict protection and were quite restricted in their actions.

They both behaved without manners fitting of royalty but their people greatly respected them for reasons unknown to Alyssia and as royals they did not wear any excessive jewellery besides their piercing underneath their eye which showed that they were unlike the typical greedy and lavish stereotype of those in power.

She quickly found out as she settled down that the palace that looked beautiful on the outside and within the halls was just like a beautiful illusion.

The beds, decorations, tables and other things along with the food provided to her was very simple and cheap that would be used by the common people.

The people who provided her with everything she needed and had no ill intent so she had a feeling that it was like that throughout the whole palace.

Alyssia lay back on her bed in deep thought. 'Many things do not make sense here but I have watched some possible theories about Bonney and Kuma along with some possible things that had happened in the past. The world knows Kuma as 'the Tyrant' but his people love him and even Sabo says that Kuma is a kind person so the two things are quite opposing to each other. However there was one theory that matches these conditions and would explain why he had to become a Warlord and undergo the experiment to turn him into a Pacifista. Kuma is a kind hearted person and cares for his people deeply but this is also a great flaw if his kindness goes against his duties. Instead of sending the Heavenly Gold tribute he instead chose to feed the starving people in his country when they were already in dire straits, for going against his superiors he had to be punished so he was removed from his status. To do so without suffering a fallout from other countries he was dubbed as a 'tyrant' and from then he would become the World Governments dog and test subject while enduring great humiliation even after dying, he was still paraded around as a mount by the Celestial Dragons to show off their authority and power. Denying the Celestial Dragons of what they wish and challenging their authority would be punished severely so he would either have to submit to this or put his country and his family at risk. After seeing Bonney and Conney today, it is difficult to see which would become Jewellery Bonney in the future since their age can be altered but my guess is that it is the younger one as it was stated that she was in her twenties during the original timeline.'

Often times his charitable deeds would be praised by many and save many lives earning him great love and respect but in certain circumstances, such kindness can only bring him trouble because of who is above him in status.

If the Celestial Dragons were reasonable people who cared about others then they may even praise him for his deeds and maybe even reward him but they were the exact opposite and only cared that their Heavenly Gold tribute had not arrived and took offence to this.

To them it was like a direct challenge to their authority and power which could never be publicly challenged since they were seen as godly beings.

Once one person goes against them, others would soon follow so an example had to be set resulting in the suffering of the former king of Sorbet.

As the example was set, many others would think twice before taking a similar action again while the remaining royal bloodline were left to pick up the pieces of their broken country that had lost its kind hearted king.

Alyssia was later escorted to a room where Conney and Bonney were both eating the meat from a bone without any care about their appearance as others entered the room.

They quickly finished it but after doing so, they both revealed a look of disappointment as their gluttonous nature was not satisfied.

However Alyssia looked at them with a look of curiosity. 'They have switched places after the last time I have seen them, if I did not have the system to notice the slight differences in their stats and skills, I may have been fooled!'

Conney and Bonney were capable of switching roles thanks to the Devil Fruit ability, one could make themselves older or younger with one touch but the same could be done upon touching others which allowed them to alter their ages and switch roles.

Without the king and the only remaining people with royal blood being alive, both the queen mother and the princess had to delegate various roles.

The queen mother was in power but without Kuma, she had to sit as the temporary ruler until someone is ready to take over that role, the princess had to learn how to handle various matters through experience so she took her grandmothers place sometimes to gain experience while avoiding the eyes of any political enemies inside or outside of the country.

Most believed that the princess was incompetent and knew nothing about her own country but unknown to them, she had started early and made many improvements for many people over the years under the disguise of her grandmother.

This also explains why she was able to remain alive after being captured by Akainu because of her importance as a princess but also how she was able to infiltrate Levely as the Queen Mother of the Sorbet Kingdom in the future.

Honestly, Alyssia quite admired Jewellery Bonney because of how daring she was and that she was the only female among the Worst Generation.

While she sat opposite them both, Alyssia was able to see a small bit of the details about her devil fruit powers with the help of the system but some parts were left out due to a lack of information so she had to make up the rest from what she remembered from the original.

Most of the age changes can happen upon contact with her hands but there are times in which she can change those far away from herself, it would either have special conditions attached to it like touching them ahead of time and not activating it yet or something similar to an awakening of the fruits power.

If that part of the power was an awakening then it would make sense as all she would need to do was touch an object and spread that power, the power would spread to the ground where people are stood and then be turned into babies or old people incapable of fighting.

Even without the help of the system, she could pick up the presence of loyal shadow guards located in places nearby ready to attack at a moments notice so she couldn't help but admire how prepared they were.

Conney crossed one leg over the other and crossed her arms in a roguish manner as she spoke. "So what is this prediction and the information that you wish to pass on?"

Alyssia wasted no time as she explained. "As you may have guessed, sometime in the future Warlord of the Sea and the former king of Sorbet will die right before an important event that will shake the current structure of this world. My prediction is this but to confirm the specifics I have done a little investigating to back up my claims."

Bonney revealed a look of agitation as she spoke. "Just tell me what you know already."

Alyssia nodded calmly as she continued. "He has no more than two years remaining, perhaps even less than that according to my calculations. However it cannot be stopped as he is undergoing a complete body transformation under the support of the Marines and the World Government with Dr Vegapunk as the lead scientist. His body has most likely undergone many changes so far and many more will be happening soon. I suspect that the final operation will be done on his head or his grain specifically."

Conney began to hold her hand over her mouth to suppress herself from crying out in rage then she said in a voice full of sorrow. "Is he still alive and is he still himself?"

Alyssia nodded. "For now he is but once the final operation begins, that is when he will no longer be the same Kuma everyone knew. He will be nothing but what they have built him to be so that he will carry out their objectives for them."

Conney and Bonney both trembled as they both realised how serious things were and how much had been kept from them.

The Pacifista project was top secret and would only be revealed during the Sabaody and the war arcs so she did not go into too much detail that many did not know about but she revealed enough to let them know the current status of Kuma.

Although Vegapunk was kind enough to program in some of Kuma's last wishes into his programming, after completing those objectives he was just like every other Pacifista that would attack any wanted criminals in sight and follow the orders of high ranking Marines or those related to the project.

Conney calmed herself down and looked into Alyssia's eyes. "If what you say is true then I have to thank you but can you tell me what kind of operation it is? And what is your objective?"

Alyssia replied as she stood up and bowed. "It is no problem at all since I came with my own objective in mind. The operation is to change him into a complete Cyborg but the final part will transform him into a 100% living mechanical life form of some kind but what he was previously will no longer remain. To be honest with you.. I had hoped to use you both to draw him here and meet him in person to ask a favour of him but this will also be in your benefit. I swear I have no ill intentions to any of you and I can swear an oath or something if you really do not trust me."

Bonney frowned as she asked. "Why would we benefit from your plans to draw him here?"

Alyssia looked towards her seriously. "Certain events cannot be stopped because those pushing those events forward have too much power to contend with but that does not mean that you cannot get some kind of closure. If he had been distant lately it will be because of his troubles but this way you will get to see him again before he is gone and settle any regrets that you may have in the future."

In the original Bonney would set sail sometime soon and form her own crew earning her a large bounty but would later find out about the state of Kuma who was no longer living.

During that time she must have had many regrets that she could no longer set right with him and things that she wished to say but that included the queen mother too.

Both of them never got the chance to see him again or say goodbye before his final operation but with Alyssia's intervention, it may become possible.

Alyssia continued as she smiled mysteriously. "Now we can start planning how we can lure him here without him bringing others with him or alerting those around him."