Monera’s Adventure

Monera landed within a heavily populated sea area where many Sea Kings, Sea Beasts, whales, sharks and many other aquatic lifeforms lived.

As Monera adjusted to her surroundings she began to swim at a fast speed and unleashed a frightening attack with a trident upon the first lone sea creature that she found.

She wounded it heavily and quickly took out something which collected the blood that was mixing into the surrounding water and then quickly escaped from the scene of the crime leaving behind the slightly injured creature.

As she met more and more formidable foes, she found herself being challenged time and time again.

She had a mission to complete so she did not waste much time fighting with most sea beasts but when confronted with much larger and tougher opponents, she had to be more strategic to land a blow.

Many water arrows struck a large sea turtle before it could enter its shell where it was safe.

She moved through the water quickly another time and used her sharp thin to cut into a large Sea King giving it a small wound enough to draw blood from it.

Whales, goldfish, Sea Kings, Sea Beasts and other types of creatures living in the sea were repeatedly targeted by her which were large sizes and possessed their own physical traits whether it be their island sized body, their incredible defences, their superior speed within the water, high physical strength or were part of a rare bloodline or type of creature.

The more that she put herself under great pressure and danger the more Alyssia's teachings that had been passed on had begun to manifest themselves allowing her to tap into the Haki that she had failed to access most of her adult life.

Her senses became heightened through constant combat and risky situations which lead to a breakthrough allowing her to gain access to her Haki but she could only make use of Observation Haki a little more than others since her mastery was low.

She continued to test herself against tough opponents and push herself as her Observation Haki was showing some improvements along with her Armament Haki which had been stuck at a low level but with her current mastery of Fishmen Karate and her abilities in the water, it was enough to keep herself alive against fierce sea beasts and inflict a small wound on them enough to draw some blood.

She continued onwards meeting all kinds of creatures of different types until she found herself up against even the fearsome snakes seen in Amazon Lily named Yuda.

After meeting it, Monera realised that she had been placed near the Calm Belt and had made her way into the seas somewhere near Amazon Lily.

She battled it like the others but the ferocious and poisonous Yuda was one of the beasts that Sea Kings would not even attack so she had some difficulty with it.

Luckily she was able to avoid any bites from it and halt the poisonous breathe with large water attacks while using the distraction to land an attack on it before fleeing after she had collected the blood.

While she was there, she continued to travel around and battled a couple of Snake Weapons that the Kuja Tribe use but soon she found out how terrifying the snakes truly were.

Each of the snakes are born strong and ferocious with strong venom, each can grow their bodies to suit different types of combat, some remain thin and a certain length to be used by their owners as bows while Boa Hancocks was a lot bigger and thicker to allow her to use it as a throne and carry or elevate her to get a better view from above.

However the Weapon Snakes and Yuda were not just deadly creatures as they also had excellent senses whether it be their ability to navigate the Calm Belt or their tracking abilities which allowed Boa Hancock to track down Luffy after the war.

Monera was busy collecting her samples from the Weapon Snakes and the other beasts that she had wounded and saw the sight of a large Yuda approaching her with great speed. "What the.. I thought I lost it."

A ferocious battle broke out between the Yuda and Monera again in the sea which resulted in both sides suffering some small wounds but Monera was able to avoid being poisoned.

She fled again after stopping a poisonous breathe with a current shoulder throw and she began to replenish her energy and fill her stomach before it caught up again.

Many times she was caught up in the game of cat and mouse where she was forced into improving at a fast pace in order to survive.

She finally arrived away from the Calm Belt and entered the first half of the Grand Line once again.