Amazon Lily

In the morning, the group had packed their things and travelled to the nearest location where there were many buildings and people around.

They all walked into the home of many women of different strengths, physiques and characteristics but no men were around.

Each of them were trained as warriors since birth and were taught how to use their Haki from a young age as their tribe were born as natural fighters and produced no males.

Each of the Kuja Tribe of Amazon Lily lived eventful lives as they participated in many battles from a young age and the strongest among them were able to be granted the chance to join the Kuja Pirates.

They possess high mastery over Haki, each have their own type of combat, have a snake weapon of their own and know how to make their arrows able to pierce past the defences of Devil Fruit users as they add Haki to them.

For any Devil Fruit user without any real strength, Amazon Lily was their worst nightmare but for the females within Alyssia's crew it was the perfect training ground where they could gain many experiences within their land or in the forest areas.

For Alyssia it was a different story as she mainly coveted the upgrades to her Haki and the methods to add Haki to arrow heads or even other tools like bullets or throwing weapons.

They all stopped by some of the food stores and sold off some of their meat that they could not make use of and would go to waste and started purchasing many pieces of clothing and other things unique to Amazon Lily.

Since they were all female, there was no rejection to their presence even if some among them were from various races.

Most of their differences were overlooked by many on the island because everyone shared the same gender and many Kuja Tribe members possess many traits from the outside world from their parents meeting and mating with someone suitable before returning to Amazon Lily to give birth to them.

To the people of Amazon Lily, strength is beauty and many flaws or differences are not important.

In between visiting several stores and buying what they needed, the females of the White Storm made some trips to the fighting arena to watch the ongoing competitions but also participated in some.

Alyssia gathered as many martial arts skills as she could along with others to make up for the slightest bit of missing information in her system skills which helped to further perfect her White Storm Leg Style.

Some additional dance, gymnastic or weapon based skills were also upgraded a little as she purchased the next grade to her Observation and Armament Haki.

The small group started participating in some arena battles using hand to hand combat but Yvie, Ann, Ein, Pascia, Aizah and Nica were at a bit of a disadvantage as they fought people their own age from the Kuja Tribe due to not having enough time to get used to Haki and train their body and their individual martial arts style without their tools.

However the best way for them to improve themselves was to develop their close range combat through experience and harsh losses due to the difference in strength and skill so that they knew the gap between themselves and others while learning how to best fight against others without always relying on their tools.

Carrot, Alyssia and Tristan were very quick to adapt and establish their place in the arena because of their physical capabilities, skills and beast sense and even if Carrot and Tristan still lacked Haki, they were able to overcome many others because of a difference in strength and skill while Alyssia was growing to a stage where many lower grade Kuja Tribe warriors would struggle to make her exert most of her abilities.

Monera who had little experience with Haki had continued her practice and got to clash against Haki users so she was gradually showing slight improvements and she quickly gained more popularity as she kept winning many fights.

Medea struggled a little with hand to hand combat at first but gradually adapted as she had grown used to combat and could read her opponents moves and counterattack, her durable cyborg body let her be able to endure a beating and she quickly began to defeat many people and show her combat capabilities.

Even many of the Kuja Pirates may not even be her match if she got serious with perhaps the exception of Boa Hancock who is in her own stage in terms of individual abilities.

Alyssia stayed on the island with her crew members while practicing the Haki method to insert Haki into something and made many trips with her crew to the arena and the forest area where she let them gain experience as she continued to teach them individually and as a team as they took on many opponents.

Each of them were slowly increasing their own stamina, endurance, agility and strength under her watchful eye and becoming much more powerful even without their tools and weapons which helped to further increase their survival rates.

With Alyssia's cooking skills to boost their stamina and strength while replenishing their lost energy, Tristan's medicine to fix up any injuries or other problems, a perfect training plan suited for them and a perfect training ground they were able to show great progress as they even brought some items from Boin Archipelago to help increase the state of their body.

They were being given the VIP treatment that would help them achieve great results after sticking to it for a while and enduring the hardships that came with it however what would improve most would be their overall chances of survival within the world of One Piece.

Occasionally Alyssia would take a trip to Raijin island after some time had passed to take away the stored thunder energy and then place the tools back in the ground before returning to Amazon Lily.

Alyssia was negotiating with one of the ladies at one of the market stalls for different types of herbs and spices before leaving with a pleasant smile on her face when suddenly the Sea Snail started making noise so she removed it from her backpack. (Gacha) "What is it?"

A metallic female voice spoke afterwards. "A battle is taking place nearby, human life form is in danger. K1 is requesting orders!"

Since K1 was built to protect lives over taking them, it usually kept track of the surrounding lifeforms and was gradually adapting to those with ill or good intent as it was beginning to judge each situation more clearly with every experience.

It quickly learned that it should prioritise the safety of Alyssia and her closest people before others so K1 first contacted Alyssia through the communication snail that was built into its body.

It had to gain her permission or an order to act alone to save someone while potentially risking the lives of others or choosing between the life of the human or beasts.

K1 did not know yet whether Alyssia wished for it to act in a certain way that would benefit her best, save others without cost or would prefer to not interfere in such a thing that was happening nearby since it had not been around her long enough since its creation to allow it to make a correct judgement.

Alyssia went silent for a second and then replied. "Help out the human life form so that they can survive, inform the others and show them the way there so that they can fight off the beast or beasts. Support them in combat if they need it. I will be there soon."

The next moment she ran towards the location where she had left her crew members to find out how her order had been carried out.