White Serpent

Within the laboratory, Alyssia was continuing her research and kept increasing the mastery over each of her skills related to them along with many others.

The gardens were showing signs of flourishing allowing the growth of Weather balls and other types along with Pop Greens.

Among her main project related to artificial creatures, their growth rate had been multiplied by four so one month would allow them to grow for four months time while three months would be a year and so on.

Within each cultivation chamber, the lifeforms each had spent enough time to develop from the foetus stage and start entering the infant stages while some had already started developing into their initial growth stage.

One was a serpent shaped white body with unique markings which had passed the foetus stage after two months had passed at the most which was around half a month in real time.

From a new born it would then double or triple in size after six months had passed and then would continue its rapid growth which would then slightly slow down a little during the twelve and twenty four month periods then beyond that it would continue to do the same.

Since the snake had been born with unique traits and a special bloodline, its growth was rapid within the cultivation chambers and it had already become very large within a short period of time.

Another one was growing at a slightly slower pace than the snake but was becoming much too large to be contained if its growth was to continue as it had been.

The creature had a similar shape of body to a king bull but it had a wider back, better and stronger body parts suited for swimming and a more serpent like body as it had a long tail and neck with a scary looking head which looked like it resembled some kind of dinosaur.

Perhaps because of its bloodline and traits that it had within it, its growth potential would outgrow the cultivation chamber early as it passed the foetus stage and entered the growth stage where it would experience an even more big change in size.

Finally was the cultivation chamber belonging to the third lifeforms which was a hair creature that resembled a monkey which most tend to spend between one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty days in the foetus stage before entering the various growth stages which could be anything from around five months to around eight months.

Since the additional cultivation chambers which were based off the monkey life form, they all had a similar growth speed so they were still in their foetus stage while the snake and other bigger creature were each either entering their initial growth stages or were approaching a size where if they continued to grow then they would break out of the chamber unless a new one was built for it in a larger place.

Alyssia continued to keep records about their development as each creature slept within but she found that the cloning technology that was used to nurture the clones was best used when used with animals with lower foetus and infant stages than others, especially humans because the animals could be produced artificially and be modified to be loyal to their creator from birth unlike the clones who would still have to undergo the nine month foetus stage before entering the various growth stages afterwards.

Just to get a group of sixteen year old clones, it would take a whole four years to make that happen along with the resources needed to keep the cultivation chambers running for that long while that would he reduced when factoring in different animals and their growth stages.

Within the laboratory, Alyssia was watching over Xena and Yao as they were making some noises but what she was most focussed on was the small robot dog on the ground by her. "Okay that is all for today. Make sure to store all of that within your memory and learn it well."

The female robotic voice responded. "Yes master!"

Alyssia had continued to nurture K1 by reading many books and getting it to learn from them but the most useful source of information and generally the most correct and accurate knowledge after it had been collected and sorted would be from the system.

She had continued to spend time together with K1 and when she closed her eyes and was resting, she would read out from the beginner stages of each of the skills and as K1 was learning them well enough, she would move onto the next stage.

Since K1 was a robot with human emotions and was essentially living after being made with Automata and a combination of other science and technology, it was recognised as an artificial intelligence or AI, its learning capabilities were far above the average human as it was able to quickly memorise and master various types of skills that she had passed onto it.

After Alyssia had finished teaching it, K1's red lights that lit up in its eye parts had dimmed slightly as it entered its hibernation or rest mode as it began processing the information that it had been taught.

K1 was being brought up by Alyssia as the final trump card for safeguarding the final hopes of civilisation if she should ever die one day and the world had regressed in various ways.

If she died or many civilisations had perished in various ways, K1 would hopefully remain and carry out its duty to pass on the lost knowledge to the next generation who really needed it.

It did not stop there as K1 was able to learn many things about different lands and weather or navigation knowledge which allowed it to survive and provide assistance in many dangerous places.

She had also fitted K1 with an electric power converter which would help it survive on its own should it ever really be left on its own one day.

If it was low on power then it could go into a standby or sleep mode until it was later discovered by humans and luck would strike as K1 encountered some form of electricity or thunder strike to power it up again but that was in the worst case scenario since Alyssia had begun modifying it to increase its detection abilities for weather patterns.

K1 would easily be able to detect nearby thunder clouds and fly into them to power itself so it could always save enough power to continue tracking and allow the flight into the clouds before its power ran out in the worst case scenario.

Alyssia hoped that K1 would be passed onto her descendants or the Mink tribe so those worst case scenarios should not happen.

She walked towards the cultivation chamber of the white serpent and placed her hand on the glass as she gazed at it calmly as it slept. "It will not be all that much longer until I will have to get two of you out of there. Then maybe I can begin thinking of other types of creatures to create. Perhaps a messenger type of flying creature, a bug creature, one used for their milk or livestock or perhaps something better for the environment that can help with the growth of plants? Super messenger bat or bird? Nope… maybe I could further explore artificial plant life and those ecosystems like Boin Archipelagos? Perhaps but I do not wish for an environment like that where the plants and creatures are over populated with few signs of human life. Super milk cows or goats? Maybe since it would not hurt to have a way to have the best possible sources of food and drink without needing to fish and hunt. Self sufficiency is super important and I cannot keep burning through berries for ingredients or hunting various creatures until extinction just to feed myself and others. Okay good! That should be the next plan while perhaps looking into types of bugs that would be good for the growth of plant life."

Her future plans were much bigger than taking over an island and becoming a queen of that country so with her current projects as they were progressing, she was developing them towards a certain goal which would help towards future events when the first war would break out along with the future events that would turn the world upside down as it descended into chaos.

Many other countries were suffering from overgrowth of plant life or the animal population compared to humans, others were from starvation or a lack of water while others suffered from a variety of different problems which made them suffer but her homeland was fine to live on for a long time and the Minks did not suffer all that many problems because of the decent living environment but that may not last forever as the Minks may lose their home as Zunesha heads off to Wano and is involved in the future conflicts in some way.

It was difficult to predict if Zunesha would continue to remain alive or not and if he had other loyalties towards Joy Boy so she did not wish to place her races or descendants futures on a what if.

She needed something more concrete so she had been working on several different ideas which would possibly allow the Minks a way to survive and flourish or at least her own people and clan along with those who continued to follow her.

Within the cultivation chamber, the long and thin white snake had begun to grow at a rapid pace allowing it to shed its skin man times as it improved its body shape and patterns started forming on its scales.

A single horn had started to grow on top of the snout and large red spots were beginning to show as they ran down its body while the underside of its body was a pale pink, with thin horizontal black lines across it.

Its face shape was like that of a mix of the weapon snakes and the thousand year dragon named Ryu from Warship Island and it had some grey hair which jutted out from the back of its head and continued around the a small part of the neck behind the head which made it look slightly similar to a lions mane.

The snake had some similarities to Salome, the weapon snake belonging to Boa Hancock but its overall growth showed that it would continue to grow much longer and slightly thicker than Salome over time and would even surpass many other snakes in length if it continued its current rate of growth.

Perhaps due to the influence of draconic bloodline or another snake species like a horned snake bloodline, it had grown a horn and had taken ok most of the advantages of many other species along with the tough scales and other racial advantages.

Slowly other things were beginning to fall into place whether it be the completion of the metal ships, the changes to her own ship, her various projects and the new or old additions to the crew as they continued to improve as time passed and the flow of the world kept moving forwards.

Finally, a newspaper arrived welcoming a new day in which would present another challenge and opportunities which Alyssia had been preparing for.

In front of her was a bounty poster of Monkey D Luffy who had his bounty raised to one hundred million berries as she mumbled to herself. "If he has seen this then he should be on his way soon enough."

She started packing a large backpack and filled it with all sorts of food, useful items and technology to help with her journey. "Hmm.. I have more than enough points saved up to handle any other needs to so I am totally prepared!"

A little while later, she was them sent flying through the sky once again as she lazily rested within the big air bubbles that protected her as she flew towards the next destination but unlike her usual clothing, she was dressed mostly in clothes that disguised her bodies shape and appearance.

Using Life Return and Paper Art she was able to make it so that her tail was less noticeable as it curled unnaturally around her waist area and a part of it and her ears had been controlled to not be pointed up so much.

She even wore her face mask that had covered the lower half of her face so she was difficult to identify by most people that may know her even a little from any news article or have some slight interest in her from her past events.