Central Lawless Zone #4

Rather than heading directly to the most obvious place of attack at where the entrance was, several people started scaling the back and side of the walls as they entered the lands of the Sunken Castle.

Just as their feet touched the ground, one person felt a tug upon their leg as they were pulled underground.

Yvie had burrowed several holes in the ground and built a network of tunnels so upon sensing an intruder, she pulled them into a nearby hole and stabbed and slashed them with her sharp claws.

Her black eyes lit up with excitement as she finished off the first opponent then she started sensing any others and made her way towards them quickly in her hybrid form.

Sometimes she would pull people into the holes or slash their legs before killing them if they were close enough but if they were too far away, she started popping out of the holes as she cancelled her hybrid form and used her slingshot to take them out quickly.

While she was defending one wall with several others, each of the main members were split up between a much larger group as they defended the land from the intruders with quick surprise attacks.

Before people could cry out in pain or shout out loud to warn others outside, they were quickly killed and a new wave of intruders entered afterwards to receive the same treatment.

Even Li had contributed to killing some of them in an ambush and switched between her hybrid form which kept her size the same but increased her attack power and agility while providing her better ability to dodge attacks and her full form which had much more power along with the increased range and size of her attacks.

As the invaders awaited the opening of the gates, the gates were starting to slowly be opened wide which invited them all inside.


"Do not let a single one get away."


"This is going to be fun."

"They must be sleeping peacefully by now, I cannot wait to see the moment they wake up and realise that death is close."


They all ran towards the gate with great speed but found that they got close enough to see the insides but soon after they all had stepped on what could only be described as a minefield.

Many types of mines and animal traps were placed some distance away from the entrance so upon them seeing the gate open, they had rushed forwards in the dark without caring for anything else.

Several people stepped upon something which triggered a strong gust of wind which was released upward right underneath them so they were forced into the air and then fell back down to the ground suffering heavy injuries while some fell onto another type of trap.

Some released a strange gas in the surroundings upon stepping onto the trigger and as they stepped off, the gas was ignited resulting in them being caught up in the explosion.

Others stepped on something and their leg was damaged by a strong impact while some were hit by thunder upon stepping on the triggers.

The more simple traps had been activated resulted in a bloody scene as they lost a foot or suffered a more severe injury if they fell into one.

Chaos spread among the invaders the moment the traps activated.


"What is this?"

"Keep moving! We have already come this far so keep moving! Argh!"

"There are more behind us than those in front so just be careful!"

"Follow behind someone to ensure your safety!"

"These little… I want revenge for this!"

"Vile demons! Such methods! Ah!"

As the traps were decreasing and as the invaders were making their way deeper, they had avoided some of the traps in the ground as they kept pushing forward.

If they retreated then they would only be walking into the traps that they had missed upon entering the mine field.

They still could not be deterred from stopping their plans even after seeing their allies being roasted, electrocuted, flung into the sky, suffering from an unknown attack or being caught in a trap so they kept approaching the gates but kept remaining cautious as they advanced.

However at the gate, several people had gathered to exit and form a formation to block the way.

As soon as people had made their way out of the danger zone, they were met with attacks from those who had appeared at the gate or those that were stood on the walls above.

Many trick arrows of different types were fired by Sunila which created further chaos on the battlefield along with her precise Haki arrows aimed towards any strong people within the group while many small robots crawled over and latched onto each of the invaders bodies and released different typed of attacks.

Pascia used her wind attacks to push people back into the danger zone which activated some traps that had not been activated yet or those that had additional charges.

Several illusions appeared in the shape of different types of animals as they fiercely attacked the invaders which provided enough of a distraction for a container full of sticky or flammable fluid to be launched from her gun and land on them resulting in further damage and restraint to the invaders.

The two cyborgs and Archie along with his shield unit had protected others from attacks while causing heavy damage at the front.

Aizah provided cover fire from the sky as she shot downward into the crowd of enemies with scattering shots while Ashwin hovered above before finding a weakness in the enemies formation as he went down to pass by an unsuspecting person and hit them with his impact weapon before flying up again to safety.

Many Pop Green were fired onto the battlefield which were in different forms as some were bounced up into the air and fell down onto the traps or suffered a serious fall while others were impaled by the javelin bamboo or eaten by the many carnivorous plants.

Many throwing weapons were flying towards enemies and any type of weapons that other possessed were stolen by Jester, rendering them helpless while their ranged support who had been left by the trees had their weapons and ammunition stolen too.

Carrot, Tristan and Clifford kept moving through the front lines at a quick speed as they destroyed anything in their path.

Liushi was tearing down any strong points with his two large war glaives as each attack created fierce wind attacks with great power behind it.

Finally Nica was on the wall and had a large sniper rifle aimed towards each target that she selected.

The sniper rifle was much too big and heavy for her to handle alone so it was setup with several supports to hold it up and allow her to properly aim it as she aimed towards the far away targets hidden within the forest who had been unable to offer further aid after losing their weapons to Jester.

She loaded the first bullet with a metal casing, aimed and then pulled the trigger.