Strong World

Upon the return of Monera, she had arrived at Rica Island along with a small group of Fishmen, Merfolk and Sea Beasts.

Many of them stayed within the shipyard and docking area that had been newly built so they could remain by the sea but Monera and many others on the island continued to endure Alyssia's harsh training as she continued to teach them the basics of Haki.

Each sparring session, they could feel their Haki grow a little along with their mastery over it and even some of the younger people of the crew were slowly beginning to edge forward after more than a year of being instructed on how to use it with some of the later additions to the inner circle like Zhihaojin who had only started to learn a little more.

Using the White Storm to monitor the ongoing changes within the world, Alyssia was able to know about many things happening in different places along with track the progress of the Straw Hat Pirates as well as many of the Worst Generation.

A little before the events of Sabaody would take place, Shiki who had escaped from Impel Down with his Float Devil Fruit abilities after cutting his legs off, started to enact his own plan long with the Golden Lion Pirates.

After hearing about the attack upon the East Blue, Alyssia stepped out of Rica Island once again as she followed the trail of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Later a great confrontation took place between the Straw Hat Pirates and they lost against Shiki while Nami was recruited to be his Navigator on his floating island.

While they were all kept busy, Alyssia had watched from far away as she used her system to purchase the many skills around herself including Shiki's two sword style.

Just as the Straw Hat Pirates were attempting to set up explosives within the island, Alyssia infiltrated the lab and collected many samples of the SIQ along with many of the ingredients which would help in learning to create various drugs.

Many ingredients, drugs and samples from the many mutated beasts were taken by her before the explosion went off and when Shiki was defeated by Luffy resulting in the floating island falling from the sky so Alyssia quickly collected Dr Indigo who was a member of the Golden Lion Pirates and the creator of the SIQ serum that helps animals better adapt to their environment and evolve.

Since he was someone very skilled and a great chemist, Alyssia did not wish for him to die or be captured by the Marines just yet so she quickly restrained him before jumping below the island before the explosion went off.

Although she had gained many useful skills or useful unique skills from the two humans of the Golden Lion Pirates, she was not finished making use of them so she took out some masks from her sealed waterproof bag as she waited underwater with Dr Indigo for the time that Shiki would fall from the sky after being defeated.

As she sensed him coming down, she held a pair of Sea Prism handcuffs and caught him before placing the cuffs on his wrists and restraining him.

After she had restrained him, she placed a mask on his face to allow him to survive underwater during his weakened state so she started swimming back until she finally met up with Ness and Ghost who had been tracking down her location.

Upon arriving back at Rica Island, she dove back into her research as she passed on her newly gained knowledge to K1 and Tristan while she looked at the two restrained captives who had once faced off against Sengoku, Roger and Garp in their prime so she was happy with her gains from not only martial arts but also the chemistry and swordsmanship skills they possessed.

She had made it her mission to pass on any improvements of her skills to her crew upon gaining new styles from different people and among them, there was the improvement to dual wielding of weapons so she made sure to pass on the new and improved versions of each of their styles while helping to improve some single sword styles like Medea's but Clifford and Liushi had benefited most from her adventure.

In order to prevent another escape of Shiki, she made sure to restrain the rest of his body and not just the limbs so that he could not pull off the same trick as before.

Within the training grounds inside the Sunken Castle walls, Alyssia wielded her scythe blades and clashed against Clifford's two swords but each time he was unable to prevent damage to the blade.

Both were just using their own sword techniques without any other special attacks or abilities but even though Alyssia was not classified as a swordswoman, she was able to apply what she had learned over the years into her scythe blades as she overpowered and countered Clifford at each time.

It was not long before his prized swords were unrecognisable and they could no longer be used unless they were repaired.

Alyssia sighed upon seeing that. "It may take some time but you must learn how to best use your swords and keep them from being damaged. For now keep practicing with ordinary swords or have those repaired, I hope that you can grasp Haki a little sooner since you have had a lot of time to adjust to the world outside and gain many experiences. You have also been pushed by me many times who possesses Haki so I believe you can do it then you can learn how to make a black blade."

Clifford rubbed his head with a look of embarrassment. "I will try to but what you have taught me is already enough."

Whether it be the Shiki, Zoro, Kaku or many other dual sword style wielders, Alyssia had gained enough skills from them to be able to pass on a style over time to Clifford and with the addition of Shiki who was once a member of the Rocks Pirates, Clifford started to show great improvements.

Although the improvements were not so great for Liushi, it did help to improve his style a little while mostly improving his and many others training plans to help them reach a greater level of physique much sooner.

Even Jester had begun to show great improvements with his dagger and knife wielding style but also to his juggling skill after receiving her guidance from time to time when he was not out on a mission which had been further improved upon after capturing Dr Indigo and Shiki.

Medea had improved her own style after Alyssia had came back from Thriller Bark after picking up Brooks style of fencing swordsmanship that had been improved during his time stuck within the Florian Triangle.

Alyssia looked towards both of them and spoke again. "Liushi, you should get your weapons looked at by Zhihaojin since he should be able to improve it or build you a better set. Clifford here, these are for you."

She went towards a wooden box and opened it up revealing the contents inside which were two swords which had been removed from Shiki which were Oto and Kogarashi that he used to single handedly massacre an entire army of Marines before being subdued by Garp and Sengoku.

He later used them as prosthetic legs so upon capturing him, she removed them and had Zhihaojin work on the hilt and sheathe for them as they were fixed up again so that she could pass them onto Clifford.

Both were double edged and famed swords so she believed that they would provide Clifford with a large boost to his fighting potential.

Clifford held both Oto and Kogarashi as he inspected them with a look of excitement in his eyes. "Do not worry, I will not let down your expectations of me."

Alyssia smiled as she turned around to go towards her lab once again until Tristan arrived after stabilising her medical practice in St. Poplar.

Alyssia returned to the prison cell where Dr Indigo and Shiki were kept. "Dr Indigo, a famed chemist with great abilities to make all kinds of drugs and a former member of the Rocks Pirates. My name is Alyssia Lucine and right now you are within my hands completely without any way to escape."

Shiki grit his teeth in anger. "Why have you captured us?"

Dr indigo remained silent as he observed the situation.

Alyssia replied. "You must be joking Shiki, you are a pirate with a warmonger mentality and will not be happy unless the world is not in a time of peace. If you found a way to survive then you would only stir up more chaos in the world and your strength and abilities cannot be wasted. The same is true for your crew member, it would be a crime to let his abilities disappear from the world. So here is my proposal, work for me!"

Dr Indigo shook his head and Shiki shouted back. "Never!"

Alyssia smirked. "Fine then have it your own way but do you honestly think that I cannot possibly break that spirit of yours? Oh yes.. I remember that you have great respect for the strong, you have already been defeated by someone after underestimating them so do not do it again this time because even without those restraints.. I have confidence in defeating the current you."

Luffy may have defeated him by chance after he underestimated Luffy's rubber abilities as he expected Luffy to be electrocuted upon having a part of his body pass through a thunder cloud which made him slow to dodge before Luffy's attack came back down to hit him but Alyssia was confident that her abilities were far ahead of Luffy in his Gear Second or Third form so she did not fear the much older and weakened Shiki who was no longer in his prime.

Alyssia started to break down both of their wills while she had collected enough samples from both of them for their body types and Shiki's Float Devil Fruit which helped to further her research.

By the time that Tristan had made it back, both of them were being obedient and followed Alyssia's every command or request without question as the Germa and Hypnotist skills were out to full use to turn them over to her side and make them obey her without question.

While Shiki spent most of his days restrained, he did get a new set of prosthetic legs which Tristan had been working on so he was able to walk once again but he was only allowed to walk around his cell while the rest of his body was restrained with Sea Prism restraints.

As Dr Indigo was easier to tame, Alyssia and Tristan let him out occasionally to provide insights into many different experiments they were working on while helping them to grasp the newly obtained knowledge from him and Dr Hogback.

A new garden was built to grow many types of rare plants along with the newly acquired IQ plants needed for the SIQ serum.

Another thing that she had obtained from the events of Strong World was a couple of samples of the inhabitants of the Floating Island who each have feathered arms which helped them survive the fall from the sky as their island no longer had Shiki to make it float anymore.

A small vial full of green liquid was within Alyssia's hands as she examined it lazily, each time that she waved it from side to side, a pair of small eyes would follow curiously. "Not yet, it has not been perfected yet."