The Unfortunate #3

Facing constant abuse, unfair treatment from an early age from relatives Medea had already built up a strong front to show in front of others while she put on a smile in front of her mother to keep her from worrying about her.

She wished to grow stronger and escape her family to take care of her mother while providing her with a life where she no longer needs to life a life of servitude to her family.

That dream was cut short upon being captured and used as a pawn to bring down her mother then her life worsened.

Many physical and mental abuses later, she became more alert to the emotions of others and could figure out when they would become hostile to her and when she should act a certain way.

She had developed a severe survivor mentality which helped her live longer but be unable to trust others easily since trusting in someone would only end in betrayal or end up hurting her in some way.

As she was moved around as a slave, her body and mind were broken before being sold to the next person who was even more cruel than the last as they taunted her for her current state.

Upon being bought by Alyssia, she remained quiet and vigilant during the time that she was undergoing treatment.

Slowly her body was being restored and she gained the opportunity to fix it in another way that would allow her to use her limbs once again so she chose to undergo the procedure even if the risks were great.

Even if she had not completely trusted Alyssia and the others completely, she volunteered because it could be a turning point in her life which she would risk her life upon.

Even if she was to become a test subject, so long as she got what she desired then she would not choose any differently because she was sick and tired of living so helplessly.

Afterwards she was taught on how to improve her swordsmanship along with several other body movements to improve her combat ability by Alyssia so she quickly joined the activities and missions of the White Storm to pay back everything that had been done for her.

Upon arriving at the East Blue, she had collected many samples as asked and gained a small following of mercenaries which followed her to the White Storm Mercenary Group and then continued to work as a mercenary.

Some other adventures later had allowed her to grow closer to those within the inner circle of the crew and heal her mind a little more allowing her to trust in those around her.

Upon the birth of Xena and Yao along with the trust of Alyssia who allowed her to be a part of their life, Medea had let down her guard completely but there would always be lingering problems within her that would be difficult to remove or heal.

When the request came from Alyssia came for the current task, Medea questioned in her mind. 'This is unlike anything she has ever done before and even she has been involved in purchasing slaves so why is she doing this and why did she ask me to take part? Does she know that I want some kind of vengeance or justice of some kind so that is why she has planned this or is this part of some much bigger scheme.'

However Alyssia patted her shoulder and knocked her out of her thoughts. "This mission is important because it will do a big amount of damage to the criminal underworld within Sabaody Archipelagos. Most places are allowed to run rampant and destroy many innocent peoples lives right under the Marines eyes who turn the other way. This is a chance to help those unfortunate people who have been taken advantage of much like yourself but to also spite the Marines who shout justice but do not have it in their hearts. You can get a little revenge for yourself but control yourself during the whole thing and do not lose control of your rationality. Then you can truly get a little revenge on that part of the world that hurt you but also save others like yourself."

Medea quietly nodded with a look of determination in her eyes.

In the present time, she had already gained entry into one of the buildings that she had to attack and was lead to the main room.

Before speaking to anyone she placed her hands onto the bodies of the guards by her side and they experienced an electric shock. "Ah.."

As they started falling, Medea snatched the sword from one of them and unsheathed it quickly as she then disappeared from the remaining peoples line of sight.

She then appeared behind them and sheathed the sword followed by many cries as blood spilled from the wounds created on each of the others bodies.

Medea threw the sword aside and then picked up a more suitable one with a thinner and longer blade which followed with her moving from room to room as she cut down anyone involved with the slave trading building.

Since she was familiar with the habits of people who liked to hold onto control of others without allowing them off their leash, she quickly figured out the location where the keys would be hidden and then burned the slave papers.

She quickly opened all of the cages and allowed everyone to escape as she dropped the keys and explained the same things that Alyssia had.

After leaving the building, she headed to the next location where she followed the same methods as she use a combination of her light footwork and movements similar to Flash Step which allowed her to slash many people quickly as she passed them before they even noticed what was happening which had been improved from her families swordsmanship and further improved upon Alyssia passing on Brooks accomplishments and many others which had been tailor made to suit her cyborg body and enhancements.

As she watched many greedy people who regarded human lives as things to be traded be cut down with the sword in her hands and the eyes of those in despair turn more full of life, she felt a little better even if it was just a small and temporary feeling.

After hiding out, she travelled to the next location to carry out her mission followed by the next one after that as she used the growing crowd to let her travel to the next location and escape without being noticed.

Just as the slaves from Grove One were fleeing, the groups that Alyssia and Medea had freed all done the same as they made their way towards each of the safe houses or headed towards one of the other groves to find their own way to hide out or escape from Sabaody Archipelagos.

Not everyone freed was a good person and there would always be problems created by their release so while some did their best to lay low, others only caused further trouble within Sabaody which resulted in their capture by the Marines or something else.

Some had even went to find the families that they had left behind upon being captured and had a happy reunion but not every reunion was a happy one as some walked in on the changes brought on by their disappearance over a long period of time.

Without them being there, time moved on for others and their loved ones had gotten over the process of missing them resulting in them finding a hew person to support them or to receive love from.

Most realistic people who cannot live without that support and have other worries like how they would be able to handle the debts or child left behind by the father or mother that disappeared had sought help from friends or received unexpected help from someone of the opposite gender which let them move on with their lives and start anew.

While some slaves awkwardly walked in and admitted their mistakes or pleaded for a chance to remain in their previous partners lives, others had left distraught upon witnessing such scenes while others let their anger get the best of them which a very select few had resulted in tragedy.

Some ex pirates or criminals turned slave returned to those they had been hanging out with so they could continue their own life while some others sought revenge on those who had betrayed them or a select few were reformed after what they had suffered.

Many different types of predictable or unpredictable situations created by the possibilities of human emotion and logic within Sabaody Archipelagos.

While Alyssia's intent was to free those from the life of a slave due to her own world view, she was aware of the many consequences of her actions that would follow upon them being released but she still chose to go ahead with it to save the larger probability of people who would be able to live a free life without a collar around their necks.

It was the Marines job to deal with the lawless parts of the world and enforce justice but they continue to ignore such problems so she could no longer just ignore it when such a big chance had presented itself with the Worst Generation catching all of the attention and allowing her and others to act in the background.

Even Medea and Jester were fully aware that what they were doing was not completely justified and it may not result in a happy ending for everyone but they still chose to take part in it all.