Blue Box and Claw #1

The events of Amazon Lily happened as Luffy landed there resulting in him being captured, chased and then being thrown into the battle against the two sisters of Boa Hancock.

Luffy overcame his problems and gained a new admirer in the form of Boa Hancock who had fallen for him.

He gained her support so that he could gain entry to Impel Down as he tried to save Ace.

He gained more allies as he made was way further down to the lower levels but he was poisoned and dying.

With the help of Bon Clay, he was able to make it far enough to be noticed by Ivankov resulting in him being saved but at a cost of some of his lifespan.

Upon arriving at the place where Ace was held, Ace had already been taken out from his cell so Jinbe and Crocodile were released from their cells which made him gain some more allies on his journey to save Ace and escape from Impel Down.

Thanks to Bon Clay's self sacrifice, a large amount of prisoners were able to escape while some had been freed by Blackbeard who had made the worst of all the prisoners fight among themselves so that the winners could gain the chance to escape and join his crew.

As the battle started between the Marines and Whitebeard, many numbers of pirates and Marines had died and the ships were destroyed which hurt the overall morale of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Squards betrayal had resulted in a wound being dealt to the already sick Whitebeard but it was revealed to be a plot of the Marines and Whitebeard forgave him.

The battle was becoming more chaotic as Oars Jr ran ahead to save Ace resulting in him losing a leg and suffering many fatal injuries from Moria and Doflamingo but his body would later become a crucial piece that would provide an opening for his crew.

The entry of Luffy, Jinbe, Buggy, Crocodile and Ivankov along with the many prisoners of Impel Down as they all fell from the sky caught everyones attention and the battlefield was once again shifted to Whitebeards side once several events took place.

When Luffy ran out of energy, he received another boost which allowed him to continue onwards and push past his limits as he gained the Whitebeard Pirates respect after saving Ace from being beheaded with a release of Conquerers Haki.

After punching Garp, Luffy arrived on the execution platform and took a hit from Sengoku after the key to the cuffs was broken by Kizaru.

With the help from Galdino who had infiltrated the execution platform as an executioner, Luffy was able to protect Ace and free him which allowed them to both fight together after their reunion.

What followed was the tragedy that took place as Ace sacrificed himself to save Luffy which made him fall into despair and finally pass out but Akainu did not stop there as he enforced his absolute justice to end Luffy's life too.

Jinbe saved Luffy and held off Akainu which allowed for Luffy to be carried away to safety and Whitebeard took his revenge upon Akainu.

As the Admirals were busy pursuing Luffy and were distracted, Whitebeard had created a large pit along the battlefield which stopped others from reaching him but also cut off his own path to escape.

Blackbeard finally decided that it was time to show himself and he started targeting his former captain along with his new crew members.

Right before his death, Whitebeard shouted. "One Piece.. Does exist!"

Whitebeard died standing with many wounds on his body but not a single wound was on his back and Blackbeard had become happy that his plan was reaching completion.

Just as he was about to step forward with his crew, a change took place on the battlefield right at the place where Whitebeard stood.

A large blue police box started materialising over Whitebeard as it seemed to be partly invisible at one moment before taking form the next until it finally settled and completely covered his body.

A large amount of smoke or mist surrounded the box which caught everyone off guard and it obscured many peoples vision in the surrounding area.

Most people were still distracted with their pursuit of Luffy and the remaining Whitebeard Pirates that were trying to escape so not many were able to understand what was happening or could make a sudden move.

Suddenly as the smoke spread out and obstructed their vision, a large metallic claw fell down from the sky from what looked like a giant cloud to everyone else's eyes and it grabbed onto the body of Whitebeard before anyone could make out what was happening.

As the claw surrounded the dead body, a secondary action followed as several metal wires helped to secure the body in place and then the long attachment to the claw started to retract as it pulled the body into the air towards the cloud in the sky.

Blackbeard who had let down his guard at the moment of his victory had finally noticed what was happening but the claw had already taken the body from him so he panicked. "No!"

He reached out his hand to activate his Darkness Devil Fruit power from his hand to pull the body back but he was met with resistance and then a bolt of lightning fell down upon his body which made him roll around in pain for a moment due to his low pain threshold.

Everyone never expected anything to appear in the sky so suddenly during such a moment during the war and suddenly interfere with the battle, especially not Blackbeard.

With several attempts to draw Whitebeard towards him, the body had already been taken and then suddenly the cloud climbed higher into the sky and disappeared.

The newly formed Blackbeard Pirates were forced to confront Garp and Sengoku without the Quake Devil Fruit power in Blackbeard's hands so they were beaten back a little bit but Blackbeard was able to counter Sengoku's Devil Fruit with his own Darkness abilities which he was far more proficient in than he would be upon using the Quake abilities after just eating it.

They mostly relied on their numbers to put up a struggle against Garp and Sengoku until Shanks finally arrived on the battlefield and called for the battle to be put to an end after Coby's act of bravery.

The injured Blackbeard Pirates were forced to retreat and the war finally came to and end but nobody could be sure who was behind the mysterious appearance on the battlefield before snatching Whitebeard's body.

After the large cloud had disappeared and gained some distance, the illusion had faded away and many were left to speculate who was behind such an act and questioned why they had done so.

While those with a brain could speculate who created the illusions, they did not have solid proof so they could not point their finger recklessly and the people behind it did not do any harm or interfere in the war in a big way so they could hardly put any crimes on their heads.

Shanks took Ace's dead body to be buried and Luffy had been taken by Law.