Scandal #3

After Sunila reported the whole thing to Alfred, she kept watch over Pascia who had made her way to the usual meeting place a couple of days later.

She sat opposite the man with a calmer look on her face than she had previously. "It seems that you have been making fun of me all this time."

The man opposite her paused as he heard her words and then put on his act of affection. "My love, I do not know what you could mean?"

Pascia revealed a brief look of anger in her eyes but she then turned cold. "I know everything that you are involved in and why you have approached me so you no longer need to keep up your facade. At first I was in disbelief when I heard it but I have had time to think things over and calm down. I do not think we should see each other again and you are lucky that I want to leave things as they are."

Just as she was about to get up, the man stretched out his arm and tried to grab onto her arm but Pacia escaped his hold before he could tighten his grip upon her.

Her movements were gentle and soft like water as she escaped his grasp and stepped aside. "Do not touch me."

She then turned her back to him and started walking out of the cafe but the man got up from his seat and ran after her while muttering quietly. "Damn, how did she find out or has she misunderstood something?"

Just as he was about to grab onto her again, she escaped his attempt with her elegant and soft movements which had been naturally refined into her every movement from her dancing martial arts techniques.

The time spent training had put her far above the man who was chasing after her and she was able to avoid him with every attempt he made.

She spun her body around and then kicked him which knocked him down to the ground. "I said not to touch me, you are not worthy enough to touch me. You are lucky that I am still holding back."

She curled up her lips as she saw his pathetic state on the ground and then started to leave. 'I do not even know what I had first seen in him.'

Their relationship had not been going on for a very long time so she had still been in the falling in love stage where she was experiencing intense and passionate feelings brought on by infatuation and not love.

She was in a state where she could disregard or overlook anything negative or concerning about the person she was infatuated with which made her overlook anything strange about their meeting and miss any signs that the man may have revealed by mistake.

Just as she had gotten to face him before ending their short relationship, she had let go of those feeling of infatuation and decided to move on with her life.

However the man got up from the ground and looked around to lock eyes with a couple of people in the surroundings and nodded to give them a signal.

Many people started to come out and surround Pascia to block her path of escape as they closed in on her as the man caught up behind. "Restrain her and take her somewhere secluded. The plan is pushed forward, I am sorry Pascia but it may have been better if you did not find out the truth so soon. It would have been much a gentler experience. Ahaha."

The man had to resort to more forceful methods once the plan had somehow been exposed and once there was a sign of his task failing.

Out of the many people he was assigned to pull into the company, there was one that was of the highest priority due to her rising fame and beauty.

He had also coveted her body for himself while wishing to pull her in as part of the assigned task given to him so both had made him unable to give up on Pascia.

Since Pascia was within their territory, he still saw hope for capturing and gaining control over her with the help of the people affiliated with the company.

Just as they were about to get close and grab onto Pascia, she moved once again and kicked the first person near her and then turned to softly deflect an attack from herself and then responded with a palm strike followed by another kick as her physical body allowed her to avoid taking any damage and counterattack while being surrounded.

Just as some were getting up from the ground and picked up a metal bar or or wooden stick, they charged towards her with fury in their eyes.

The man who was watching suddenly widened his eyes. "Stop!"

In his eyes, they were about to harm or break what he had spent so long to bring over to the companies side and even the smallest permanent wound would affect the profits she would bring in to the company.

Every little thing that they did to her would be put all on him by his boss but they did not listen to his words as they became more aggressive.

Her improved flexibility, agility, stamina and strength that she had built up had helped her to put up a good fight against them and knocked many of them down even when outnumbered and surrounded while she was unarmed.

Once they had brought weapons into the fight, she had to avoid them more often and was put in a more difficult situation but a change happened within the battle suddenly.

An arrow flew towards one of the men wielding a metal pipe from on top of a building which entered their shoulder with a strong force followed by another one towards another person.

Cries of pain erupted from the group of men one after another as one of their limbs were impaled by the arrows and then as Pascia got away from them, another arrow was fired which had released a strong metal wire restraint which tied each of them.