Lawless King makes a move

A couple of days ago, several movements were made from the Lawless King as he started making his people take more radical action against those on the island and around it which had started to interfere with those of the capital and those within the Sunken Castle, the floating island on Ness and the docking area.

Monera, the Fishmen and Merforlk that she recruited along with the sea creatures fended off several attacks on the sea in a short amount of time.

The Kungfu Dugong took the lead as it punched the ships from below with a layer of ice on its fist and several attacks caused the ship to sink slowly into the sea before continuing to another ship.

The many other sea creatures joined to provide assistance in the same way while the Merfolk attacked with ranged water attacks and attacked the ships with their tridents.

The Fishmen climbed on board and used their superior strength to crush their enemies while Monera took the lead.

Many brick fists and shark arrows destroyed the enemies forces and caused great damage to them as some were unable to retreat due to the damage of their ship or being captured while a couple had slipped away.

Within the forest area, some beasts seemed to stray into the territory of the Sunken Castle as if they had been forced there which resulted in a battle over the land.

Many Devil Apes were armed with all types of weapons of different types as they had started to learn from those around them and started mimicking some of the training methods and martial arts of others.

Many beasts strayed into the territory and clashed with the Devil Apes but were unable to put up any resistance as they were taken as hostile and quickly defeated.

Many gunshots and clashing of metal was heard afterwards as the people behind it had emerged after their plan had been ruined.

As the group were being heavily wounded and killed by the juvenile Devil Apes, a small amount of them fled with fear in their eyes.

The last thing that they saw and heard before their deaths or from behind them as they had gained enough distance to escape was the many Devil Apes brutally defeating the invaders as they seemed to be grinning excitedly and laughing while a couple let out war cries.

Their fighting spirit had been aroused and they entered a battle state the moment the enemy was confirmed to be hostile to the place and people they were to protect.




Meanwhile within the Sunken Castle area, suspicious movement followed as the new residents of the land had gathered together.

"Should we move now?"

"They said to wait for a signal, this must be it."

"Do you really wish to go against these people? You should know that we are just sacrificial pawns at this point."

"Shut up."

"But do you think we will live after this? Even if we do, we will suffer from either side. Maybe if we inform someone then we can gain some guarantee of safety."

"I said.."


"Fool… anyone else?"


"Okay, then we will move out right away according to our orders."

Many of them were tribesmen of Rica Island who had moved from the other lands and settled by or within the Sunken Castle walls and started building a new life for themselves while some were not as they seemed.

Some were spies who had come along with some of the tribes or a large group that wished to infiltrate and cause problems but awaited the right time to act.

Some armed themselves while some others prepared to try to sabotage many things within the walls to allow an easier invasion for those outside.

One person started to head towards the generator with a pick axe in their hand as they prepared to strike at it in the hopes of destroying it and removing the electrical defences.

However just as they saw a metal animal shaped statue which was nearby, it felt as if they were being watched by it but shook their head as they had recognised the metal statues as just statues and nothing else.

Many others continued to act as they planned without knowing how they were walking towards their own graves.

The statues watched their actions and upon showing destructive or hostile actions within the walls of the Sunken Castle, they started to move and the strong claws or teeth of them caused heavy damage to those people as they were killed or subdued.

They were the Automata of Ein which were made in the shapes of many different animals, some were smaller animals while others were slightly bigger like the size of a medium or large dog and a very small amount were as big as a tiger.

Many of the Automata had been placed around the island to behave as statues and act as observers and silent protectors so the moment that there was a flaw in the security and others were able to slip past or cause harm to the people or area, they would exit their state of sleep.

Often times, when the master and their strongest followers are away the security will become weaker and enemies outside will use the absence as an excuse to attack so Alyssia had Ein leave her Automata behind to act as the protectors and guards.

As they acted, they set off alarms within the area to alert the others of an attack which prompted Yvie and Zhihaojin into action as they lead as they lead those able to fight towards where there was an enemy.

Yvie dove into the fight using her small and slim build to her advantage as she changed to her hybrid form.

Several lacerating slashes of her claws allowed her to defeat many while she also made use of her mastery over the dragon claw technique to grab onto the opponent and crush whatever she held onto or at least allowed her to hold them in place for another attack.

Occasionally she would back off when she was outnumbered and then lift up her arm which had a metal cylinder attached to it.

She clenched her fist as if she was squeezing something and a circular object was shot from the cylinder at a fast speed.

Upon exiting the cylinder, the circular object then transformed into a spinning blade type of Pop Green which was the Shuriken type which was triggered upon being fired and cut through anything in its path.

However that was not the end as she released her grip and squeezed two more times which fired off another two which were the same.

She then backed off again and raised her other arm as she did the same action three times.

This time the result was different as three large plants grew quickly nearby and started to devour those by them.

In another place, Zhihaojin was holding his ground as he was dressed within his new suit of armour that protected his chest and legs while keeping him firmly on the ground while his arms were left bare and his head had a protective helmet on it.

He swung each of his hammers according to his practiced rhythm as an electrical attack was released upon coming into contact with the enemy followed by his second attack which followed with more power.

The second attack released a large amount of heat which helped to defeat the enemy along with the built up power which was then followed by a third, forth and so on.

The first opponent he faced was the lucky one as they did not get that much damage done to them compared to others and only a light electrocution while the next one suffered more severe injuries and burns from the impact.

The more that he fought them, the more that he could not stop himself from doing excessive damage the more he swung his hammers.

The more he swung and built up his power, the more likely his enemies would suffer a fatal or life threatening blow.

After requesting assistance, Alfred started to send some others to assist with the defences while Alyssia and the others were still away.

In the meantime, those on Rica Island were left to defend themselves from attacks from the lawless zone as they tried all kinds of tactics to overwhelm them over the course of many days until reinforcements arrived.

Meanwhile within the capital of Rica Island, the nobles homes and other places of importance suffered many setbacks from similar tactics used by the Lawless King as he made his move to remove his opponents which prompted the noble families and the royals to gather together to come up with a solution as they planned to move their forces to control the chaos and counterattack against the Lawless King.