Rica Island’s War #3

On the walls where the biggest towers were built to overlook the inside and outside of the walls, many people were on lookout and on one of them there was an attack which came suddenly.

Many Haki coated arrows flew towards them without warning and took out one after another without as they pierced very accurately into their head or neck which ended them quickly.

Each arrow came one after another without much delay so they had no time to draw attention to themselves before their deaths.

Another arrow hit the tower and a figure in a dark cloak could be seen flying upward in the direction of the arrow while holding onto a metallic bow until a mechanism was pressed on the bow and she dropped onto the wall.

As she landed, Sunila rolled to lessen the damage from the fall and while rolling she removed another arrow and aimed her bow readily as she got a firm footing on the wall.

Just as she had landed, one of the dead people fell from the tower and fell below which alerted the people nearby. "Gu..guar..uh.."

An arrow entered their throat and they dropped down to the ground lifelessly before they could alert anyone of the nearby threat and anyone that had even come close had experienced the same thing.

Sunila grinned on top of the wall where she had the greatest use as a sniper as she took down many potential threats with ordinary arrows or ones coated with Haki. "Old man Alfred gave me an easy task…"

A large group of people appeared as they stumbled upon the many dead bodies and an arrow hit one of them on the heart which then released a blinding light in the middle of them in a single moment.





Before they could recover and recognise the danger they were in, they were each quickly hit with an arrow one after another.

The snake that was attached to Sunila's waist hissed and flicked its tongue with a bored look on its place but then the look on its face had changed.

It got down from her body and went to a nearby spot on the walls which Sunila had missed because she had not yet checked it properly with her Haki because she was focussed on dealing with the incoming threats and trusted in her partner to handle anything else.

Not too far away there was a man trembling in fear with a knife in his hand while he remained hidden and kept silent the whole time during the attack from Sunila but his eyes occasionally looked towards her direction from his hiding place.

He had seen her turn her back on him and his eyes lit up but he noticed something odd about her figure. 'Where did the thing on her body go?'

He had mistaken the long and thin thing on her body as an accessory and did not realise the incoming threat.

Just as he was mentally preparing himself to attack Sunila during a moment of weakness, a shadow grew bigger under his body as something appeared above him.

The moment that he turned around to look, fear filled his eyes as the weapon snake with the name Marilee had already got within range to bite into his neck before he could even utter a single cry or put of any kind of resistance.

Marilee continued to hunt down anyone in the area that is near the stairs that leads up onto the wall which kept Sunila safe from any surprise attacks as she cleared the wall near one of the corners while the place in the centre there was still many people by the gate and on the other side in the other corner, there was another attack taking place at the same time which attracted attention away from Sunila.

She took out many arrows with explosive functions built in along with a timer and then fired them towards many buildings that were close by and some bigger buildings that were close by.

She then wandered closer towards the middle of the wall where the gate was and started to fight against those on top of the wall while avoiding the path of bullets that were fired at her.

With a couple of quick movements she dived and flipped around before meeting the enemy head on.

She spun her body around and blocked a sword with her bow and pushed back before taking out an arrow and firing it.

She then dodged another attack then turned around and send the end of bow whipping towards the face of her enemy, he turned again to lower her body and trip over another and then took out an arrow while stabbing it into the leg of another.

With the openings that she had created, Marilee had taken the chance to bite at their vital points which gave them a severe enough wound to kill them.

Sunila continued to fight against those on the wall as she made her way closer to the gate area and she kept practicing the fighting style which she had learned from Alyssia.

Her style incorporated martial arts, acrobatics, weapon use and archery along with some other elements so she had some difficulty adjusting at first but later she found that it had been tailor made to suit her previous style of combat but added some other movements and techniques to what she already had while no longer having her worry about the safety of Marilee who she had previously used as her primary weapon.

Now that Marilee was assisting her in a new way like helping her to attack or defend and to help her regain her balance or other things, she could focus on her shooting when she was without any other support while not having to worry about close ranged combat anymore.

As she got closer, she occasionally shot some explosive arrows down towards the people below who had not attempted to climb up onto the wall.

The explosive arrows landed in the middle of the crowded groups and exploded which made many close by be pushed back and fall to the ground injured while those closest had suffered more severe wounds which could even be fatal.

Finally she was close enough to get a couple of shots off on the gate where many were gathered and she destroyed the main mechanism which held the gate closed securely even against large attacks.

Her mind was kept preoccupied by something else as she fired off some more explosive arrows towards some other buildings or where a large crowd was before firing off another wire based arrow up onto a large and tall tree and then stepped outside the wall as she then was brought upward onto the tree.

As she was going higher and rested on top of a strong tree branch, she overlooked the battlefield as the lawless zone had become severely weakened from her actions and as many appeared on the walls just a little after she had escaped.

She continued to snipe from her safe location and she overlooked the battle from above until many explosions followed one after another.

Many buildings were destroyed by the blasts and the rubble fell onto the people below while those inside were closest to the blast and suffered the worst damage compared to others. "I need some more of those… they are so useful!"

Usually those within the White Storm did not create explosives, poisons, diseases and flammable weapons because they are too difficult to control but there were some which had been made to be put onto some arrows for Sunila but they were only to be used in special situations.

They did not have that big of an explosive effect as ordinary bombs so they could only be used for targeted and small explosions to damage the structure of buildings, walls and gates or other structures while also releasing enough force to damage many people who are near the blast.

The timed explosive arrows were the same but instead of exploding upon impact, they have a set time which allows for additional utility and use for different strategies.

She thought back to a little while ago…

Alfred finished giving Yvie her task and then turned to Sunila who had Marilee attached to her waist. "While Monera handles taking care of the route to retreat, Yvie will reduce their numbers inside the walls with surprise attacks. What is left is the vantage points where they can keep a watch out for our approach and to deal with the gate."

Sunila pondered a little then spoke. "You want me to go alone just like them right?"

Alfred nodded. "Un, among the people that are not of a superior race like the Minks or Fishmen of the crew, there are couple that possess very high capabilities already or possess a special ability to help us tactically. You have superior strength compared to others and Haki so you can survive this without much difficulty even with many guns aimed at you. Your archery is mostly what is needed since it is quieter than a gun which will allow you to infiltrate and kill more of them while carrying out additional damage to the enemies forces."

He pointed to a corner of the wall and then moved his finger along towards the middle of the wall. "Start at the corner and move into the middle where you should locate the gate, destroy anything that will block the gates and keep it locked before you escape but if you get overrun and experience difficulty to complete it then do not risk your life."

Sunila nodded. "Mm.. does that mean that I can use the new arrows?"

Alfred smiled. "Of course, the best time to make use of them would be now but remember that if you cause too much destruction, it would be difficult to salvage anything of value from the remains."

Sunila froze on the spot and then replied. "I will try to be careful."