Artificial Fruit

The more that Alyssia continued her training in shadow boxing, the more she found herself reaching a much higher stage of combat which could only be described as super instinctual movement or minute and basic movement.

Most of her more complex movements or moves were returned to their most basic forms to maximise her output but reduce the energy and movements used so that a slight movement of her body could be used to dodge an attack and when combined with her beast instinct, she was able to use it more effectively which was similar to Ultra Instinct from Dragon Ball Super but possibly on a higher level when Observation Haki and breathing style is included.

The main problem that she encountered when fighting the shadows was that they stuck to their skillsets and were not actually alive so they became predictable after a while and did not show any improvement unless she built a new shadow with an improved skillset but there was one way that could help maximise her learning speed.

A shadow appeared before her which was a similar shape to herself and had the compilation of all of her own skills but they had already reached completion while many others had taken form with many high level martial arts styles which were completed too.

It was more than enough to help grasp her flaws by fighting a duplicate shadow of herself and to gain further experience against others at her own level of mastery of martial arts and physique but there were still some things that could not be considered absolutely perfect since living lifeforms are more adaptable during a life and death battle while they could also fight with a lot more brutality and resort to many other desperate tactics.

Underneath the water, Alyssia was close to the body of Ness which was very heavy especially when its body now had a small island on its back and other people but she continued to hold her breathe underwater and pushed the large body forward slowly with all of her strength and she got right underneath it to lift it up a little out of the water.

Upon improving her bodies strength, she soon found that her physique had reached a stage where it was more difficult to train so she had to resort to using weights and weighted clothing in her everyday life and she started using Ness to train herself as she pushed herself further.

Compared to the continent puller Oars, her own ability to move islands could not compare since she was a smaller size and she could not get a firmer grip onto an island but there was also the fact that she could not stand in the sea since her body would be still submerged so it was difficult for her to achieve such things.

Her inhuman strength was already high as it was so she could achieve those feats of Oars if her body was the size of a giant or ancient giant but lifting or pushing Ness around without causing any damage or losing her grip was still a challenge for her which was what she needed to push herself further.

The training was very helpful and continued to become even better once Ness grew bigger and started to have more built on top of it so her strength continued to improve along with her stamina.

Her continued training in Iron Body helped to further work on her endurance, Paper Art helped to increase her flexibility, Life Return helped to increase her body control and manipulate other parts of her body but also help better train those parts of the body, the other parts of the Six Styles training helped to improve her agility while working on her stamina.

Further breathe training helped to improve her stamina and lung capacity, electro massage to her body helped to improve her bodies strength, endurance and her resistance to electricity while her various recipes and foods helped to improve her bodies stamina and strength.

With everything combined, she was kept very busy and was slowly making progress as she grew closer to the forty base stat limit while her bloodline evolution helped to gain a small boost in her bonus stats and a much larger increase to her Electro capacity.

With every opportunity, she continued to train herself to reach that limit while she continued to train in her shadow boxing.

Before long, she was seen flying in the sky as she kicked out with great power to cause a large shockwave which caused a change to her surroundings but in her mind, she was facing off against a giant shadow which had the combined skills of every giant that she had met.

She continued to dodge all kinds of attacks in the air or on the ground as the giant shadows attacked her while occasionally using different types of powerful attacks like the Elbaf Spear which she matched with her own version or dodged.

One of the biggest fears or challenges of most influences is the Giants of Elbaf and due to their large build, strong power and techniques, in a large number they are very difficult to fight against.

Most tend to wish to ally with them or do not wish to make an enemy of them for those reasons while some even wished to create their own giant army that was eternally loyal to them but Alyssia was fighting against her own shadow manifestation in her mind as her body behaved as if she was clashing against their attacks or was feeling the effects of their every movement in the surroundings.

Even the strongest shadow manifestation that was the size of a Giant or Ancient Giant was slowly outmatched by Alyssia in terms of technique and physical ability since she was much smaller and harder to hit while they were very large targets.

Even in the face of their large fists, limbs and weapons they used to attack and clear a large area with, she was able to learn to anticipate their every move and further improve her instinctual combat as she increased the amount of shadows even further while occasionally adding some more races of different sizes and shapes.

She wiped the sweat from her head after dealing a strong kick to many giant shadows and captured many tiny dwarf shadows that were moving as fast speeds before she ended her training.

She went to the private garden area where all kinds of plants were growing whether it be the IQ plants, Pop Green and others.

Among them, her eyes rested upon a small fruit tree which had a single fruit growing upon it which hand had different types of patterns on it which looked like white clouds.

She turned to Ting and Ton as she asked. "Has it completed its growth?"

Ting nodded excitedly. "Yes! It is fully grown and does not seem to have any defects. Can I try it?"

Ting revealed drool on the side of her mouth as she looked at the fruit but Alyssia responded. "I doubt that this would taste as good as it looks so you should not try it but if you wish for something nice… I will make something for you both as a reward for your efforts."

Ting and Ton revealed excited looks on their faces. "Yay!" "Cool!"

Her hand reached out and took the fruit from the fruit tree and then carefully carried it with her as she entered the laboratory area where she found Ein who was deep into her research. "Ahem.."

Ein adjusted her round glasses on her nose and turned her head lazily. "What is it?"

Alyssia responded as she held out the strange looking fruit. "This is for you to help you improve and survive. It has been specially developed for you and it is the best result of the fruits I have developed so far through many trials and errors until a complete and successful one has been achieved. So.. do you wish to know about the powers you will gain and decide if you want it before biting into it or will you just out your trust in me and take on the risk involved."

Devil Fruits were always like a roulette and not every one could be identified properly until eaten unless they had appeared in the world many times and been thoroughly recorded but a new artificial fruit was more of a mystery to everyone unless it was those who actually made or designed it.

Ein lazily looked over the fruit and sighed. "I will just put my trust in you since you felt that it should go to me for whatever reason."

Ein and Alyssia left the room and went to a private space where they were able to let her adjust to her changes so when they arrived, Ein ate the fruit in her hand. "Bleh."