Approaching deadline

While Alyssia had spent the rest of her time in a relaxed manner, everyone else had started to put the final touches on their own training or other types of projects that were related to their own profession or style of combat.

On Baldimore, Ein had visited the old laboratory for an inspection but upon looking closer she was greatly disappointed.

Several scientists had broken the rules and were dealing with many types of volatile materials and were keeping a large amount of them stored together which was a recipe for disaster.

Upon confronting the group, a fight took place between herself and the group as they started to retaliate.

"Who says that you get to decide what we can and cannot research?"

"Yeah! This is so wrong!"

"We have a right to use our earned berries however we wish!"

"So what if we did not report it to those in charge and hid it? We just want to explore a different path, who are you to block it?"

Ein stood back with her arms crossed lazily and said slowly. "Move out of the way, I have already warned you before. Those who have joined Creation are allowed to benefit from its trade and to help promote new products to help with funding your own research but it must be approved by the higher ups. Otherwise we are just a group that recklessly pursues anything for the sake of improving our knowledge or wealth. We do not mess with volatile materials and we only build weapons so that we can defend ourselves and keep our research from falling into the hands of others. I would prefer it if you just handed over the materials so that we can avoid any more unpleasantness and prevent any future damage created from your research."

The materials used were far too flammable and dangerous that if stored in a large quantity then the lives of the many scientists could be destroyed in a single moment due to the carelessness of a single person so Ein had ordered them to be seized but they still would not budge.

"Block her!"


"Got it!"

Seeing that Ein had nit brought her tools, they became even more reckless and without fear as they mistook her appearance as a sign of weakness that they could exploit.

One ran into the lab and took out a piece of equipment that had been newly made by them and started to attach it to their body a little at a time until they were in a suit which had a tank on the back while it was attached by tubing and some type of spray mechanism.

Just as Ein entered the room, the people behind her were covered in a strange white foam which prevented their movement and subdued them but it was already too late as the man had pointed the end of the equipment towards her. "Get back!"

Ein stood on the spot and sighed. "You are not very smart huh? Are you prepared to fire that inside? Do you even realise the damage you can do with that thing? Seriously.. why do I even bother giving imbeciles like you the chance to grow if you are just going to keep wasting your chances like this?"

She remembered back to the days within the other group as they worked like slaves to produce someone else's work and designs without time for their own project research and felt that back then, it was tough for many and not many opportunities were given to people. 'They have already been given so much compared to those days but they still continue to grow greedy and reckless after being given a small taste of freedom.'

Creation had given them many benefits and allowed them the chance to pursue their own research but it did have its own restrictions to prevent harm to themselves or to others.

Things that are difficult to control or could cause a large scale of damage had been banned and could only be handled in very small amounts at a time if they had been approved for a specific research direction but since they were illegally brought in, a single spark could cause them all to blow up and yet someone had acted out as they had pointed their weapon made from it at Ein within the room where many of the materials were kept stored.

The trigger was pulled and the spark was lit as the container on the back started to send the contents inside down the tube and found its way towards the part that was pointed at Ein.

As it met with the spark, the flames were created as they were ejected and went towards Ein who had lifted her hand towards it. "Spray."

The foam within her body was manipulated as it rushed towards the incoming flames and a fierce battle took place between them both as flame was pushed back by the foam a little at a time.

The foam kept reducing the heat and flames a little at a time as it acted as a natural enemy to it but there was still a large amount of the flammable materials within the container.

Warning signs were shown as the pressure or heat valves were reaching critical levels as the equipment was not complete and could not be pushed any further as they were using it to its absolute limits which was pushing it to its breaking point.

Ein noticed the danger that was coming and stepped forward. "Idiot, why did you not listen?"

As she closed the distance, her entire body covered the equipment and the person inside as the equipment exploded.

The person inside seemed to be harmed by the explosion and heat as the suit on their body had been burned onto them but the explosion had been contained so it did not cause further damage or light the surrounding materials.

The foam spread out and contained the explosion before spreading further as the materials were sealed to prevent any additional accidents.

Ein returned to her original form and lazily stretched her body while dressed in a striped white and black long jumper, white long lab coat, simple grey work pants and a pair of slippers. "You made me waste so much energy on this little thing.. you should have just cooperated from the start and this would not have happened. Why do you have to be so illogical, you are supposed to be scientists.."

The group of scientists were later turned in to Dr Tsukimi and the Baldimore elders for to receive punishment while the others within Creation were each put under a strict re-evaluation.

Any member of Creation had their research strictly reviewed by Ein and Dr Tsukimi and any volatile materials were confiscated before they could bring further harm to others.

Ein let those within the group know that just because they had not been watched so strictly over the past year, it did not mean they could act recklessly and walk down a path that could lead them or others to destruction.

However that was just a small result of her visit back to her homeland.

The White Storm and Creation continued to work together as they always had whether it was the group that lived in Baldimore or those that had chosen to follow by Alyssia's side and stayed on Rica Island for the time being.

Many types of products were being sold whether it was different types of motorbikes or other vehicles that were more suited to water or other terrains while some were just simple tools to help everyones everyday life.

Even the weather tools had spread to many places that needed them so Alyssia had made a lot of profits from their sales so that her other research products could be funded.

Whether it was the entertainment company, the mercenary group, the medical or cosmetic group under Tristan, the Creation Union mechanical products, the 'for idiots' books along with the more advanced booklets, the clothing line, the baby or children's toys and products or the self defence products, each of them were popular and earned Alyssia and her group a large amount of profits over a long time and helped to increase the wealth and power of the White Storm as a whole.

The island on Ness' back had been completely filled with different types of insects and small animals with low pregnancy period times while different types of new plants were being grown on the land.

Rocks, plants, soil, and water were moved onto the island as it had been made to have a perfect living environment and be self sustaining or in the words of Alyssia's previous world, it would have perfect feng shui.

There was even a small area which had been designated to be made as a mermaid cove for to be used as a public swimming area or spa by the Fishmen, Merfolk and other races while in another place, the remaining wild animals like the devil apes that did not have a master were living within the area where more trees had been growing.

In the laboratory, many types of other breakthroughs were had in different areas whether it be to do with mechs, robotics, serums, flux wave technology, special weaponry, special combat suits or vehicles.

Anything made could rival anything made by the likes of any famous scientist like Vegapunk, Caesar Clown, Queen or Franky but most of it had not yet been revealed to the world.

Even several rarities of the world had been reproduced by Alyssia and her team of scientists as new Pop Green plants were created and even the special food from Boin Archipelago was no longer needed to be harvested as it could be grown by them whether it be on the land on top of Ness or within one of the areas that had been designated by Alyssia to grow them.

One of those areas was her own ship which had undergone many modifications over the year even after its first modifications, more was done to it while it remained in the ship yard.

The size of the ship had been increased allowing for more space within and a larger space above, the laboratory size had been increased but also there was a large space for other things like vehicles and other tools or weapons while the overall power generators and power system had been greatly improved to increase the ships living conditions.

Anything that could be moved from the Rica Island land was moved to the back of Ness or to her ship while some were moved to the other icebreaker ships in the shipyard in preparation for the end of the six months.

Any people that did not join Medea and her crew in the skies were left to fend for themselves which resulted in some casualties but they eventually found themselves being saved by the Revolutionary Army who had recruited them.

After the participation on the White Storm in the war of Rica Island, the Marines had kept an even closer eye on the actions of the White Storm and were constantly looking for them to reveal a weakness or some kind of flaw that they could exploit to their advantage since they did not like the idea of the White Storm growing any further and getting involved with worldly matters.

Their participation in the war was one sign which had let them become suspicious about the White Storm's original goals and intentions which lead them to believe that the White Storm now wished to be more involved in the worlds politics and war situations which would cause a big problem for those already in power and could potentially cause the balance to be broken.

However since then, the White Storm had returned to their usual way of dealing with things after they gained many benefits along with the noble titles so they were able to smoothly avoid any problems with the Marines.

Slowly everything was taking shape and progressing smoothly to allow a smooth transition for the White Storm as they split up into smaller groups as some flew off into the sky, others were going underwater, some remained within the first half of the Grand Line while the others made preparations to enter the New World.

The whole crew came back together for one final gathering before they would be split up as they all made their way to Rica Island and entered the Sunken Castle where new and old faces gathered together.

Meanwhile in the outside world, many of the Worst Generation were getting into all kinds of conflicts and gaining fame for themselves while Blackbeard had started to make his move on some of the previous territories of Whitebeard after gathering enough support from his crew and other forces in the New World so that he could confront Marco and his crew.