Whale Forest Assault

The Night Guards were on duty like any other night but they were were not aware of what fate awaited them.

A single mink was sitting up in a tree overlooking the area but suddenly a figure silently appeared behind them without their notice and chopped the back of their neck. 'That is one.'

The mink fell unconscious right away due to the place that was hit and the amount of power used but were caught by the figure before they were carefully carried and lowered to the ground.

The figure disappeared again and then continued stalking her next prey. 'This is a good game of hide and seek.'

She appeared silently behind two other Minks and jumped up into the air to deliver a scissor kick which knocked them both to the ground far away.

She checked their state and confirmed if they were alright before she made her way to the next location.

She kept appearing in the blindspots of key places where the patrols were and took out a single Mink or many at a time before they could yell for help.

A group of four Minks were patrolling while one was nearby and on lookout while hidden within the trees but she showed no hesitation as she targeted the mink on their own before hiding them near the tree.

She then moved quickly and quietly as she passed one of them and hit the back of their neck.

She bypassed that falling Mink and landed into a handstand, her legs went upward and then spun on the spot right in the middle of the group.

Many fast kicks followed one after another until she was back on her feet again while everyone else had been taken down.

In another place there was a much larger patrol but she ran right into the middle of the group as she stepped onto the shoulder of her fist opponent and then kicked them in the head as she jumped to the next one.

After she jumped from person to person, she had performed many kicks which were perfectly aimed to knock them out. 'I am losing count.. how many was it again? Hmm..'

She disappeared again and continued her rampage throughout Zou as the Whale Forest area was being turned upside down.

By the time she had taken out many of the Night Guard trainees, regulars and elites there, the Minks that had been knocked out earlier had started to regain their consciousness. "What.. was that? I feel like I got hit.. wait! An attack!"

They let out a loud scream as they tried to alert those around them but a strange thing happened afterward.

A voice appeared behind and a chop landed on their back. "Shh.. go back to sleep. Do not interfere with my game.. hic!"

Just as others were about to do similar actions, they barely got the chance to do so before they were put down again.

The area was perfectly controlled and Alyssia continued to deal with anyone that came within her range of detection.

She had played the same detection and tracking combat game from a young child within the forest but she had come back and showed off her growth.

Those that she could not defeat before were no trouble for her to find and take down.

With the advancements over her mastery over Observation Haki, she continued to make more progress and the game only tested and help refine that technique.

She knew the layout if Zou by heart and she easily was able to use her gains from the time she had left to gain the overall advantage.

Soon the Night Guard elites or the elites had noticed the strangeness of the patrolling teams not returning so they started to organise themselves but that was what Alyssia had been looking forward to.

Several groups entered deeper into the forest, some were in smaller but balanced teams while others were in a much larger group but Alyssia looked down from a large tree with a look of delight in her eyes. 'The bull is here.. so is the big gorilla. This should be fun! I wonder where that big cat is. There is no way he is not here hiding somewhere.'

She was aware of how sneaky Cat Viper could be so she would not underestimate him.

The teams that had been sent out could only be a tactic set by him so that he could draw her out and set a trap but she did not look too worried. 'Shall I jump into it?'

She weighed her options and then revealed a mischievous grin.

She then disappeared from where she was and appeared above many of the Minks, among them was Blackback who was the gorilla Mink. "Sleep."

Suddenly a fight broke out in the middle of the larger group and like a ghost, she kept moving among the group without being hindered which made her more difficult to get ahold of and properly be detected.

Many punches, kicks, elbows, knees, hip and shoulder strikes continued as she moved at a close range to each of them, she made full use of her attainments in the Chinjao family martial arts as she was able to use all kinds of body parts to efficiently deal a quick and deadly attack in a tight space.

As she was about to leave the encirclement, Blackback tried to grab onto her with his strong grip which was accompanied by his large strength that would allow him to lift even a large and heavy man with a single arm.

Alyssia thrust her hand forward and grabbed his hand tightly and then moved closer. "No way."

She positioned herself to allow her to shoulder throw the large gorilla Mink towards the tree and then charged to him and delivered a kick which knocked him out before disappearing before the reinforcements could arrive.