Trump cards

Many old faces were around her after she had taken a quick trip back to her ship to bring up Xena and Yao. "These two are my children. This is Yao and Xena."

Pedro looked at her for a moment and then said. "You are so young but you already have children? You have been busy outside but what is with their and your strange appearances?"

Alyssia smiled. "I have no idea if you guys will be accepting of this but I have learned a lot outside which has helped me research the Minks and Sulong forms Lineage Factor. I have made many breakthroughs which has resulted in my current appearance while my children are the product of that research."

Cat Viper asked cautiously. "So what is this research?"

Alyssia put down her two children to let them wander around as they curiously looked around at the many Minks. "I have been researching how to make the Sulong form a permanent thing, to reduce the transformations costs but also how to allow a transformation when there is no full moon around."

Duke Dogstorm went silent and then asked. "You can really do that? It is possible?"

Alyssia nodded. "Of course, once it is fully understood then there is always a solution if the right materials are available and all possible directions have been explored. I have serums to help reduce the effects of the transformation, serums to help unlock the Sulong bloodline and then a tool to create the right conditions to transform."

Cat Viper asked. "Are there any side effects?"

Alyssia nodded. "There is a lot of energy provided by the serum so although it negates the energy lost and the depleted life force, it must be taken before the transformation to have the best effects and it cannot be taken at any other time as it will be harmful to the body. The Sulong serum is excellent for making the transformation become more accessible to you and to transform your body slowly but it will have its limits to what your bodies stamina and endurance can take.

It is harder to make and the ingredients are rare so it is better to use it on those with a much stronger body or those of more importance to you. Triggering the transformation can be done with what I have built but if it is destroyed then you will revert back to normal so it is best to have someone guarding it. I am working on a more compact version but it will take time to perfect."

Pedro revealed a look of understanding. "So these can be used tactically but there may also be some drawbacks if used incorrectly or if the enemy realises the importance of the energy serum and the device that helps us transform. And decides to target them."

Alyssia was fine with revealing the trump cards because they would become the Minks trump cards too which she could use to make deals with them or use to borrow their power so it was all within her own best interest.

While the energy serums could be made again, the Sulong serum was rarer so it needed to be carefully distributed so she already had some idea on who was worthy enough to have it injected into their body.

Among those that were qualified, there was Cat Viper, Duke Dogstorm, Pedro then were those that were the stronger members of the Night Guards and the Musketeers but she still wished to keep some aside for the future generations or her own family.

Wanda stepped forward with the two children in her arms. "They are both so cute but they cannot be completely described as Minks right?"

Alyssia looked at them both lovingly. "Yes they belong to their own sub tribe of the Minks, Xena is part of the Were tribe or clan while Yao is from the Sulong tribe or clan. Yao is pure Sulong while Xena has more human characteristics but can still transform on a full moon. Luckily the full moon is gone otherwise I may have had to subdue her."

Val had been taking care of the children when Alyssia was away and Ghost had also been left to watch over the ship with Val after Alyssia had taken her children up to Zou.

Wanda smiled and then asked. "How is Carrot? What about the others?"

Alyssia replied. "Carrot is currently exploring space, Tristan is becoming a famous doctor, Nica is probably busy tinkering with something. Archie and Clifford are doing well too. Each of them have improved just as much as I have but I guess that I am a little ahead, I have gained many allies and there is also a big influence behind me too so I will tell you all about it once I have more time."

Cat Viper showed a look of understanding. "Of course, you would want to go and see your parents."

Alyssia nodded as she turned and left while taking her two children along with her. "Mm.. they may be a little shocked when they see my changes. For now I need the help of the three dukes so that we can discuss cooperation for the serums and other equipment."

Pedro walked alongside her as he said. "I will escort you there, your appearance may cause some Minks to become slightly wary as they may no longer be able to recognise you. Even I had a very difficult time believing that you are that small kid that used to train under me. Before I had left, you were so very small but now you have grown very tall. What have you been doing to grow so much?"

Alyssia shrugged. "Training, eating Sea Kings and other creatures but also eating other rare things that can help improve my physique. To be honest, this may not even be my limit. I think that there is still room to grow. By the way, how is your health?"