Dancer and Council

Without Aizah and Ann being around to hold the position as the entertainment groups main stars in Paradise, Pascia took up that role as she participated in many different events.

Pascia became the main face for the White Storm Entertainment Group as she often appeared at important places to do promotions or public talks.

With the public relations team backing her, she gained even more popularity and her other events helped to let her grow further.

She participated in a couple of plays in between dance, modelling and beauty contest events which made her gain a large following.

Although having a strange Devil Ape always by her side that performed with her often and protected her in times of danger, everything was quickly accepted as normal in the eyes of her fans and many gradually warmed to the new addition to her side.

Many reporters from different islands were gathered together and Pascia stood in front of them confidently. "The White Storm strongly deny involvement with those groups or individuals, those that had been found to have some connections have been found to be lured by those with bad intentions. We have investigated everything and have punished those involved. We hope that you all will continue to trust in and support the White Storm in the future as you always have."

Pascia then turned coly towards the cameras and put on an image as if she were pointing towards and looking coldly towards the criminals. "Those who have bad intentions and cause harm to others will be punished! The White Storm will not give in to villains!"

Alfred then stepped forward and said sternly. "I hope that everyone within our White Storm family can stay together for a long time and live an honest life but as humans, we are weak to temptations and will occasionally fall. What we do from now on is important and we all hope that those that are still within our family can recover from this. I also hope that their fans can have the room in their hearts to give them another chance as we have. I thank you all for your time."

With a bow, he left the scene with Pascia and escorted her back to her room so that she could continue practicing with her modified suit.

The durability and resistances had been improved along with the additional weather features so she spent a long time readjusting her dance movements and techniques to suit each of the new settings.

Many newspapers published many different titles during their scandals which were very damaging to the White Storm's image but in a couple of moves, the White Storm shot back up again with a generous and forgiving image that did not take kindly to villains which aimed to do harm.

[Shock! White Storm has a stain on it! Can they recover?]

[Big News! Popular singer hanging out in bars, to find out what they were up to.. read more!]

[The White Storm is not as clean as it looks on the surface!]

[White Storm on the side of justice? They could no longer keep their bad secrets from being exposed!]

[White Storm loses its reputation, some of its contracts and its employers!]

[A sudden turnaround? White Storm retaliates and regains its honour!]

[More attacks come again! Beauty Pascia condemns the villains!]

[White Storm is forgiving to their family!]

Many different kinds of newspapers flooded Paradise and other places over the time that the White Storm had to endure the damage to their image and business, eventually it was turned back in their favour and many were publicly shamed or brought to justice.

Meanwhile somewhere in space, there was two large flying ships which made their way through all of the floating debris in space as they were slowly approaching their intended destination.

A small groups of dots appeared in the distance and Medea's eyes turned sharp as her electrical sense which had been gained from her Rumble Devil Fruit allowed her to pick up on many lifeforms which were getting closer as the dots were growing larger and closer as they became cleared to many on the ship.

The whole crew were fitted with a special space suit as they stepped out onto the deck of the ship and once the door was closed, it seemed to be properly sealed to stop the outside environment from affecting the inside atmosphere.

Carrot, Ashwin and Medea all looked towards the approaching dots as they became larger and clearer as they became many shapes which resembled ships like their own.

Carrot looked towards Medea and said. "We should prepare defensive measures. We cannot only rely on Ashwin and the others to make repairs. We are now in space and we need to use our supplies efficiently."

Medea rolled her eyes as she tucked her hair behind her ears. "You are right but I could just finish this as soon as they get close."

Ashwin commented. "While I do trust your abilities, this is our first encounter in space. We do not know if they are hostile or friendly yet. Although it is better for us to attack first to preserve our ship and prevent attacks on us from an unknown party, there is no guarantee that they have such intentions."

Carrot nodded. "We should arm ourselves first and stay ready for a combat situation. If they really do open fire on us then it is my job to protect the ship."

After getting changed, Carrot was fitted with a new ERG which had several blades shaped like her rabbit claws but there seemed to be something special about them.

She activated her Electro and the blades started to heat up a little until they reached a stage where the blades were suitable to be used in combat. "The plasma claw is ready! Everyone prepare yourselves!"

Just as everyone was becoming tense over the situation, the many ships stopped far away while a smaller one took the lead.

It parked by the ship belonging to Carrot and Medea then a strange looking humanoid stepped out which had an elongated head and a bug like appearance. "Greetings! I an an envoy from the galactic council, we are on our way to another council to welcome them to the council. Are you the ones to welcome us or are you from somewhere else?"

Medea stepped forward and bowed showing her perfect etiquette. "My apologies, we are not the ones you are seeking. If it is not too much trouble, could you tell us more about this galactic council and some other details. We are new to space you see…"

The envoy showed a look of understanding. "Welcome to space, you will find that there are many dangers here so it is best to be part of some group. I personally recommend joining the council but I can recommend you some places to travel to so you can get used to the groups and cultures here."

He held out his arm which showed a watch. "Most tend to carry around one of these with them unless they are criminals which are trying to escape being tracked. While we use a currency called credits which comes in a physical form, it is much easier to use this arm band to manage many of your dealings and make contact with others within space."

Medea showed a look of interest. 'Hmm.. Alyssia will definitely take an interest in their technology. She will soon regret not coming..'

Her gaze turned serious and quickly apologised. "Sorry if we are taking up your valuable time but if there is anything major we should know about the laws, cultures or other things… could you please provide us with that information? We are currently heading to this place but we do not know if it is safe to travel to."

The envoy nodded as he looked over the information. "I would not go there if you are weak or have little knowledge as you will easily be taken advantage of. That place is more of a lawless zone but it is good for trade."

He looked towards the two ERG on Carrot and showed a look of surprise. "It seems that where you come from has advanced well but it is best to be cautious. Not everyone uses straight forward means of warfare."

Carrot nodded and smiled towards him. "Thanks!"

The envoy started to tell them the basics and helped them with the coordinates and the directions towards where they were heading. "While you would be going a little off course, you would have found it if you kept searching the area where you were going. Best of luck and try not to get into any trouble. Oh and if the place you come from is united enough and is willing to make further ventures into space, please consider the council as your first option to form ties with. We have connections with many planets and it is best for us all to stick together rather than be fighting among ourselves for resources."

The ships all passed by peacefully and the two ships belonging to Carrot, Medea, the former slaves, the Sky races and the Automata from the moon had journeyed onwards to their destination.

Through their encounter, they were able to learn many things about the influences and power structures within the surroundings and what their own planet could possibly encounter in the future if they got involved with any of the groups as they would essentially be dragging their own planet into the struggles of the influences in space that belong to a group of different planets.

If such existences did exist then Alyssia had warned them to avoid being tracked or discovered so they decided to exchange for credits in the normal way to avoid using the wrist bands which would expose their planet to the galactic council.

Although the galactic council did seem friendly, they could easily turn on the planet Earth if they were driven by greed or decided to remove a potential enemy.

Earth was already rich enough in resources and some other planets or groups would want those resources for themselves.

The Earth's power structure was already unstable enough so it could not possibly handle an invasion from other planets or organisations within space.