
After a long time travelling at sea on her motorbike which could switch between land, air and sea modes, Alyssia arrived at her destination.

Many large fish were jumping up out of the water and splashing about but those with the greater perseverance and stamina were able to swim upwards on the edge of the large wall which had lots of water falling from it all the way around.

To avoid wasting more energy to fly upwards, she spotted a giant fish which was very energetic and seemed to having no troubles climbing up.

Alyssia lined up the bike so that it was facing the large fish that was heading towards the waterfall, a claw was shot forward which grabbed onto a part of the fish and was connected to a strong metallic cable which connected it to her bike.

Just as she was being pulled upward, Alyssia adjusted the settings so that her bike was ready to change the way it was positioned so instead of crashing into the waterfall and the rocks while being pulled up, she would be rising on the waterfall as she was pulled up.

As Alyssia reached the top, she pressed the button to activate the back thrusters which allowed her to soar through the sky and land further away from the edge where she would be pulled back down the waterfall.

The claw was released and the giant fish was left to swim around without being restrained as Alyssia carefully navigated through the many large whirlpools. "It is a good thing that I do not have a Devil Fruit.. the level of difficulty to navigate this and keep from being pulled under the water is very difficult. It is no wonder that they all got separated upon passing the waterfall."

She continued to navigate her way through the dangerous waters that surrounded Wano which even the skilled navigator Nami had struggled with upon encountering it.

The Straw Hat pirates would have their ship pulled under the water while they all escaped in their own way, Luffy and the ship were the only ones not able to escape safely until they washed up on the beach of Wano.

Alyssia was able to carefully avoid those dangers thanks to the teachings of Monera about the sea and all the experiences Monera had with different sea currents and changes brought on in different environments.

That knowledge when combined with her own navigation skills, her own experience and her sharp senses or Observation Haki, Alyssia was able to predict the changes and use it to her advantage to increase her speed while others would drown in the same situation.

She continued to get closer to the island but did not approach too close as she did not wish to be spotted.

Alyssia later arrived by a rocky mountain part of the island which had some natural caves so she placed her bike there for safe keeping.

Upon rummaging through her bag, she found that some of her supplies had been used up on her journey there. "I will have to use these more sparingly then. Then what about the rest? Good! Everything is ready and there are no problems."

Alyssia carefully placed the Eternal Pose inside of the storage part of the bike and then removed a black coloured can.

When she activated it, her clothes started to change as they took shape as a black and close fitting costume which covered most of her body.

Alyssia's whole body started to become transparent as she disappeared with the help of the camouflage technology that was built into the suit.

Later within the land of Wano, Alyssia snuck around while absorbing the surrounding skills which she was qualified to take due to her high skill levels. 'Hmm.. some interesting cooking techniques and recipes.. so many sword techniques… more martial arts! Aaah this is heaven. It is a shame that this place is ruled over by scum and is falling into ruin. One day I will be back!'

While she did find the whole dying for ones honour in the samurai culture to be a little annoying, she did look up to those that took their way of life and their abilities seriously and did not back down.

Even after many long years of them being under Kaido and Orochi, there were still some that were walking the streets with purpose and life in them as if they would not bow down to such tyranny.

Oden had been long dead, their lands were being polluted, their people were being thrown into working unbearable hours in the mines and there were many that were starving while Kaido and his crew along with those under Orochi lived without a single thing missing in their lives.

The more cruelty that Alyssia witnessed as she wandered the lands of Wano, the more she became determined to let Kaido suffer in the future. 'A simple death where he just disappears is not enough punishment for what he has done.'

There was always a big difference in what was shown in a manga or anime compared to what would be witnessed in real life upon actually encountering those situations, while some scenes were shown of various desperate times of several families, it did not truly highlight each and every possible crisis.

Among the bad things that had been done to the people of Wano, Alyssia did know a little since she had read a large part of the Wano Arc until the fight with Kaido and Big Mom begun as she had died before more could be released.

She did not truly know how Luffy defeated Kaido but she did know more than enough about Wano so she wandered around and found herself in Ebisu Town where she stayed for a while.

All kinds of fruits and other leftovers from the capital were mixed together but Alyssia noticed something very strange among them.

She quickly rummaged through the carriage and found several pieces of fruit which had some differences in appearance and colour to the others so she took them and started to pack them away within her camouflaged bag which was part of her suit.

After collecting what she came looking for and had succeeded in preventing the SMILEs from hurting more people, she left Ebisu town as she headed towards the capital as she went in search of the prison area and the mines. 'This is just a temporary measure though.. more will be sent and more will be hurt even if I have prevented it once.'