Last task

Alyssia had collected lots of information from everyone in Wano but she had not yet truly given them anything back besides trying to delay their torment and deaths for a while longer.

She had finished compiling several books which were swordsmanship manuals and while there were many which were quite standard that suited many people on Wano who used a one or two sword style, Alyssia had completed several which were of a higher quality and contained more complex explanations and drawings.

Alyssia came to a place where there was a large amount of graves and there were countless bandits gathered in the area. 'It seems that this is the place.'

A large pink haired man was standing overlooking the graves on his own in silence and was stood away from the crowd. "Who would dare try to sneak up on me? Show yourself."

Alyssia was still concealed but she had intended to reveal herself so she did not use her techniques to better hide her presence. "Who is hiding? I do not wish for bloodshed so follow me to a place where we can talk in private. This is important for the future of you and your group."

Alyssia stayed close enough to show she meant no hostility but that she intended to stay nearby and follow him, Ashura came up with an excuse to leave and he then headed towards the forest area where he came face to face with Alyssia who had removed her concealment.

Ashura looked at her appearance as she removed the mask that covered her face and his eyes widened. "You.. are just like that cat and dog. No.. not quite the same. There is something different about you."

Alyssia nodded. "You are quick to notice, that is a good thing. I come from the same tribe and was born on Zou but I will not bore you with the details of why I am like this."

Ashura locked eyes with her and grit his teeth. "Why have you come now and for what purpose? If you are here to request aid for them then I will tell you that I will not send more of my men to die. All those graves that you saw are of those that could not wait the long twenty years and chose to fight Kaido."

Alyssia understood his worries as it was the same when Kinemon tried to convince him to fight. "I have not come for that. While I am aware of the prediction which is to come true, everything that happened was before I was even born. All I am here for is to help you all gain more power to prevent further losses when that time comes. So here are some gifts."

She took several books which contained many improvements on the techniques, use of Haki, breathing patterns, footwork and many other things. "The one on the top is made for you so that you can correct your techniques and get rid of any bad habits and such while the others can be used to train the men you trust enough with your life. Beware of traitors and stay strong."

Ashura caught the books that Alyssia three over and looked over with a complicated look. "Are those two doing okay?"

Alyssia replied as she disappeared once again. "They are much stronger than back then and are healthy but like yourself, they carry their own burdens from their past experiences that happened within Wano. I hope that they can one day be freed from their pain and guilt. One more thing… there is a book on acting and concealment mixed in with lots of other useful books to learn from so do not ignore them because you will need it for what I will tell you now.

The traitor among the Scabbards which betrayed you all intended to die alongside you all as part of their role. Their true name is Kozumi Kanjuro, it would be wise to let him believe that you do not suspect him once he arrives with Kinemon and there is no need to tell Kinemon or the others yet. All you need to do is go along with what Kinemon has planned and carefully guard the young master so it is best that you take my advice and learn some acting to conceal your true feelings and motives. He is a skilled actor himself so he will be able to notice your change in the way you will look at him."

When Ashura heard the name, his hands gripped tight enough to draw blood from his palm. "It couldn't be.. he is a Kozumi? It cannot be true but if what she said is true then he has fooled us all."

He sensed that her presence could no longer be found with his Haki so he turned around and went back to read over what he had gained. "While I still do not wish to die a meaningless death, it is difficult to say whether I will be able to reject them in the end once they come to ask me. I need to get stronger.. the time is soon approaching."

Within the Kyoshiro family where Hyori and Denjiro were keeping up their disguise, Alyssia slipped into their main building with ease and entered the room where a man was drinking sake on his own.

She made no effort to conceal herself as she pushed the door open and entered the room.

A sword flashed and appeared a little away from her. "Make another move and you die here."

Alyssia chuckled. "There is no need for that. I come bearing gifts… Denj..oh I mean Kyoshiro right? Are you not going to invite me in for a drink?"

The sword dropped and Denjiro carefully observed Alyssia who closed the door and then became visible. "Who are you and what is this? Are you with Queen? Did he send you? This seems like something he would build."

Alyssia removed her mask and smiled towards him. "Not quite.. although he can make something like this, this is of my own making. I come from Zou and it was not too difficult to find you here..though it will be difficult for others to be able to recognise you with how you have changed so much."

Denjiro's eyes lit up for a moment. "How am I to believe that you are who you say you are? You could just be one of Kaido's people sent to test me."

Alyssia shrugged. "We will talk over some sake. Pour me some."

They sat opposite each other as they started to drink together while Alyssia told him the same she had told Ashura.

Denjiro was more cautious and intelligent so he had more doubts about her and the information she provided so it took more effort to convince him that she was on their side and was telling the truth.