New Journey

Meanwhile back on earth, Alyssia was almost being reunited with everyone after she had used her Vivre card to get to them.

Archie was taking care of his job as the helmsman of the MMA while there were two additional Minks on board the ship.

One was the female dog Mink named Wanda while the other was the female reindeer Mink named Milky.

As part of the agreement with Catviper and Dogstorm, it had been agreed that there would be some additional aid needed during her journeys and it would be beneficial for some Minks to step outside of their homeland.

Many were busy training and fighting among themselves so they lacked experience in the outside world so it was in Zou's best interests to follow along with Alyssia's request.

For the first Minks to take that first chance was a member of each of Catviper and Dogstorm's groups, the Musketeers and the Guardians.

Wanda was quietly practicing her swordsmanship while occasionally looking at a small booklet which contained notes and drawings left by Alyssia. "Hm. It is still not right. Try again!"

Milky was practicing a certain foot technique and kept stopping to look at a booklet which had been prepared by Alyssia. "Hm.. it does make my movements better. I should keep going."

Alyssia had given them pointers on their own individual fighting techniques after she had looked over them and had created a training plan for each of them.

Milky and Wanda were able to witness and fight against the monstrous strength of Alyssia but could do nothing against her so they were motivated to improve themselves and learn new techniques to make up for where they were lacking.

During the time that Alyssia was away from Zou, many Minks had been left with similar booklets to help improve the fighting power of Zou.

Milky and Wanda had both settled on the MMA while Alyssia occasionally came outside to check over the navigation of the ship.

On the bottom of the ship within the laboratory, there were many kinds of cultivation pods laying then there was another couple which looked empty.

Alyssia placed her hand onto them and showed a smile. "Val, what are the new pods progress so far?"

A robotic figure stepped forward and stated calmly. "Master, they have entered the beginning phases of growth and have all been successful. No failures have been found this time."

Alyssia looked towards each of them then showed a look of approval. "It is a shame that I have to wait so long for you all to appear in the world. Those Oni lineage factors sure were interesting to study. Now.. I should go back into my virus projects. The Oni lineage factors will help me to understand the Oni virus better."

Getting the lineage factor of the Oni Princess was a big step forward for various areas of research so Alyssia was very pleased with her gains in Wano.

In each cultivation pod was a pureblood clone or an alteration to the Oni lineage factor which she had played around with.

A strong physique inherited from Kaido and passed down to Yamato was studied and altered to suit her own vision.

There were a couple of monsters taking form inside the cultivation pods which were a mix of the Oni lineage factor and the Minks which created horned beast humans that had superior strength and endurance while possessing the traits of the Minks.

A small green creature saw Alyssia back at work so it started to habitually hand her some vials and tools. "Gyaakaka."

Val assisted from the side while taking in any information given from each of the experiments and then analysing it.

The ship was kept busy with the practice from outside, Alyssia's experiments and Archie's steering of the ship.

A large devil ape was watching those training or sparring then occasionally took part in the battles while a large snake was curled up on the ship and took up a lot of space.

The snake was Ghost who had grown much more and had been progressing at a frightening speed that left Alyssia surprised once she had returned to Zou.

Ghost was still not as thick as the snake god of Shandora but she had grown enough to be able to catch up to its length so it had to stay curled up once it was on the ship to prevent it from taking up too much space.

Ghost flicked her tongue and then picked up on a strong presence close by underneath the water so it raised its body then dove into the water. "Hiss."

A medium sized sea king was about to attack the ship it had sensed nearby but then a large creature entered its territory.

Its movements in the water were so fast that it had caught the sea king by surprise.

By the time that it had a moment to decide against approaching further, the long and thin serpent had already surrounded and constricted its body around the sea king.

Sharp fangs pierced into the body of the Sea King and the poison had taken effect which had caused the struggle of the sea king to become weaker.

The sea king died very quickly and Ghost began to devour its prey before returning back to the ship.

With Ghost's sensing and tracking, the ship was well protected from threats under the sea and could easily find her way back to the ship if it had gotten too far away from her.

While the ship was nearing its destination, the space exploration crew was busy rushing back to earth while the underwater team were busy conquering beneath the sea and finding the wealth or treasures lost to the sea.