Gathering information

The danger was averted very quickly and many green cloaked people were dragged from their current positions then brought to lay down in front of the group which had just recently entered the island.

Alyssia grabbed onto the hoods and pulled them down to reveal the faces of those that intended to ambush her and her group. "Hm?"

Wanda observed from behind and knit her brows. "They all look.. very similar. These humans hardly have any differences."

Milky nodded in agreement. "It is just like they have all been made from the same mould. If there were not minor differences in their facial features, gender and body shape then it would be difficult to tell one from the other."

Ideo rolled his eyes. "So to you Minks, we humans all look the same? Sure.. they have many similarities but they are not completely the same as each other. You two really should gain more experience in the outside world."

Alyssia shook her head. "They are not wrong in their thoughts but you are not wrong either. Each culture has their own traits but this seems to be more controlled, see here?"

She opened the eyelids and showed the eyes of one person then continued to do the same for each person that lay there. "Not a single small difference, even in most cultures there are some genetic traits which will differ and appear within later generations among certain people. There is not a single one among them here in a group more than ten.

Each person has wavy blonde hair, light brown skin and red eyes which are their most defining traits. This could be the result of this island being cut off from the rest of the world or there could be some other reason behind it."

She closed her eyes and quickly updated her system with the knowledge of the island's resources and other things then once she had opened her eyes, she started to search within her backpack.

Alyssia took out something small then placed it under the nose of one of them after they had been stripped of any of their belongings that could be used against her allies. "Wake up!"

The man that was passed out scowled a little as something he smelled caused him to wake up suddenly. "Ugh what the."

Alyssia smiled towards him and stepped back a little. "Hey, we are new to this island and have only just arrived here so we need a guide or information to help our journey. The only reason why you are alive after trying to use that stuff on us is because I decided to spare you."

The man did not seem grateful and instead searched his clothes for a weapon but soon found nothing. "You.. you outsider! Leave our lands! Nothing good happens when an outsider comes to this land!"

He started mumbling to himself in a low voice and crazy manner. "Kill them? No.. I cannot. They must leave. They must leave. They must leave."

Alyssia could hear him and so could the Minks who had greater hearing, his words made each of them frown upon seeing him so desperate to have them disappear.

Alyssia raised her hand and slapped him. "Snap out of it. Tell me what you know and lead me to someone that can talk for your people."

The man had a scared look on his face. "No! You must leave! Nobody can know that someone has come onto the island! Leave!"

Alyssia let out a sigh. "Seriously.. I understand that much but you are doing a poor job in explaining why I should be leaving!"

The man continued to reply. "No! No! Leave!"

Alyssia was getting annoyed by his constant negative replies and the lack of information being given.

Her fist raised up then came down onto the man's face. "Your name!"


"This island's name!"


"Take me to your leader!"


"Fine, then I will ask someone else!"


The next moment, he was knocked unconscious once again and another round of questioning began.

"What is your star sign?"


"Your age?"


"Why are you guys so persistent?"


Each of them were united in their desire to have her leave the island and would not give up any information.

Each of them had a bruised face or had bumps on their heads from the light beatings that Alyssia gave them.

Once they had all been interrogated, Alyssia joined the others and spoke in a grumpy tone of voice. "This task is supposed to be an exploration mission only to gain intel on the island and not a task to kill others but they sure make it difficult for me."

The task was one to explore, gather intelligence and possibly even bring back some things from the island as proof of their successful visit there and return.

The task mentioned nothing about harming the residents of the island or getting involved with their power struggles and trying to take over the island.

It was not in Alyssia's best interests to kill anyone even if they had intended to harm or kill her allies as it would only cause further disruptions to her stay on the island.

Making an enemy out of the residents on the island right away was not a good way to approach the situation so after she had gotten nothing out of those that had been captured, Alyssia glared in several directions and a couple of large animals ran away in fear.

She then sat down and leaned against a tree while going through the information she had gained from the system. 'Hmm.. let's see..'

Alyssia quickly browsed through the relevant information and found some details on the island and its inhabitants. 'So the island is called Empirica, there is only one race of humans who have light brown skin, red eyes and blonde hair. Hmm.. what else?'

She continued to look through in silence then opened her eyes which were filled with excitement. 'How interesting. There may actually be someone worth noting on this island but there are still some troubling points that should be looked into. The island seems to have different classes of people and only one ruler.

The people living outside of the walls are the green cloaks and are made up of those that had been exiled. While I would like to approach them first, it would be wise not to get to emotionally caught up in their story. There is no benefit in playing hero at this time so I need to just to what I came to do.'

Alyssia got up and stretched her body while muttering to herself in a low voice. "I really want to meet the ruler of this island. If the information is correct then they will definitely provide me some entertainment. It is a shame though.. I doubt I would be able to meet them since the security is so strict and the walls keep out others."

Most of what she had obtained were from each of those she had subdued and what they knew was limited.

They mostly had knowledge about the basics of the island and the green cloaks along with rumours about the inner city from others that had been exiled.

The green cloaks were exiled for many different reasons whether it was political, they had committed a crime or it was out of necessity for the survival of those inside the walls.

It did not matter whether they were criminals or poor people who had been abandoned by their own people, they were united as the green cloaks and had to work together to survive without the help of their fellow citizens.

Some were descendants of those that had been exiled a few others were newly exiled and had been recruited.

They had a common goal of surviving and to get revenge but there was another interesting part which had left Alyssia curious about them.

Their survival seemed to be linked to their usefulness to those within the city and if they failed to carry out that duty then they would be wiped out.

There seemed to be some influence which came from their upbringing and history which lead them to be very hostile to outsiders and be fearful of the outside world.

It was very rare for anyone to journey outside of the island and even if an opportunity did present itself in the form of visitors who had a ship, their lack of knowledge of sailing caused those that left to be unable to get that far which had only further made them fearful of the outside world.