Empirica #2

The operation required a little more stealth than anything else so that various problems could be avoided in the future.

According to the information that had been collected by Alyssia, the extermination team would be sent outside the walls to not only deal with Alyssia's group but they would deal with the green cloaks too.

Just by being on the island a little longer and being discovered put innocent lives in danger.

The more people they were exposed to, the more dangerous it would be for the green cloaks.

They were just living out their lives as they usually did carrying out their duties according to how they had been taught to do so.

Their belief system, culture and those around them had helped to shape them and made them aggressive against outsiders.

It was similar to the those who lived on Raijin Island but there was less hatred and vengeful thoughts behind their actions.

They were only carrying out their duty like it was a sacred task that needed to be completed.

If they failed then their lives would be in danger so they had no choice but to follow through with their actions without questioning whether it was wrong or not.

They all had rarely encountered visitors on the island but there had been some which had spoken about some visitors which had been chased from the island or killed by the green cloaks.

It was easy to identify outsiders since everyone on the island had the same characteristics.

If there was other defining traits outside of their light brown skin tone, curly blonde hair and blood red eyes then it would be that each of them had full lips but they were not overly large or weirdly shaped which had been combined with less rounded and slightly sharper shaped eyes.

If there was any race to base their appearances from the males to females then they would be closer to the ice continents people like Whitey Bay but had a different hair, eye and skin colours.

Besides those features, they had no additional or weird features and were normal humans with average physiques.

Some had undergone training while others were like the average and weaker humans in the world.

Those that had talent or had received strict training and guidance were the ones which stood out among the people of Empirica but most of them were mainly taken under the control of the temples.

There were different ranks for the strength and status of the temples warriors.

The strength of the green cloaks could not compare to the power of those that served the temples but their use of poisons could give them a way to defend themselves and take down a couple of their enemies before their death.

In front of the three Minks, they were easily dealt with one after another and the main fortress had been infiltrated.

A figure silently flickered within the fortress walls between many different blind spots while following information she had gained from those she had defeated.

If there was one excellent skill or ability she had gained from the system from the various combinations then it would be to assess various structures and maps to understand where there are blind spots and traps placed.

It was not difficult to enter new and dangerous places so long as she had enough information.

Even if there were triggers which would set off alarms or dangerous traps, Alyssia would be able to avoid setting them off.

If Alyssia wished to pull off a tricky assassination making use of her surroundings then it would be possible to kill the leader of the green cloaks silently without drawing attention to herself.

Instead she had slipped into the room where the main building was and prodded several people who were guarding their leader while they were asleep before she placed her hand over their mouth and shook them awake.

Her Observation Haki swept through the room and any weapons nearby had been placed out of the leaders range before she woke up him. "Get up."

The eyes of the man opened wide and glared towards Alyssia who held him down. "Mm! Mmph! Mmmmph!"

While he was struggling to free himself from her grasp and reach for something to save himself, he soon realised how futile his efforts were. 'This grip.. I cannot move! This furry arm..this appearance.. OUTSIDERS! No! This is bad! This damned beast is going to get all of us killed!'

His eyes quickly showed his intense despair and hatred after he saw her appearance in the dark.

The man stopped moving and seemed to be waiting for a chance to turn things around so he looked very docile as he was suppressed by Alyssia but Alyssia could still faintly detect that he was having thoughts of resisting if she gave him a single opportunity.

Alyssia's cold voice followed. "I can tell that you are probably thinking some useless or unkind thoughts. I would recommend that you cooperate and perhaps we can get through this without any problems. I know your situation so I do not wish to cause you trouble but if you anger me then I cannot keep that promise. Blink if you agree to not make a sound after I remove my hand from your mouth then we can talk properly. Do not have thoughts of being saved by those outside, they have already been defeated by me."

The man blinked once so Alyssia removed her hand and stepped back. "Puha.. ha.. ha.."

Seeing the man sitting up and gasping for breath, Alyssia waited for him before finally speaking. "Now we should begin our talk."