Fog #8

Ting and Ton had hidden within the pocket of Yvie out of shame like they were naughty children that had been caught doing something bad by an authoritative figure in their life. "Got it!"

Archie had looked over towards Alyssia with a defeated look on his face. "Why? Why must I cut out things that I love out of my life?"

Wanda had revealed a sad look as she complained. "Do I really have to do so? I cannot live without them. Ah.. bones!"

Alyssia let out a sigh and went on to explain. "You may think that Minks are powerful and basically unbeatable but in fact, we all each have various weaknesses that we tend to overlook or forget about. One such trait is based on the type of animal we resemble and what we inherit from them whether it is the body type or behaviours.

If such things can be understood by others then those areas can be exploited to distract any Mink during combat. One thrown bone could distract Wanda and some honey could do the same for Archie which could create an opening for an enemy to attack or flee during that time."

Wanda grit her teeth and replied. "I understand, it seems that I am still lacking in some areas."

Archie lowered his head in shame. "I never thought about those kinds of things before but I guess it is something important if you have brought it up."

Alyssia nodded her head and replied. "Of course, we live in a world full of pirates who love to play dirty and break the rules then there are so many others that use the same or more treacherous methods against those they consider their enemies.

If I can think of that method then someone with a little knowledge about Minks could think up a similar strategy. Now moving on to the next person!"

She turned to face Milky and spoke gently. "I know a little about your past and know how hard you have worked over the many years so I will say this… You have been recognised by so many around you already and you have been deeply loved by each of them for a long time already.

One of the reasons why you have come was not only due to me asking for you personally but also was due to Catviper wishing for you to gain something from this chance."

Milky showed an awkward smile and responded. "It seems that I had made some very embarrassing actions at that time. I know I may still have some unresolved issues but I am glad that you brought me along."

Alyssia had turned to Jester and had a complicated look on her face. "I have a good idea of what your biggest issue is already and that it may only be resolved once the issue has been confronted but for now all I can say is that it is okay now to show your vulnerable side to those you have come to trust.

If you are in pain, show it and let us know you are in pain. If you are happy from the bottom of your heart then others will know that you are comfortable with them. If you do not want to do something that you are uncomfortable with then it would be better to show it. Nobody here would judge you or would see you in a bad way.

I am not asking you to overcome your trauma and change right away since it has already moulded you into the present you and made you strong but it would be good to see you more comfortable with others and so that you can improve gradually at your own pace. We will work on resolving the rest much later as I have promised."

Alyssia had seen that smile drop from the face of Jester once he had just entered his own hallucination state so she knew that it was a condition that could be used if he was in a better state of mind.

The condition was brought on by his past trauma and was a self defence mechanism to guard himself, it was a natural self defence mechanism which he had maintained whenever he was conscious.

When he was brought back to a time when he was much younger and less experienced, Jester had been able to express his emotions more naturally until the hallucination state had become much worse.

There was no change in the expression of Jester once he had returned to normal and was fully conscious once again.

Alyssia did not fully understand everyone or pretended that she did fully understand what they were going through since she had come from another world and had different experiences from them but she did care enough about their wellbeing to let them know that she was there for them and that she trying to understand them.

Jester sat silently as his smile had been maintained as usual then he replied. "I doubt this can easily overcome this but we will have to wait and see how things turn out."

Alyssia thought to herself. 'Hmm.. perhaps we really have to let him face the person who caused the problem. It is the only solution that I can think of right now.'

Alyssia spoke in front of each of them suddenly to open up to them about herself. "I value each of you greatly and am counting on each of you in the future. You may or may not know this about me and may look at me in a certain way but I am just like you in a way but also I am quite different too.

I can do a lot alone now but I do not trust myself completely with the power I possess so not only are you my allies but you are the people who have the position to question my decisions and stop me when I am going down a dark path. I have tried to make certain things I believe is right a reality through certain lighter methods but the world is not so easy to change, once force is required to bring change there would be times when the casualties would be much too high and I may not know when to stop so if that time comes… stop me."