Empirica News Spreads

The biggest problem for many researchers was the endless amount of resources being needed and the constant trial and error.

They could spend so long failing before they found one small area that had went they way they intended and provided a small clue to reach the end of their experiment.

One final piece was made up of all kinds of different areas being explored and tested before those small parts are tested to see if they will work together.

If it failed then the whole process may have to be completely restarted from the very beginning to find where it went wrong.

Even the better scientists would soon run into resource or fund issues and may not be able to complete their experiments.

Alyssia was able to speed up that process and skip a lot of pointless steps, her system was using everything it had to bring up possible combinations and when they had been tested, those results would be recorded too and could be put to use for newer combinations.

Using the lower resources brought back and her own, there were still many options available to Alyssia to replace them, grow new ones or use the smaller amount more efficiently.

There would still be some resources left over and there would be hope for those resources to be replaced after they were recreated or replaced by something similar.

Even if Alyssia did not have a lot of time and resources available before her own people were in more danger, she had continued to test everything that she could and used some blood samples of the mutants and Carrot to confirm how close she was to completing a suitable suppressant or cure.

Meanwhile in another part of the world, the White Storm had been reported by several newspapers of the New World and it spread very quickly.

Many pictures were included and there were some details about the dangers they encountered on Empirica Island.

The main picture that was used was the one that was taken at the top of the mountain with them all posing, the angle allowed for the view of the city below to be seen a little through the clouds.

On the front page were several different headlines.

[Shock! The White Storm took on an SSS Rank Mission!]

[Big News! The SSS Danger Rank Island has finally been explored without any casualties!]

[Is it luck or is it skill? We will all know in the future!]

There were different articles and many had speculated on how they did it without having casualties while others talked about what could be the next possible move for the White Storm or how others may attempt to enter the island too.

If an island was suddenly explored with less casualties than ever before then there would be many that would see it as an opportunity.

They would think that the White Storm were weaker than them or were less skilled so they could enter without any problems but that was just one possible outcome.

Others would think the danger had been reduced or the power of Empirica Island had fallen so they would see it as a chance to explore the island or attack it.

If a strong opponent was suddenly weakened and possibly possessed many resources then they would use that opportunity.

There were some interviews with Ideo who talked about how he had experienced some challenges and he had come to know that he still had a long way to go before he would be truly satisfied with his own abilities.

The photo had included Wanda and Milky so it had shown that the White Storm had more of a connection to the Minks from Zou than some had speculated and they had spoken in an interview that they would be joining the mercenary group for a period of time.

There were some that had been waiting for the key members of the White Storm to go missing so they could move forward some plans of their own but were very disappointed.

Any possible opportunity they had to turn others to their side or to swallow up the resources and funds of the White Storm had disappeared.

Those related to or allied with the White Storm had been relieved to hear that everyone was safe and that there would be no great changes.

The berries rewarded for providing information and pictures from Empirica were a lot and the mission helped to elevate the wealth and status of the White Storm who had been not been doing enough in the New World to draw much attention to themselves.

They had drawn a lot of attention but it was not yet known if that was a good or bad thing for them.

While the mission had been paid for, those who requested it did not show or identify themselves before disappearing and they seemed to only be middlemen for someone else.

It was unknown who was pulling the strings but if they truly had bad intentions towards the White Storm, it would not be the last time they would try something and they would soon reveal their true intentions.

Meanwhile other big influences were having their own problems or had their own thoughts about the success of the White Storm and in other places, those connected to the White Storm were continuing to face challenges of their own.