
Somewhere around the New World, there was a ship that was sailing around and had come across an island.

The island seemed to be completely abandoned and lacked the vitality of other islands.

It seemed as if it had been left abandoned a long time ago and any signs of life on the island had disappeared long ago.

It was one of the more dangerous islands that were listed on those that usually had a high amount of casualties once a group sailed there.

The land itself was completely barren and dried up while the old stone buildings were worn away by the long time that had passed since it had been full of people in the past.

The shop stopped in place and a tall slender figure jumped towards the island, she covered a lot of ground in an instant and soon arrived with her feet on the ground.

Alyssia was dressed in a protective suit that completely covered her body then looked around. 'This must he the place.'

She wandered further in then found herself in front of many lifelike statues. 'Hm?'

The statues looked just like humans and other races while each of them were posed differently and displayed a variety of different emotions.

Dark green moss was growing on the outside of each of them and covered a large portion of them.

Some of the statues were missing arms, legs and even a head while some others had small cracks on some parts of them.

Alyssia walked close to a statue and started to inspect it. "Hm? What the!"

The next moment that she was close to the statue, it started to move and reached towards her.

It was like the statue had come to life or it had some sort of instinctual defensive mechanism in place.

It was not enough for Alyssia to be caught off guard so when it reached out, she took a step back and kicked forward.

The middle of the chest was hit and the statue broke apart but that was not the end of her troubles.

More statues started to move upon picking up on the movements around them and seemed to wake up from a long slumber.

Each of them had varying physiques and some of them were very tall or well built.

Those with larger builds reached Alyssia first and swung their arms that were solid and rough like stone.

They moved around like humans but their speed and movements were slower due to them carrying more weight around and having bodies made from stone that made their movements more rigid.

Just as they were about throw out their big stone arms towards Alyssia, she disappeared and appeared again in front of each of them before sending out a strong kick towards the middle of them that caused them to break apart.

She flickered around the area and avoided the falling rocks that came from those she defeated and those that threw nearby debris or their own body parts towards her.

The biggest one was a giant that carried a stone sword, it raised the sword towards her and brought it down but Alyssia stood still for a moment before gathering her power.

Her leg swept upward which used up every single muscle in her body to maximise the power and she met the sword with her foot.

A strong piercing force was released that was her variation of the Spear of Elbaf and broke through the large sword then pierced through the chest of the giant before it started to fall apart.

She looked at the many statues that had been destroyed then saw parts of the insides that were shown once they broke apart.

There were bones, muscles and internal organs once the outer layer was broken but they too were made of stone.

Alyssia took some test tubes and swabs from her bag then started collecting samples of them. "These should be of use. Unfortunately these people are already dead and have been for a very long time."

The statues were once living people and there was some kind of dangerous virus that existed on the island that had wiped out many people during a certain era.

The statues remained and were carriers for the virus so anyone that visited would be infected then would join those remaining on the island as a new statue.

The virus did not just claim the lives of the people and animals on the island but also turned the fertile lands into what it had become.

It had some slight characteristics of White Lead disease in the way it covered the skin and caused the failure of the body but it made those infected by it aggressive and it seemed to act quickly to kill those infected by it otherwise there would be a spread of it to other islands after some had escaped carrying the virus.

It had some similarities to the stone statues of the Love Love Devil Fruit or Medusa ability to turn others into statues but it did not keep them completely frozen solid.

In order to conserve their energy and prevent further damage, they would remain still until there were signs of life nearby.

The protective suit that Alyssia was wearing had begun to gain a small layer on some parts but it did not spread any further.

It was likely that it needed to enter the body through a cut or to be breathed in for it to work on anyone but Alyssia could not take any chances and risk coming into direct contact with it.

Those that would fight the statues would find themselves becoming infected even if they were able to defeat them and break them apart.

The fragments of rock, moss and dust would linger in the air after they had been shattered so the person fighting them would breathe it in.

If Alyssia had not been wearing a protective suit and breathing apparatus then she may have met the same fate.

She ran deeper into the island and started to destroy every statue she came across before appearing back on her ship.

Alyssia locked herself up in her laboratory and started to use the knowledge she possessed so that she could gain some practical experience.

It would be faster to master different types of research if she had examples to work from and to find out how they worked or could be cured.

The ship remained far away from the island then suddenly moved to face it, the large railgun cannon on the front that had shot something across the sky.

It travelled across the sky at a great speed and force then it broke apart after a small explosion too place above the island.

A timer was set and the shot was perfectly calculated to allow the explosion to take place then nature would do the rest as the wind would carry what was released during the explosion.

What was inside had spread outward and travelled in all directions until most of the island had been covered by a large fog.

Alyssia sat watching it happen and showed a smile. "Hopefully this place can start to recover. Onto the next location!"