Belmonte Family

The eyes of the new crown prince had opened wide and he was about to get up to shout for help right away but the strong grip of Medea had kept him from letting any sound come out besides some muffled words. "Mmmf! Mmf mmmf mmph!"

Medea had hid her appearance behind a mask and a hood so she did not restrain her own actions as she continued to put her hands on the crown prince without worrying about the consequences of her actions.

A dagger was held up to the throat of the prince and Medea coldly spoke. "Tell me everything you know about the disappearance of the Belmonte family and what has happened in this place for the past couple of years. If you are not being honest or call for help then do not blame me.."

The tip of the dagger had poked further into the neck of the prince so that it would hurt him but would not draw blood.

It had shown that she was prepared to kill him if he tried to do things his own way and that he was at her mercy.

The voice of Medea became colder as she asked. "Do you agree?"

There was panic in the eyes of the crown prince who had looked like he was thinking things over, once he came to his decision his head had nodded up and down.

The hand placed over his mouth had loosened its grip then was removed but the dagger stayed at his throat. "Do not make any kind of movements or I may accidentally cut you."

The crown prince trembled in fear but still answered back. "You cannot do this. i am the crown prince."

His status allowed him all kinds of privileges and protection that others could only dream about while the single mention of his position was enough to make others kneel to him or to not take action against him.

To defy him was like going against the will of the king of the kingdom that had appointed him to his position.

There was nobody in the kingdom that would dare to go against him and if they did, they either acted in secret or it was done by some other unruly groups that did not care for status.

His hopes towards Medea being one of the people that could be swayed by his words had been shattered once she spoke up again. "Just do as I say then I will consider if your life is worth sparing."

Medea did not know the whole situation but there was some suspicion about how things had turned out as they had.

The prince took some time to come back to his senses then told her everything. "With the death of the hero of the Belmonte family, the Belmonte family were attacked one night by invaders that wished to settle their longstanding grudge."

Medea nodded in response to his words then asked. "They must have asked for help? Why is it that they still died and most of the kingdom is now occupied by criminals? Why did the other noble families not send their support?"

The crown prince looked from side to side in a shifty and suspicious manner like he did not wish to speak. "…"

The dagger was pressed harder against his neck and a tiny droplet of blood fell down his neck. "Ack… okay. Okay."

He took in a breathe and continued. "They did send for support but their rival family stopped the other families from participating. Without the Belmonte family being there to provide support for my brother, he had sought help from those criminals and was executed for treason.

I swear every word of mine is the truth. Please stop.. I had nothing to do with any of this. Wait.. are you related to the Belmonte family? Are you a friend of theirs or one of their remaining bloodline? You should leave.. run away before those animals find out about you."

He became more excited as he made some assumptions of his own and was getting closer to the truth but the words of Medea had interrupted him. "You are lying."

The eyes of the crown prince went wider and he looked towards her angrily. "I am not."

Medea replied. "Here is my guess but also something I have got from your truths and lies.. a lot of it is mainly true but there must be something missing that has been left out.

Hmm… it is strange that the only family that could have contended against the Belmonte family is just one. That family should be your main support now so this is where things get interesting."

She calmly looked towards the crown prince as she had detected his slightest change to each of her words.

Seeing that her theory was being confirmed from his reaction, she continued. "The crown prince lost his main support but he would not have colluded with known criminals.

If there was some proof found or if someone had come forward to point the finger at him, it must have been arranged that way. That family is too suspicious and was probably working with the criminals from the start.

Once the Belmonte family was no longer a problem for them, they could seat a puppet of their own choosing on the throne. The main problem is that they have let the criminals get too much power of their own which has developed to this state."

The crown prince had stared at her alertly. "How did you.."

Medea may not have been on the island for long but she knew enough about the internal politics of the kingdoms nobility and royalty to come to the conclusion with little extra information.

There was her Rumble Devil Fruit abilities that let her be more sensitive to electronic waves and other things while she had Observation Haki to help with picking up on things going on around her or directly in front of her.

There was little that could escape from her range of detection and the crown princes every tiny action had been caught by her.

His lies were detected and when he withheld information, she helped to fill in the blanks while she continued to observe his reaction.

The more that her guesses were confirmed, the more sure she was about what had happened. "It is usually the ones in the wrong that are first to blame others and point the finger towards others. The crown prince was innocent but that did not stop that family or you from being the guilty ones."

She continued as her voice became murderous. "You had some part in what happened even if you are just a puppet. You are to blame just like the others and you still tried to lie to me. I cannot let you live."


Silence filled the room as his yell was interrupted and there was an old dagger that was left in his throat.

Medea stepped outside and looked up towards the clouds up in the sky.

Her body had turned into lightning and moved quickly up into the clouds as they started becoming powerful thunder clouds that were moving to different parts of the island.