Underworld Emperors

Alyssia had paid a quick visit to meet up with Jester to put more berries towards the bets that would be placed on the future battle and had found the time to gain access to the underworld.

There was a blond woman with short curly blonde hair, blue eyes, red lipstick and red painted fingernails.

She had a thin and slightly curved body as well as exceptionally large breasts, on her body was a salmon coloured dress that had diamond patterns at the bottom, a small white cape, a sunhat with a flower on it and high heels with ribbons on it.

Alyssia was sat opposite her and had leaned back in her chair calmly. "Miss Stussy."

The woman opposite her was Stussy who had been known to be a member of the World Government as a member of CP0.

Alyssia did not know the true nature of Stussy since she had not seen far enough into the manga to know anything that was revealed past the Wano Arc so she had to use what she did know.

Stussy was a capable member of CP0 and was an Emperor of the Underworld that was known as the Queen of the Pleasure District.

Being able to become a member of CP0 required having exceptional power and skills but also having a high mastery over the Six Powers techniques.

Each of the Underworld Emperors were rulers of their own crime syndicates and even if they all may not have been able to compare themselves with the Four Emperors and other figures, they were leading figures in their respective fields and had a lot of connections to influential figures in the world.

Drug Peclo known as the Undertaker was one of the Underworld Emperors and had been more well known for his power so Alyssia had guessed that he was a mercenary or assassin.

Morgans was more well known for being the president of the World Economy Newspaper so he had a lot of influence over the world with every newspaper that he released.

Giberson was known as the Warehouse Kingpin or the Concealer which showed that he had many hidden locations that could be used to conceal hidden wealth or valuables of himself and others.

Umit was known as the Shipping Magnate and handled the transportation of all kinds of goods whether they were legal or illegal.

Du Field was known as the God of Fortune and was the head of his own conglomerate but he was more well known for being the Loan Shark King.

Each of them had a large amount of power in the Underworld and Stussy was able to stand among them.

For Stussy to be able to hold those two positions, it meant that she was someone not to be underestimated but if there was something that was needed then she would be one of the people to seek out when it came to things related to the Underworld.

The higher mastery of the Six Powers that had been added to what Alyssia had already gained from others had caused her skills to be updated a little more and having another woman Six Powers user had helped to consolidate her skills more to suit herself.

Stussy was the first one to speak as she flashed a charming smile. "Alyssia Lucine. Your people have been seeking me out for so long just for you to meet me. What is it that you need for you to come at a time like this? Your fight should be soon."

She had shown right away that she was well informed about matters of the world and knew exactly who Alyssia was even if Alyssia had changed a lot in appearance.

If she was not able to find out things in advance then her capabilities as an Underground Emperor would be questioned.

Even when she saw the appearance of Alyssia, there was a moment of surprise in her eyes but it quickly disappeared like she had been more mentally prepared than others for the meeting and must have had people look into some things.

Alyssia spoke plainly. "I need information and I heard that you should know quite a lot so that is why I have come."

Stussy showed no surprise and nodded. "What kind of information are you looking for? You should know that it will be costly if you wish for me to give you anything that could sell out my clients. I have my reputation to uphold after all."

Alyssia understood and replied. "Of course, you will be paid fairly depending on the information that has been given. What I want to know about is related to the movements of any groups that have been very active in a certain kingdom."

If there was anyone that could find out secret intelligence then it would be Stussy.

The secrets that people held and the things that they had or had done were difficult to reveal to other in normal situations if they were careful enough but not everyone was the same.

There were those that were loose lipped in normal circumstances while there were those that were more difficult to get to spill their greatest secrets.

There were boastful types that tended to brag about their exploits and it was usually during times when they were drunk or were in the embrace of someone else that they had slipped up and revealed something they had been trying to keep hidden.

Stussy was the Queen of the Pleasure District where many people came in and out everyday, the amount of customers she had were many and there were influential people among them.

If some useful information was gathered by one of her people during those visits then she would be able to keep that for future uses and would pay off the person that collected that information to pay them to keep their mouth shut.

Of course there would be times where more extreme measures would be taken against those beneath her but that was just the kind of place the Underworld was.

Stussy had dirt on all kinds of people and could feed a lot of that to the World Government as part as her role as a member of CP0.

Depending on the importance of her clients that came in and out of her establishments, a lot of information could be used for her own benefit to manipulate some events or to sell it off to others.

If they were more important clients to Stussy or were someone that she did not plan on making an enemy of then she would not be so willing to hand out information about them so easily but she would always keep it for later.

Stussy had listened to Alyssia explain some of the things that she knew and thought to herself. 'Huh.. it seems that she is trying to look into some of the Underworld dealings that some groups had a little involvement in.'

She then replied. "For you to find out about those dealings, it will be quite costly and how you use that information is up to you. Just do not go around mentioning who you heard it from."

Alyssia and Stussy had both discussed the matter further over a hot drink and sweets until they both got what they wanted.

Alyssia had one last question before she had left. "Would Du Field be willing to see someone like me so soon? If possible, I would like to get a short term loan."

Stussy showed a look of understanding and smiled. "It seems that you are not worried about your future fight. I will see if he can be contacted and will get back to you."

Alyssia was leaving and showed a grateful smile. "Thanks. Just send the details to my people and they will handle the rest."