Trust and Countermeasures

Carrot transformed back into her original state and size once the ship had landed then jumped down to talk to Archie. "How much longer until we get there?"

Archie showed a concerned look on his face while looking towards a white card in his hands that was burning out. "We have already come this far and I am going as fast as I can.. we should arrive soon I hope."

Back when Alyssia had locked herself away and started to heal up inside the pod, there had been a sudden call on the transponder snail.

It was a call from one of the mercenary groups that were under the banner of the White Storm that had been showing excellent potential.

They were on an important mission to escort some shipments for a client from one island to another but had suddenly come under attack by far too many ships.

They had no choice but to report it and ask for aid but there were few that were close by besides the MMA.

Whether it was a coincidence or not that the group was the only one to receive an attack at such a time was unknown but all that mattered was that the MMA would be able to get there first before anyone else.

Alyssia trusted Carrot and Archie enough to be able to make their own decisions while she was unable to give out orders.

Even if they were a little lacking in judgement and patience, they had earned her approval due to their own abilities that put them above many others in the world.

They both had Alyssia who was above them to be able to put them through harsh battles so they were able to grow much stronger to be able to get close her Haki mastery even if they only had two Haki of the three.

Unlike Alyssia who had very few that were above her that could help her grow and perfect herself, the others beneath her had her to be the person that they would be able to push themselves against time and time again.

They may not have possessed the three Haki or the bonus stats gained from the system but they still had their own advantages that had been given by the amount of progress they made with their Sulong bloodline limit and the Devil Fruit abilities they had.

The Faerie Dragon Devil Fruit was full of potential and abilities so it was worthy of being a Mythical grade Devil Fruit.

The Quake Devil Fruit was full of destructive power and if put in the right hands then it was very likely that Archie could be able to deal with all kinds of tough enemies.

Carrot and Archie may not have been able to fight against anyone else that was at the top of the world's powers but they had a lot of experience going up against Alyssia so they would not be so easy to take down.

It was why Alyssia put her faith in them and left everything to them, they may have had the ability to walk head long into trouble but they had the ability to handle such troubles.

Even if they somehow managed to walk headlong into trouble that they could not handle on their own, it was still not that big of a problem when Alyssia was very close by and could sense what was going on in her surroundings.

She put her trust in them but she was not so foolish to just leave them to do everything alone without any kind of backup in place.

There were far too many things on board the MMA that were waiting to be put to use and be tested so even without her, there was a low chance of there being any real danger.

The ship continued forward at a fast speed and many obstacles in the way were all cut through using brute force methods until there was finally something further ahead that could be made out.

The card in the hand of Archie had moved towards the direction ahead and Archie clenched his fist before putting the card away. "I think that we are here."

Carrot who was acting as the lookout had peered off into the distance and shouted. "A wreckage is spotted, it is up in flames in some places but it does not seem too serious or has spread too far. We should hurry over!"

Archie nodded in agreement and increased the speed a little more, it was not long before the black smoke and flames were more visible and the ship was clearer.

The ship had been floating in the middle of the water and was severely damaged to the point that it would not be able to stay above water if it was left as it was for a long time.

If there was anyone still onboard or near the ship then Carrot and Archie needed to get there as soon as possible to save them before they died from hypothermia, drowned or were unlucky enough to be on the ship near where the flames had spread.

Carrot jumped from the lookout and shot across the sky until she finally landed down on the deck of the ship.

Her eyes scanned the wreckage and saw many trails of blood but could pick up on signs of life around her. "There are survivors. That is good!"