Jailed Duke

In the Mercy Kingdom, there existed a very loyal and powerful family who were the Spot Ducal family.

They were known as the family who had served the royal family and served as important advisors or supporters to each ruler that was crowned as the ruler of Mercy Kingdom.

Among the various noble families that were inspired by the first princess, the Spot family was one of the biggest supporters.

Unfortunately their power was not what it used to be and the first princess was believed to be dead along with a large number of their own people who failed to hold off the enemy attack in the past.

Their power was fading over time and the resistance of the remaining families that were loyal to the first princess started to be removed or had gradually switched their allegiances.

They had great love for their kingdom and they hated how they were becoming more powerless to stop their kingdom from falling into ruin.

Citizens were either being pulled into dangerous groups to join up with lawless criminals.

The few righteous citizens that tried to make a difference were met with a fierce response from the king.

Citizens were going missing and were being exploited in all kinds of ways but nothing was being done to stop it.

The current head of the Spot family sat in a dungeon with metal bars surrounding him.

A guard looked towards him with a sneer across their face as they taunted. "Oh how the great Spot family has fallen. It will not be long before the great Spot family will be wiped out and replaced by another loyal family."

There were few left who would miss the Spot family within the kingdom besides the citizens who had placed their hopes on them.

Anyone that was loyal to the king were only doing what they were doing so that they could survive or so they could profit from everything happening.

The fall of the Spot family meant that a Duke noble ranking would be open up to be filled while the old noble family would possess a great amount of wealth stored up that the king could take to divide among those who were loyal to him especially if they did a good enough job.

The man in the jail cell remained silent as he despaired about how far the kingdom had fallen. 'If only his highness was still with us.. no. even if it was her highness.. something could have been done about this.'

The Spot family was among those that adamantly supported the previous king until he was killed off by his own brother.

Unfortunately they could not interfere too much with the royal families next ruler since there was only one remaining bloodline left.

There were times when there were similar situations and there were poor rulers so the Spot family were usually the ones to clean up the mess the royals made and make up for their inadequacies at time but never to the scale of what had taken place during the past twenty years.

They had no choice but to support the first princess as much as they could and put their faith towards her gaining the throne as quickly as possible but that had failed too.

The guard had left leaving him in a poor state until the sound of keys rattling together was heard once again.

The door was unlocked allowing someone to enter who was difficult to make out in the darkness.

That was until the figure leaned closer after locking the door behind him.

His face was shown to have a wide grin and there was white paint with various markings over it which was all too familiar with him.

As someone who had visited the royal palace to the point he was overly familiar with it, he was all too familiar with such a sight so he mockingly laughed to himself. "Oh.. so even the courts latest jester has been sen to give me my last laugh. Come on and get it over with."

The jester smiled even wider and stepped back as if ready to put on a performance. "The jester always puts on a good show for sure. I will tell you a funny story. There was once a king so wise but he died.

A coward took his place acting like a tyrant when it suited him. Everyone saw hope again when a princess rose up. The king disliked it and a new daughter appeared. One day the princess died too and all hopes were crushed."

The head of the spot family glared towards him and growled. "Do not insult the princess and the royal family. You Jesters may get away with your crude humour but even this is too far."

"Oh but I am getting to the punchline." The jester let out a light chuckle as he went on to explain. "On the day of the great ducal families execution, this jester will put on a marvellous juggling show to celebrate our great king. Please stay alive to enjoy it."

He twirled the keys around on his finger before leaving locking the door behind him.

The duke was left puzzled why a jester would come to say such a thing but it did not matter anyways.

He knew his execution would be soon from the words of others and that it would be a public display.

The jesters words only helped to confirm his fate.

He felt that the jester was somehow familiar but he shook his head thinking that he was just being mistaken.

It was easy to mistake one jester for another due to their similar costumes and makeup so he pushed those thoughts aside.