Crime Family

Various underground businesses of Mercy Kingdom were targeted and looted one after another causing major losses for many groups that occupied Mercy Kingdom.

The scariest part of everything that was taking place was that many victims of such groups had started to rise up to aid the new group for the sake of their revenge.

Anyone held captive or being freed from being exploited had been grateful towards such a strange new group of misfits who were tearing their way through many underground groups without showing any signs of stopping.

A report came in suddenly for one of the major crime families occupying Mercy Kingdom as their boss was seated at the head of a table of people.

Each person seated had an intimidating aura and fierceness to them while some had several wounds showing on their skin underneath their gangster suited clothing which further added to the impression that they were big shots that held high authority within the family.

The boss let out a puff of smoke from his mouth as he removed the cigar stamping it out on the table.

It was clear to everyone that their boss was in a bad mood and it was very likely that blood would be flowing in the streets very soon.

He spoke up in a rough tone of voice. "Is that report true?"

Someone was kneeling not too far away shivering in fright while answering. "One of our main operations has been hit.."

A gunshot suddenly went off without warning causing the trembling man to fall back with a bloodied hole in their head.

The boss held a pistol which had been pointed towards the head of the already dead man before putting it back in his gun holster strapped under his fur coat. "So useless."

He sat back in his chair deep in thought then gave out orders to each person at the table. "I want each of you to go to the remaining bases of our operations and escort all valuable towards our main location. I want this done right away with no delays."

Many of their operations were spread out throughout Mercy Kingdom and there was a lot that had accumulated in each one.

It had been some time since everything was transported directly to the main base where it would be kept safe.

It was usually quite troublesome to transport such large quantities of goods through the kingdom unless there was someone capable to do it since there were always chances of other gangs wanting to take advantage of such an opportunity for a quick gain.

With their growing power and control, it was difficult for even the most powerful noble families to interfere with their usual activities.

Some noble families and other groups in the kingdom were already being bribed or had ties to the crime family so it made everything so much easier.

What they had not counted on was someone being brave enough to look into their operations and directly target what belonged to them.

According to the usual methods used to protect their belongings, if one place was targeted then they would move everything to one location where it could be guarded better.

He looked over the people at the table and coldly ordered. "Kill anyone who gets in the way."

"Yes boss!"

"Yes sir!"

Each of them set out right away to bring everything back as ordered which followed with them arriving at each location where they had started to load everything onto carriages.

Once the carriages were full enough to be able to be transported without there being any problems, the horses started to pull the carriages down the streets heading back towards the main base where everything would be found in one place all together.

What they had failed to realise that as it was all taking place, many eyes from the shadows within Mercy Kingdom had watched over the whole events that took place.

It was just one event among many that took place just a day before an even bigger event that would take place within the Mercy Kingdom.

As night had come, many figures started to appear from all directions as they all surrounded the main base of the crime family completely cutting off all routes to escape.

Meanwhile within the main base of the crime family, the boss was talking on a Transponder Sea Snail. "Yes, It is just a minor inconvenience but it is only one of our places were targeted.

I plan to send out the family to deal with them after the big event is over with tomorrow. It is just a group of nobodies that think they can challenge just about anyone."

Another voice had spoken on the other side of the Transponder Sea Snail. "I will be sending some others to support you. I have invested much in you already so I cannot let everything fall apart at such a key moment."

The boss went silent after the call was cut off without any time being given to voice his own opinion on the matter. 'So they will be sending some of those people huh..'