answered call

Inside of the main building was where the boss and many of his subordinates were gathered.

Each of them were armed with all kinds of dangerous weapons as they prepared for the incoming combat that was coming towards them.

The more reports that came in cause further unease to spread among their ranks until they all turned to look towards their boss for a plan of action.

The boss grit his teeth and went towards the Sea Snail in his room before trying to connect his call to the people he had talked to previously.

"Buru buru buru.. Gacha!"

Just as he had heard the all too familiar sound of the call connecting and it being answered, a relieved smile appeared on his face. "Hello? We have encountered some troubles. I need you to send your people much sooner."

Once he finished talking, he waited for a little time giving the other person a chance to respond.

What he did not expect was that an unfamiliar voice came from the other side of the call.

It was a male voice which let out an eerie laugh before talking. "Hehahaha.. sorry, the person you are calling cannot pick up right now. Can I take a message?"

The boss paused for a moment before asking in a cold tone of voice. "Who is this? How are you answering?"

What he had was a private line that was directly linked to one person and one person alone while it could connect to outside of the island too which allowed him to communicate with those he was working for.

There was only a couple of ways that the call could be answered by someone else so he had guessed that someone else had answered in the place of the regular person who answered.

He felt like he was being messed with and he did not like it very much.

What agitated him more was that the sounds coming from further away where battles were taking place were drawing in closer with each passing second.

The voice on the other end responded again with an upbeat tone of voice. "Who I am is unimportant. Just know that this call will never make it through to those you intend to contact.

I must really applaud you on your quick thinking and acting during a crisis. You really did make the most rational decision in gathering everything in one place. You bolstered your forces and gathered all of your resources too. Well done!

Really.. well done! But that just made it all the more easy for me and my friends. You see… this little device I have here, there is a limited range that cannot cover every single area.

If everything was still split apart then there would have been a chance of there being a leakage somewhere but with everything and every one of importance being gathered here?

Now all contact with the outside will be cut off and it is you who has boxed yourself in. It is time for this show to come to a close! Farewell!"

The call cut off followed by noises that had been created outside of the room as chaos descended once again.

Windows smashed followed by large carnivorous plants growing suddenly that tried to eat those near them.

Screams followed along with gun shots as others were impaled on bamboo and then strange gases started to spread among them all.

It did not take too long before those that were still alive to let out their more violent sides in their hallucination state as they opened fire upon anything around them.

The gases spread around the insides of the building and came under the openings in the door causing the boss to breathe it in too followed by his own hallucinations.

The main door of the building suddenly was cut apart like it was very fragile causing the rest of it to collapse making way for a figure that appeared.

He was wearing a gas mask over his face dressed in a checkered jester outfit with white face paint over his face. "Snatch."

It was the same voice as the person who answered the previous call and if his face was not mostly covered by the gas mask then it would be quite easy to recognise him as Jester.

Those that he had sensed to still be armed and a threat started to be disarmed the moment he had cut the door apart and entered.

Among those that were still on their feet and still active, they swung out towards Jester unarmed after being disarmed which resulted in them missing his body before being delivered a fast and precise hit that knocked them out.

Each movement of Jester was very fast and agile which made it look almost effortless as he navigated through each remaining person there.

It was like he had eyes in the back of his head and that he could predict each subtle change in combat allowing him to remain untouched throughout the whole fight.

As he looked around at the many laid out bodies around him, Jester let out a small laugh. "Hahahehaha.. something like this would have been quite the challenge if this was the previous me."

If it was Jester of the past when he was by the side of his princess and those that served her then they all would have struggled to bring down most of the criminal groups and would have suffered heavy losses to target a group like the one he had just taken down.

What so many people of Mercy Kingdom combined could not accomplish over many years had been done by a small group of people in a single night.

What was most surprising about it all was that there was not a single injury or death on the side of those supporting Jester while so many gangs including the biggest one in Mercy Kingdom had been removed.