Among the missions that needed to be fulfilled, one of them was to go to the planet where the doctor came from.
The doctor who they encountered on their previous journey to space had provided a lot of knowledge and resources to Alyssia to develop many new things but some things could not be so easily achieved with what she had available.
Some resources only existed in certain places and under certain conditions.
They needed to be obtained from those locations otherwise it would not be possible to replicate every little thing to the tinest detail using alternative methods and resources.
Further testing was needed to be able to replicate everything and to make improvements too.
Perhaps there would be ways to overcome certain limitations in the future and make such rare or difficult-to-obtain resources less needed to produce such results or the resources themselves could be developed further to make them more accessible.
If they could be grown only under certain conditions then it would not be impossible to gain enough of an understanding to be able to replicate those conditions.
If that could be achieved then it would be possible to make those resources sustainable and reduce the risk needed to obtain them.
Ripley listened to the words of Bunbun then let out a sigh. "Alright... if there is anything that my Ripper Mercenaries are good at then it would be surviving in the harshest of conditions. We will do our best to help no matter the danger level of the planet."
She may not have had the confidence when it came to their technology and other matters since they could not compete with many other potential issues that could appear but when it came to their physical might and survival capabilities, she had enough confidence.
Bunbun nodded in response then went on to explain her plan. "Medea... do you remember how you handled everything when you-teia were leading that revolutionary group?"
Medea thought for a moment before replying. "I had to cut off myself from the White Storm during that time to prevent my actions from affecting them and had to keep my identity a secret?"
Bunbun smiled in response then turned toward Ripley. "Exactly. We will have to use a similar method this time too. So... I believe that we should all play the role of revolutionaries or pirates for the time being.
Luck is on our side right now too... we have just obtained many useful things and that includes the ships and technology. Any actions that we take...."
With everything that had been salvaged from the battle, there was an awful lot that could be made use of in many ways even if it was not scrapped and sold off.
One such usage was for them to be able to create a group among them who disguised themselves as the Camo Pirates.
Not many would guess that the Camo Pirates were not the ones going around causing big disturbances since their reputation was already very poor.
Neo Stella interrupted while sounding excited. "You want us to make it look like the Camo Pirates are still active and are behind everything?"
Ripley showed a smile in response. "They do have a big enough and bad reputation so nobody would doubt it but it looks like I cannot be involved in this plan of yours. I will stand out a little too much.
Bunbun agreed quickly. "That is why we will split into two groups. Group one will work with Ripley to continue the regular mercenary work and get used to everything before heading out on the mission.
Group two will be staying with Neo Stella to lead the rescue efforts. How does that sound-teia~?"
Medea raised her hand as if volunteering herself. "I will join group two if you do not mind."
Bunbun shrugged in response. "I expected as much. I will join group one. How about you Ashwin?"
Ashwin looked around the room before considering the decision. 'I would like to learn more from someone familiar with everything so it would be a waste for me to join a group without anyone like that.'
He turned his attention back toward his tinkering while letting out a short response. "Group two."
Bunbun turned back toward Ripley and Neo Stella as she awaited their response.
The two of them locked eyes for a moment before turning back toward Bunbun as Neo Stella added. "Most of our forces would be needed for group two but there should be enough left over to handle everything that group one needs to do. Sooo..."
They began discussing the finer details of how they would split their remaining numbers and resources before finally moving out.
They never could have predicted that their plan would have such a big effect in the future.
They only intended to save their comrades from who they had been sold but unknown variables always appeared in unexpected places.
Such a small spark could easily start a movement and create change causing the current system to become shaken.
Not only would the Ripper Mercenaries and the White Storm gain some unexpected allies from their actions that would help to increase their power further but they would gain a few others who would owe them greatly.
Slaves were not always those who started at the bottom.
It was mostly down to circumstance and luck.
Anyone could become a slave just as someone from a low position could rise and a person in a high position could fall.
It did not matter whether they were royalty or a common citizen among the masses, all it took was one stroke of bad luck to put them in a situation where they were bound by chains by another and treated like less than human.
Once they were put in such a position, it was difficult for them to return to their previous life unless they were lucky enough to have those who would look after them and would be successful in that before it was already too late to save them.
Many people were out there like that who were doing their best to survive under such conditions but had already given up hope of ever being saved.
They did not know it yet but they would soon become a part of that very group who would encounter them during their time of need and they would be able to regain their freedom once more.