"Heh! What did you come here for?!" Gilang snapped when he saw his ex-wife. Gilang almost pushed Fahira, but Amar swiftly caught his son's wrist.

"Father picked him up earlier. You and Fahira are divorced, but Fahira is still Kamania's biological mother. SHe deserves to know how his daughter is doing!" said Amar.

The atmosphere was so tense. No one dared to speak anymore. Gilang and Hesti moved away and sat in the corner of the room. Meanwhile, Fahira was accompanied by Ammar and Atun, sitting not far from the operating room door. Meanwhile, Endang was pacing restlessly.

"Why are you going back and forth like that, Mom? You are dizzy when you see Mother pacing," Amar scolded. "Doctor why did it take so long to operate on Kamania?" "Be patient! When it's finished, come out," said Ammar, looking annoyed.

Hesti did look tired, and that didn't go unnoticed by Ammar. "It's better if you take your wife home first. She's pregnant. You'll be tired, afraid of what else to do," Amar said to Gilang. "But Nia is still in bed. in," replied Gilang. "There is a mother here, there is a father and mother. You go home!" Ammar ordered firmly. "Okay, then Gilang and Hesti go home first. Gilang will come back later, Atun will come home with me. So, if I go Hesti has friends at home," said Gilang. Atun looked at Ammar. ask for approval. Ammar nodded. "Go home. There is no one to take care of the house, it's a pity for the boarding children if they need something."

Atun also obeyed. She immediately moved to follow the steps of Gilang and Hesti to return home. Meanwhile, Fahira was silent, her eyes fixed on the operating room door. sHe heard but didn't care about his surroundings anymore. The only thing on his mind was his daughter Kamania. Not long after, the operating room door opened, the doctor came out. Fahira immediately approached, "How is my child's condition, doctor?" she asked anxiously. "Patience, ma'am. Your child has passed his critical period. However, she is not conscious yet, because she is still under anesthesia. However, she can already be transferred to the inpatient room. or a doctor on duty." "Thank God, thank you very much, Doc," said Fahira.


Kamania has been transferred to the ward. Ammar chose the VVIP room to take care of his beloved granddaughter. He wanted Kamania to feel comfortable, as well as the caring family not to mix with other patients' families. "You're not working? Aren't you afraid of being fired? What are you doing here?" said Endang sarcastically. "What are you talking about? Fahira is Kamania's biological mother, it's only natural that she is here to take care of her child," said Ammar firmly. Fahira is polite. Endang just snorted in annoyance. Whereas as long as Fahira was her daughter-in-law, Fahira never fought or said harsh words.

But for some reason, Endang doesn't like Fahira. Endang still thinks that Fahira does not have high education. Not on the same level as Gilang who is a graduate. What's more, they are entrepreneurs. But right now he doesn't like Hesti either, because his daughter-in-law often fights. This sometimes makes Ammar dizzy. "Never mind, Mom. Just leave Fahira here." and understanding, ma'am," replied Fahira with a smile. "That's good then," said Endang curtly who immediately got a sharp glare from her husband.


Meanwhile, Gilang and Hesti seem to be fighting. Hesti looked annoyed at Gilang. "You, why did you use all that tantrum with Fahira?" "Yes, yes, I don't like it when he meets Nia," Gilang replied "You know, she's his mother. Anyway, I was surprised. . If he wants to take Nia, just let it be. You already want to have children from me. Why do you have to be so adamant about defending your child. He also never wants to be close to me." "Yes, you should be the one trying to get closer to Nia Can't you just take the heart of a small child!" "I, right, have to take care of my health too. Forget that I'm pregnant with your child!" "What are you doing? In this house you live to take care of Kamania. Fahira is pregnant, Nia can still do this work. He never complained. You groan a little. A little bit spoiled." "Naturally, my parents and I were also spoiled. You should as a husband better understand what I want!" "You are selfish!" "I'm just talking as it is. Remember, I don't want to go back to the hospital. I want to take a rest. If you want to go back... just go back there! At the same time, if you want to go back with your smug ex-wife!"

Gilang growled, he almost slapped his wife if he didn't remember being pregnant. Finally, he decided to leave the room. He saw that Atun was sitting contemplating at the dining table. "What are you doing, Miss?" Reprimand Gilan. Bik Atun stood up hastily. "Eh, sorry Den. Aden need something? Want to eat or drink?" asked Atun. "Just make boiled noodles, Bik. I'm hungry, after eating I'm going to the office for a while and then go back to the hospital," said Gilang.

Atun immediately made noodles as her employer asked. "Auntie what are you thinking?" asked Gilang again. He knows very well that his assistant must be restless because of Kamania. "I feel guilty. If only I wasn't late to pick you up, Mrs. Nia definitely won't be hurt," said Atun. Gilang took a deep breath, "Mom said earlier, Auntie was late because Mother told Aunt to wait for shopping notes, right? There is no right or wrong here, Ms. No one wants to get hurt, really."