The Creator System???

My name is Zero What i remember I Died Cause I Got Hit By A Truck

I Wake up I Open My Eyes A Few Times And Shake My Head and I Suddenly Remember Got Hit By A Truck i Was Shocked I Take Many Breath I Calmed Down A Bit...After That i Stand up I See My Self In The Forest

Z:What...Where Am i

I Was Asking That And A Screen Pop Out In Front Of Me Saying

???:Master Now In The Forest

i Was Confused At First And I Realize Something Forest.. I Remember I Died...That Means


CS:Yes Master Im Your System Or Creator System

I Was Excited Hearing That Cause I Got Isekai'd And Got A System Like Many Novel I Read And I Ask To Confirm Something

Z:System What Kind A System Are You And What Can You Do?

CS:Just Like I Said Master Im Creator System I Can Make Many Thing Trough Master imagination Or Go To Other Universe Or Make Master Own Universe But Master Have To Have CP

Z:What Is CP?

CS:[Creator Points]

Z:Cool...But How About Showing My Status System







The Creator System:

Master Can Use All Soul Power



Can Make Many Thing Trough Master Imagination [Only item That Master Held] And

To Make A Skill 1CP Have To Be Use For These Skill


Master Can Combine Many Thing To Be More Danger/Stronger 1CP Have To Be Use For These Skill


Master Can Make A Customize Anything To Be Small/Big/Tall/Short Freely Use For These Skill

-[Multiversal Teleporter]

Master Can Use This Skill With 1CP


Master Can Copy Many Different Being 1CP Have To Be Use For These Skill




Kill Something And Level Up To Get 1CP

Do Quest To Get CP

I See The Screen/My Status Im Too Op But I See I Have No...CP....But...Let Me Think Game...

Z:System Is There Starter Pack?

CS:Yes Master Want To Open It?

Z:Yes Please

[Opening Starter Pack]


Z:Good I Have 5 CP

After That I Just Keep Asking The System Detail Of His Fiture...Im Now Wandering What Should I Make And Where To Go....I Sit There Thinking Again And Again...I Decide Im Gonna Go To Undertale The Game That I Really Like And There Is Many Au.... But Before That I Gotta Make Something That Fit Me In Undertale Au I Got An Idea I Ask System

Z:System I Want To Create Skill?

CS:Yes Master Only Need 1CP For Creating A Skill But The Stronger The Skill And If Master Lost From Imagination The Many CP Will Be Use

Z:Im Okay With That Now Let's Create It

I Imagen Transform To Skeleton

CS:Master Has Successfully Create A Transformation Skill

I See My Hand Legs Even Body Like Skeleton I Smiled Happy....But I Realize Something..

Z:System...Successfully That Mean I Can Fail Right?

CS:Yes Master But Master Imagination Of Transforming Into A Skeleton Is To Good It Can't Be Fail

Z:Hehehe Thanks_^

I Then Think Again About Something....I Need To Make A Weapon Or Something To Protect Or Fight Something I Look At My Status I Only Have 4 CP Left I Then Want To Create A Gaster Blaster

But I Have To See What Is My Soul I Ask System What Is My Soul System Just Fast Respond To Me That I Can Use All Soul Power Because I Have A Creator Power That's Make Me So Much Op So I Decide To Make 4 Skill And Its

[Bone Manipulation]You Can Summon And Control Bone Master Can Use This Skill Freely

[Gaster Blaster]You Can Summon Gaster Blaster Master Can Use This Skill Freely

[Bone Hand Summon]You Can Summon Hand And Control Them Freely


Strings To Tie up And Shatter SOULS, If Master Strings Go Inside A Victim, Master Can Transfer Master Soul Into The Victim's Body, Making Master Body Vanish And The Victim's Soul To Vanish Turning The Victim Into Master, This Makes Master Able To Control The Victim, While The Victim Is Helpless Master Can Use This Skill Freely

Now That I Done Beside That Every Skill That I Made Don't Use CP Beside Soul How Lucky Now Time To Go

Z:System I Want To Go To The Undertale Original Au

CS:Master Your CP Is 0 You Need To Kill Something To Get LV To Get CP Or Do Quest To Get CP

I Realize I Use It All In Skill


-To Be Continue