
Current Status





The Creator System:

Master Can Use All Soul Power



Can Make Many Thing Trough Master Imagination [Only item That Master Held] And

To Make A Skill 1CP Have To Be Use For These Skill


Master Can Combine Many Thing To Be More Danger/Stronger 1CP Have To Be Use For These Skill


Master Can Make A Customize Anything To Be Small/Big/Tall/Short Freely Use For These Skill

-[Multiversal Teleporter]

Master Can Use This Skill With 1CP


Master Can Copy Many Different Being 1CP Have To Be Use For These Skill

[Bone Manipulation]You Can Summon And Control Bone Master Can Use This Skill Freely

[Gaster Blaster]You Can Summon Gaster Blaster Master Can Use This Skill Freely

[Black Bone Hand Summon]You Can Summon Hand And Control Them Freely

[Black String]

Strings To Tie up And Shatter SOULS, If Master Strings Go Inside A Victim, Master Can Transfer Master Soul Into The Victim's Body, Making Master Body Vanish And The Victim's Soul To Vanish Turning The Victim Into Master, This Makes Master Able To Control The Victim, While The Victim Is Helpless Master Can Use This Skill Freely

[Upgradeted Version Of Au Reset Button]

Make An Au Get Reseted To When The First Time A Human Came To The Au Master Can Choose Who Can Remember Everything That Happen

[Upgrade Button]

Can Upgrade Everthing In Your Au(Permission Needed)





.....I Upgrade Gaster Form And Make Him Can Talk In A Language That Everyone Can Understand....And I Make Him The Same Like Me Black Bones With Purple But With A Black Purple Scientist Clothing And A Black Pants

...I Guess Im To Addicted To Purple And Black I Don't Care Tho But I Done Upgradeing Gaster Form....I See The Upgradeing And Its Look Like Many Code Is Going In To Gaster

Body.... And Its Done He Just Standing There Seeing His Hand I See Him Summon His Flying Hand I See Hes Black And Purple Like Me Beside Of That I Guess Everthing That I Create Or Uprade Gonna Be Black And Purple

Cause I Like It...I See Gaster Looking At Me


I Raised My Hand With Smile In My Face_^

And He Rushed At Me And Grab My Hand

G:Thanks Zero

I See Him Tear Its Been So Long Gaster Been In The Void Cause What I Know Everytime Player Reset But Gaster Can Only Watch His Home Destroyed And Monster Get Killed

Beside That's What I Know As A Player Tho And We Player Don't Know The Diffrent Time Goes By Between The Void And The Underground... I See Gaster Smile Waiting For Answer

Z:No Problem Gaster Now You Can Visit Sans And Papyrus_^

G:Yeah Its Been So Long Im Going Out

I See Him Going Out Fast Cause I Upgrade Him I Make His Leg Like The X Gaster Leg

That Is Flying I Guess...

I Follow Gaster Until I See Papyrus...

Gaster Slowly Aprouch Him


Papyrus Turn His Head To Him And See Gaster With Shocked Eye Seeing Two Skeleton With Black And Purple Skin

Papyrus:Oh Hello My Name Is Papyrus Nice Too Meet You

Papyrus rais His Hand In Front Of Gaster And Gaster Grab And Shake It

Gaster:Its Been So Long Paps

Papyrus With Confused Face Wandering Do He Meet Gaster Before

Papyrus:Do We Meet Before?

I Know This Gonna Happen I Approuch Those Two

Z:Hello Papyrus My Name Is Zero And This Is Gaster We Want To Meet Sans

Papyrus:Oh You Guys Looking For My Brother Come Here Follow Me

I And Gaster Follow Papyrus

Z:Gaster We Have To Talk To Sans First You Know Only Him That Remember You Right

Gaster:Sorry Zero I Guess Im To Excited

We Follow Papyrus And Then....

Papyrus See Sans With Human Frisk Sans And Frisk Notice Me,Gaster And Papyrus

Papyrus:Sans Is That A Human

Sans:....Yeah Bro Her Name Is Frisk

Frisk Use Flirt To Papyrus

Papyrus:Ahh I See A Human Is Not That Bad Either ^_^....Sans I Guess They Want To Meet You Papyrus Show Me And Gaster

Z:Yo My Name Is Zero Nice Too Meet Toh Sans


I See Sans Focused His Eyes In Gaster
